The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 251 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

Probably because he didn't expect Guan Twelve to be so straightforward, Santaro Onyama was caught off guard. He touched the back of his head helplessly, and said weakly, "'s nothing."

It's just a lie.

Guan Twelve pursed her lips, and she looked at Santaro Onyama with calm and gentle eyes and continued to ask, "Perhaps, you can tell me the truth so that you can hear the real answer, right?"

Guan Twelve's words had an effect, Onyama Santaro hesitated for a moment, and he asked the question in his heart: "Are you...are you taking advantage of Zuaki's feelings?"


? ? ? ! !

Yamu Wenchuan who was sitting over there suddenly coughed in fright, and Liechan Yunnai and Jisakihiko looked at him with speechless eyes.

That look seemed to say, what are you kidding? !

"Isn't it? Don't you plan to use Oakwood's feelings to instruct him to do things to achieve your interests, and throw him away when he is useless?!" Onyama Santaro became more and more excited as he spoke!He seemed to think that he was being used by Nana at that time!It is a sad and angry mood!Let the abilities around him start to become chaotic!
Guan Twelve knows what Santaro Onyama thinks. If it was her before, she would still hesitate. At that time, she was indeed the same as that Nana. She would just abandon people or NPCs who were useless to her, and play with feelings?Although she doesn't know how to do this, but when she knows the feelings of others for her, she will use it!Like this time /.

This is very difficult to change, because it is really easy to use and can save a lot of time and effort. It is a good method, why not?
But the biggest difference between her now and before is that she will not abandon them.

At least she won't turn around and run away when she sees him like Nana did!She will try to save them too!Because she knew that this group of NPCs was very likely to be no different from her!
Of course, these are just her guesses, but after a series of strange things happened recently, including Nesjay who unexpectedly met in this plot world, she felt more and more wrong.

At the very least, you still have to follow your own inner thoughts.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, whether they are real and pure, or just a group of data, in Guan Twelve's view, they are no different from himself, except that he is not in this world, but they exist in this plot.

Thinking this way, Guan Twelve also answered Onyama Santaro's question:

"Playing with feelings? Of course I don't think I am not such a person, but I think I should not be that bad. At least, I am sincere to you. You can believe this."

The player's answer was ambiguous. Onusan Santaro didn't hear the answer he heard first, but Zuaki Wenchuan and the others knew it very well.

Especially Zumu Wenchuan, he is not an idiot, although he is not smart, at least he understands the meaning of Guan Twelve's words.

She is very kind to herself, that's because she is her friend or something else, but she will definitely not be her partner, which is already secretly rejecting him.

He would be a fool if he didn't understand.


Zuomu Wenchuan looked at the pure and beautiful Guan Twelve sitting there like a blooming gardenia, and thought of how decisive and resolute she was when she killed someone, and her indifferent eyes at that time were profound. It's in his heart, but he also knows that that's how she survives!She had to, because if she didn't, she was the one to die.

She just wanted to live. Although it was unfair to those who died, Zuomu Wenchuan still wanted to say this for Guan Twelve.

He is not a Holy Mother, maybe he was before, but now that he has experienced so much, his mind is no longer as soft as it was then, and his thoughts will naturally change!Just like the people who killed Yaqi, they did it for the world and to prevent the Yaqi snake from being released.

Then Guan Twelve and the others did this to keep themselves alive.

When people do something, they always have a reason, a reason that maybe only they understand!
They can't comment on what others are doing, let alone criticize other people's affairs.

All they can do is do their own thing well.

Therefore, Zuomu Wenchuan felt that he was not qualified to evaluate what Guan Twelve did, and he could not be angry with Guan Twelve.

Because he has found that his eyes have been staring at the girl unconsciously.

It's just that his thoughts were also discovered by that girl, and she rejected it now.

But this still can't be changed, he has a crush on this kind of girl, and the fact that his thoughts will be biased towards her.

Thinking of this, Zumu Wenchuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

He really likes Miss Twelve, even if he refuses, he still likes her very much.

That gentle and independent girl.

He was deeply attracted.

Oakwood Wenchuan took a deep breath, and then regrouped!
It doesn't matter!It's okay to be rejected by Miss Twelve, because she still has her own things to do now!It's normal to reject him!As long as he and her are still friends, as long as Miss Twelfth still looks at her tenderly, then she still has a chance!
Oakwood Wenchuan cheered himself up like this!

On the other hand, Santaro Onsan was not so easy to fool. He was going to continue to ask, but was slapped on the shoulder by Feng Yesui, who pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "Santaro, it's almost done, don't scare away Our friend."

Feng Yesui's words have already shown the meaning, Guan Twelve is their friend, so she will not do anything to hurt them.

Although Santaro Onyama still doesn't trust Guan Twelve very much, after all, the smartest person among them has already opened his mouth, and Santaro Onyama also trusts Maple Leaf Sui very much, so he didn't continue to ask further questions. Give it up for now.

And Liechan Yunnai originally wanted Guan Twelve to live with her, but now that Guan Twelve is a patient after all, it is safer to live in a room by himself, and Liechan Yunnai's room is on the second floor. Mu Wenchuan decisively decided to let Guan Twelve live in a house alone.

The structure of Zumu Wenchuan's house is a two-story building. The first floor is the living room, kitchen and bathroom plus two independent rooms. The second floor has three rooms, one is the study room, and now it is the house of Fengye Sui and Wenshan Santaro, and then Lie In Yunnai's room, Ji Sagihiko didn't like the second floor, so he lived on the first floor, so Wenchuan Zuomu lived in the remaining room on the second floor.

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