The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 253 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

Do you like someone...

Guan Twelve pondered for a long time, then smiled and said, "Maybe there was."

"Eh?! Really? Who? Do we know each other? It can't be your colleague, wait! Could it be that red-haired man who has been sitting in the shop where you work all the time?!" Lie Chan Yun Nai's eyes lit up all of a sudden, girls always have a strong interest in gossip!
So I quickly asked the bottom line!

It even involved Shao Dongzhe. After all, Shao Dongzhe has been sitting in Guan Twelve's store, and in order to be able to sit in the store and watch Guan Twelve spend a lot of money to get a lot of cards. 11 things everyone knows.

At that time, Liechan Yunnai also teased Zumu Wenchuan that he had no chance. He is handsome, rich and dedicated. You are a student. It is obvious who to choose!

Guan Twelve felt sick to her stomach when she thought of Shao Dongzhe that bad guy, she quickly shook her head and said, "No, it's not him."

"Then tell me quickly, who are you talking about? Do we know each other?" Lie Chan Yunnai was very excited!After all, what kind of person a person like Guan Twelve would like has always been a topic of discussion among the six of them.

Although I know it's not good to gossip behind people's backs, but it's human nature to gossip.

"You don't know each other." Guan Twelve smiled and said, "Although I like it, I just like it, and I won't go any further."

"Eh? Why?!" Lie Chan Yunnai felt a little pity, then thought about it and asked: "Is there some reason why we can't be together?"

Guan Twelve thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's right."

"Could it be that he doesn't like you?" Liechan Yunnai asked cautiously.

Guan Twelve thought of the young man confessing to himself with a blushing face, shook his head and said, "No."

The player thinks that he should like him, and he likes it very much.

"Could it be that his family disagrees?"

Officer Twelve shook his head.

The player thinks that his uncle should also like him very much.

"Does your family disagree?"

"I have no family."

"Ah... sorry."


Lie Chan Yunnai asked several reasons in a row, but they were all denied by Guan Twelve. Lie Chan Yunnai was puzzled. She lay on Guan Twelve's bed with her head up, her red hair scattered on the white bed like a waterfall. On the bed sheet, she buried her whole face in the quilt, and then made a muffled voice that she didn't understand:
"It's outrageous? What is the reason? Is it the separation between life and death?"

Guan Twelve didn't speak, she just looked at the sun outside, and replied flatly, "Probably."

Liechan Yunnai raised her head all of a sudden, stared at Guan Twelve with wide eyes in disbelief: "Could it really be the distance between life and death?!"

Guan Twelve smiled and said nothing.

life or death?Probably, the boy in this era passed away a long time ago, but the legend about him has been written and praised by later generations. He is destined to be a legend.

And she was full of appreciation for him because she had seen him in a book, and this appreciation also unknowingly turned into a good impression.

But this feeling was ultimately fruitless.

He is an indelible legend in the Ganges of history!And she is just a little star in the sea of ​​stars in real life!

Started as a legend and ended as a legend.

But Guan Twelve doesn't regret it, because this is the path she chose, she doesn't belong to his era, and she shouldn't be included in his legend.

Maybe the story is just data, and she can live there.

But that system has already told Guan Twelve that if she chooses to live here, maybe she won't be able to return to the real world.

She didn't dare to bet, maybe she could ask, maybe it wasn't what she thought, but then what?She enjoyed short-lived happiness, she is not a strong person, just like after she was pampered by Shao Qiuyan in the game, she would start to depend on her.

Without Shaoqiuyan, she would not get used to it, and she would complain that no one would spend money for her to live a hard life.

People are like this, they start to dislike their own life after enjoying it, and the same is true of Guan Twelve.

But she knew she couldn't do this, so she forced herself to calm down and told herself what she needed to do, what to do!What should be done!
Instead of always thinking about easy things to do!
She wants to make money!To live!In her story!Proud to live forever!

So she can't live there, it doesn't belong to her, it belongs to that boy.

And she should go back to her own story.

Guan Twelve took a deep breath and then exhaled.

After this thought, Guan Twelve's originally chaotic thoughts gradually stretched out.

Perhaps it was because of meeting Nesje in this world, so Guan Twelve's mind was always in a mess. From time to time, she wondered, if Nesje could come, then could that boy also...

But now she understands!Anyone has nothing to do with her!She can't mess her up because of anyone!

Whether you come or not, that relationship should be over!
She needs to keep going!

Although memories are beautiful, they are memories after all, and she must continue to create even better memories than this!
look!That's what it means to live, isn't it? !
Think so!Guan Twelve's eyes became much firmer.

She pursed her lips and let out all the breath in her heart, and suddenly felt a lot lighter all over her body! !
Even Liechan Yunnai noticed that Guan Twelve had changed when she looked at this time, and couldn't help asking: "What did you do just now? How do I feel, you look better?"

Guan Twelve looked at Liechan Yunnai, smiled and said, "Really?"

"Well, it looks better than before. Although it was not bad before, I always felt that you seemed to have thoughts. Are you trying to understand something now?"

Listening to Liechan Yunnai's words, Guan Twelve smiled even more happily, she said: "Well, I think about it, in the end I have to thank you, Yunna, when I get better, I'll make a meal to repay you .”

"Hmph~ Miss Ben doesn't like your cooking. The food you cook must be terrible, but if you insist, Miss Ben can try it..."

Seeing Liechan and Yunnai's arrogant attributes rise again, Guan Twelve smiled.

After all, he is a cute child, and he also has a sense of beauty when he is arrogant.

Then she looked at the glaring sunlight outside the window, today's weather seemed to be good, and her feet seemed to be in better condition.

She looked at the players above her head, and there were only five left.

Wait, it's time to end this battle.

She lived so comfortably in this script, more comfortable than any previous script.

But now, the holidays are over and the fun killing games begin again!

So first, let's take the most annoying guy first! !

Thinking about it, Twelve said: I did it!Let's get down to business hahaha
Ask for votes, ask for votes, this story is over soon, tell me what you want to see, tell me quickly

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