The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 254 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

It was a snowy night, people were chilled by the cold wind, and office workers who got off work late were unwilling to stay outside for a minute and a second in such a cold weather.

However, it is such a cold day, but there is a figure, he is wearing a thin white shirt, completely out of tune with this cold day, he is walking alone on the deserted street, there are no cars on the road, so he stepped on There were footprints on the white paper, only his footprints, the night lights on the roadside street stretched his shadow, and the heavy snow suddenly fell!Slowly covered his footprints.

He walked over slowly, as if he had left something behind, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing left.

When he came under a street lamp, he stopped and looked at the person opposite. The person opposite him wore very little clothes like him. He only wore a white suspender dress and was even barefoot. Her silver hair and The snowflakes that fell on her head merged into one, and she was as white as the white paper on the ground.

Her eyes were calm, just like this night.

And what she has to do is the same as this cold wind.

"Just in such a hurry? Just came to find me?"

Shaodongzhe grinned, even though he knew what Guan Twelve was going to do, he still looked carefree, as if he didn't care at all.

Indeed, it's not really dead, so there's nothing to care about.

"Yeah, aren't you very happy?" Guan Twelve smiled, holding a dagger in his hand, and looked at the red-haired boy opposite with a smile.

"...Aren't you different?"

Shao Dongzhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Guan Twelve in front of him. She seemed to have changed, but she didn't seem to have.

"It's become more beautiful, I know you don't need to tell me, Lie Chan Yunnai has already told me."

Guan Twelve touched his face and said seriously.

"Huh?" Guan Twelve's narcissism shocked Shao Dongzhe, and he didn't slow down for a long time!

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense, let's fight, finish early and go home early!" Guan Twelve turned the dagger in his hand and rushed over, Shao Dongzhe escaped in a dangerous situation, but he still didn't breathe a sigh of relief. Guan Twelve turned around again He kicked Shao Dongzhe in the face and kicked him to the ground!Guan Twelve sat straddling Shao Dongzhe and was about to stab him with a dagger in his hand.

Shao Dongzhe hurriedly shouted: "Wait!"

"No." Wait a minute!I've wanted to fuck you for a long time! !

Guan Twelve stabbed in with a blank face!

As the knife pierced into the flesh, Shao Dongzhe let out a scream, and then the blood strip was instantly emptied, white roses bloomed from the wound, and the blood also stained the nearby Bai Xue red!
Guan Twelve stood up, then strode away. She looked at the number of players left above her head, turned and left.

The next day, Oakwood Wenchuan found that Guan Twelve was missing, thinking that she had gone to work in the store again, but when he arrived at the store, the people in the store said that Guan Twelve had submitted his resignation letter a few days ago and had left the store. shop.

"Eh?? Have you already left?" Zuomu Wenchuan looked confused.

"Yes, it seems that I applied for it a long time ago, but I haven't agreed to it. It seems that I agreed recently because of urgent matters. That's right! During this time, that one has been spending money in the store and staring at Miss Twelve. My man is gone too~"

The clerk covered his face and thought for a while.


At this moment, another clerk came over and said, "Yes, I haven't seen him for a while, after all, he is quite handsome, looks very sunny and rich, it's just the look in his eyes You have been staring at Miss Twelfth all the time, and you haven't given us anything~"

Her tone sounded regretful and sad.

"Single-minded young master, that's what you call him, right? Could it be that Miss Twelve finally agreed to his pursuit, and then the two went to the villa in the forest for their honeymoon?"

The clerk suddenly thought of something, then his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.



Oakwood Wenchuan and another clerk exclaimed at the same time!
Compared with Zumu Wenchuan's disbelief, the clerk was more excited: "Really?! It's possible! After all, he is really handsome and rich!!"

"Ah ~ yes! If it were me, I would agree!"

Seeing the two clerks fall into fantasy, Zuomu Wenchuan turned and left. He took out his mobile phone while walking, dialed the number that had been in his mobile phone all the time, and put it to his ear. He waited nervously, so nervous that he bit his thumb !

He wasn't worried that Twelve was with that so-called rich red-haired man, he was just worried that Miss Twelve was in danger.

The phone next to my ear is still waiting to be connected!
Oakwood Wenchuan felt that the time passed so slowly. Just when he thought there was no way to connect, the phone was connected suddenly. The background music inside was very messy, but he could still hear the familiar voice:
【Hey? 】

"Please... is this Miss Twelve?" Zuomu Wenchuan stopped, and then asked cautiously, pursing his lips.

【...It was you who called me, Wenchuan, didn't you give me a note? 】

After two seconds of silence over there, she gave a "puh" smile, her tone was helpless and relaxed, and it could be heard that she was not in any danger!
Zuomu Wenchuan was also able to breathe a sigh of relief, and then he thought of something, and asked, "So... is Miss Twelve with that red-haired person?"

"Red hair?" Guan Twelve was taken aback for a moment, she thought for a while and then realized that he was talking about Shao Dongzhe.

"Oh, I'm not with him."

Hearing Guan Twelve's answer, Zuo Mu Wenchuan took a deep breath, and his heart was completely relieved.

【Originally, I didn't see Miss Twelve in the room when I got up in the morning, and I was worried that Miss Twelve would go to work before she was injured. But when I arrived at the store, I was notified that Miss Twelve had resigned. I was shocked. 】

Oakwood Wenchuan's weak explanation came from the mobile phone, and he smiled when he talked about it later. He probably wanted to hear his own explanation, but he didn't dare to ask.

Guan Twelve took a deep breath, and then exhaled, she said: "Wenchuan, it's true that I have resigned, and I may miss the appointment."

【what? 】

"About the fact that you will watch a movie with you after defeating Yamata no Orochi, I may miss the appointment."

【etc!Why? !What's the meaning!Where are you now? ! 】

On the phone, Zuomu Wenchuan's tone was tense and anxious!
Guan Twelve heard Zumu Wenchuan's voice raised because of worry, she raised her head and looked forward!You can see row after row of streets without looking too far. Cars and people are as small as ants at the moment.Her hair was messed up by the high wind, and there were three people standing in front of her. They all had the same goal, which was to eliminate the enemies in front of them and become the last victorious player!

"I am now at……"

Guan Twelve looked up at the top of the red landmark building she was stepping on, and she pursed her lips and said, "Tokyo Skytree."


Before Zumu Wenchuan could finish speaking, Guan Twelve hung up the phone.

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