The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 252 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

Guan Twelve is lying on the bedside. This room is not too big. It should be used by guests. There is nothing else in it except the bed. The main purpose of this house is that Oak Wenchuan's parents think that Oak Wenchuan should have a pet, so they prepared a pet room.

But because Zumu Wenchuan has never kept pets, it is free.

Hearing Zuo Mu Wenchuan's words, Guan Twelve couldn't help feeling sad.

Pets have a separate room. It can be seen that Zumu Wenchuan's family also has certain conditions. Although it can't be said to be rich, it is at least a wealthy family.

Hearing what Guan Twelve said, Zuo Mu Wenchuan quickly waved his hands and explained: "No, no, my family is not as rich as Miss Twelve thought. In fact, our family is really ordinary, and my pocket money is very little."

"It's Yunnai's family, that's called wealth, I can only be regarded as ordinary."

When Zuomu Wenchuan thought that Liechan Yunnai's jewelry cost hundreds of thousands of yen, and his pocket money for a year was only this, he immediately felt the gap.

Looking at the suddenly depressed Oakwood Wenchuan, Guan Twelve didn't know which point she had triggered the child's sensitive button, but she really felt that Oakwood Wenchuan was doing well, so she stretched out her hand and rubbed the child sitting next to her. Oak Wenchuan's hairy head said seriously:
"You are already happier than many people."

Oakwood Wenchuan looked up at Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve said seriously: "Your geographical location, the rooms in this area can be said to be ridiculously expensive, and you can have such a big house in such an area, your Your parents are really hardworking and amazing, and you have lived here alone for so long, you are also amazing, there are many people worse than you, you are not ordinary, you are excellent, and your parents are also excellent, So please don't be ashamed."

Guan Twelve One thinks that he is still renting a house and earning barely enough money to live on, yet he is here to comfort a man who has a two-story independent courtyard in Ginza, Tokyo!
I feel sad.

How can she! !
Even in real life, she is a family with no house, no car and no savings!

Sure enough, people can't compare, the more you compare, the worse you are!

"Then...that, Miss Twelve, then rest here, and just tell me if you have anything to say!"

The cheerful Oak Wood Wenchuan said goodbye to the players and closed the door thoughtfully.

Guan Twelve lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the tranquility of this moment.

Guan Twelve stayed at Zumu Wenchuan's house for a week, and this week was not peaceful.

Because from time to time Liechan Yunnai would come over to chat with her, basically complaining about Ji Sagihiko's incomprehensibility.

That's right, Liechan Yunnai, the eldest lady of Liechan's family who is good-looking and worth over [-] million yuan, has fallen in love with Ji Sagihiko who has always been cold-faced!

However, Ji Sagihiko's heart is either Akiki Wenchuan or saving the world, and there is nothing about the relationship between men and women!

This is a pain for Liechan Yunnai, and she is still the arrogant type.

The relationship between Tsundere and Wood is:

"You have encountered suffering! If you encounter it, tell me, I am happy today, so I will help you!" Lie Chan Yunnai snorted coldly and said to Ji Sagihiko.

"No, if I can't solve this matter, then how can I be the heir of the Sasaki family? Go away and don't bother me."

Ji Sagihiko responded indifferently, and refused Liechan Yunnai's approach.

Liechan Yunnai: ...

For example, after Ji Sagihiko cooked, Liechan Yunnai took a bite. Although it was delicious, she still said arrogantly: "This dish is very ordinary, and it barely meets my taste. Forget it, There's nothing to eat here, so Miss Ben reluctantly..."

"Don't force it, eat it or not." Ji Sagihiko directly snatched Lie Chan Yunnai's meal and threw it into the trash can.

Liechan Yunnai: You! ! !

All in all, it was Liechan Yunnai's arrogant character who lost Ji Sagihiko further and further away bit by bit.

Listening to Liechan Yunnai crying to herself, Guan Twelve was expressionless. She didn't know when she had evolved into the role of a comforting and caring big sister.

She really wanted to ask a question, because now the fucking Zumu Wenchuan is getting closer to the battle, and she is not strong enough, so she can't sleep all night because of worry!
What kind of love are you talking about? ! !

Guan Twelve took a deep breath, then looked at Liechan Yunnai and said, "I think you'd better put your mind in the right place, so that Ji Sagihiko might look at you differently."

"What do you mean?" Lie Chan Yunnai frowned, why did she feel that this sentence was so wrong.

"The war is coming, I thought you came to me at least because you were anxious because you were worried that you would not be able to fight, just like Zumu Wenchuan, but if you came to talk to me about this, I can only tell you, I'm sorry, I I don’t think now is the time to talk about that.”

Liechan Yunnai was stunned, she looked at Guan Twelve and the red-haired girl in front of her in a little helplessness.

Guan Twelve knows what Liechan Yunnai is thinking. It is normal for her to have this concern at her age, but she still feels that with Ji Sagihiko's personality, no matter what means she uses, she can't grab his attention now, because For him now, the most important thing is to find the last partner, and then fight Yamata no Orochi!
This is what Ji Sagihiko is more concerned about.

"I... sorry." Lie Chan Yunnai is not an idiot, she quickly realized what Guan Twelve said, and then thought of the hard training of her partners during this period, but she just focused on Ji Zuo On Kihiko.

Looking at it this way, she is indeed too naive, and she doesn't care about the occasion.

"Don't apologize, you are not wrong." Guan Twelve looked at Lie Chan Yunnai, she said:
"There's nothing wrong with liking someone, it's just that the time of liking is wrong. After this matter is over, you should pursue him. It will be much easier than at this time."

"What about you, Twelve? Do you have someone you like?" Lie Chan Yunnai suddenly changed the topic to Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve was taken aback for a moment.

"You have said so much truth, you must understand a lot, don't you also have someone you like but can't be together because of certain things?"

Liechan Yunnai tilted her head and looked at Guan Twelve. There was no way that Guan Twelve had been acting too easily, and it made people feel that she had experienced many things.

But she has never seen her having an affair with any boy in such a long time.

Even treating Oak Wenchuan is like treating a younger brother, without the feeling of pink bubbles.

But she just knows so much.

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