The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 250 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Records

Seeing the young man fall into the cycle of low self-esteem again, Guan Twelve immediately interrupted his fantasy, explaining: "I'm just afraid that I'll tire you out"

"Ah, that's it! I thought I was sorry! Don't worry, Miss Twelve, I'm not tired!" Zuomu Wenchuan looked at Guan Twelve with a face of assurance. Behind her back!
Needless to say, Zumu Wenchuan's back is very stable, and the shoulders of the young man have begun to move closer to the mature direction.

On the side of Zumu Wenchuan, he felt the girl's exclusive soft fragrance from his back!My heart beats faster!
He wanted to feel it carefully, but he didn't dare to savor it!

So in order to divert his attention, he cautiously asked the girl behind him, "Did you touch your wound?"

Guan Twelve understood the young man's mind and chuckled lightly, but with this smile, the young man's face turned even redder.

I arrived at the hospital soon, and after an examination, Guan Twelve was simply twisted, and no bones were injured, but because Guan Twelve's skin was too delicate, it looked very serious, and it was fine to rest for two weeks.

Listening to the doctor's description, the player subconsciously looked at his ankle, um, it was the intact ankle, it looked really thin, delicate and tender, probably because of the data, the player's original body was not so tender, And it's not so white, and there are more or less scars left by suicide attempts on the body, which is why players have never dared to wear skirts outside to show their arms, but players are very obsessed with skirts in the game, maybe this is why To make up for the regrets in real life.

"Miss Twelve, please stay at home and recover from your injuries during this time." Zuomu Wenchuan helped Guan Twelve down the steps of the hospital gate one by one. Bandages!

"Well, it seems like this is the only way to go." Guan Twelve raised his head.

There are still 12 players left in the current number of players, which means that after removing her and Shao Dongzhe, there are still ten players, ten, now she is no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. It's I have to find bodyguards.

"Then...well, Miss Twelve, can you stay at home alone? Do you need someone to take care of you?"

After Guan Twelve paused, she looked at the young man beside her who was supporting her. He seemed to be really worried about herself, and his eyes were full of worry!

But Zuomu Wenchuan was really worried about how Guan Twelve would live in the past two weeks. He remembered that Guan Twelve lived alone, and now she was injured, and no one took care of her. Do you want to order takeaway?What should I do if I encounter bad people? !Although Miss Twelve is amazing!But now she can't move at all!
If you meet bad guys!Miss Twelve is still so beautiful!

Oakwood Wenchuan is beyond imagination!
"Perhaps...if it's convenient, can I trouble you..." Guan Twelve looked at Zumu Wenchuan, pursed his lips and asked him softly.

The girl was very close to him, touching the boy's cheek with every breath, and her voice surrounded his ears, even though he had a premonition, but at this moment, he still couldn't help but get nervous!

The girl's last sentence slowed down several times in his ears, and every word made him blush and his heart beat: "Excuse me... take me to your house?"

"What... what?!" Zuomu Wenchuan's eyes suddenly enlarged, and he looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief. She was staring at him with her gentle eyes, as if waiting for an answer from him.

"It's fine if you bother me." Guan Twelve saw that Zumu Wenchuan hadn't spoken for a long time, she sighed softly, and then turned her face away, but Zuomu Wenchuan immediately reacted when she heard this, and shouted excitedly: "No ! Do not disturb! Or rather welcome! Miss Twelve is very welcome to my house!! Thank you very much!!"

"Well...then I'll trouble you..."

Zumu Wenchuan’s home is not too far away, but it’s not close either. It would take half an hour for Zumu Wenchuan to walk with Guan Twelve. I’m afraid that Guan Twelve can’t bear it, so Zumu Wenchuan took a taxi. Well, taking a taxi in Japan is a very extravagant act. Yamu Wenchuan is just a high school student, and when the official Twelve wanted to pay the money, Yamu Wenchuan refused.

Oakwood Wenchuan said that he wanted to take a taxi, and he still went to his house. No matter how he calculated it, he shouldn't spend money on the official twelfth.

Zumu Wenchuan does not live with his parents, who have been working in other places, so Zumu Wenchuan is the only one in his family.

It was a very ordinary Japanese-style house. Zuomu Wenchuan's family was relatively wealthy, and there was a second-floor hut with a small independent yard. At the moment, there were five people living in this house.

One is Yamu Wenchuan who is the owner of the house, and the others are Ji Sagihiko, Onyama Santaro, Lie Chan Yunna, Lei Shenming, and Maple Leaf Sui.

"So, is there someone coming in this small house?" Lie Chan Yunnai asked with her hands in her pockets sitting on a chair in the living room, looking at Zuo Mu Wenchuan and Guan Twelve, raising her brows.

Oakwood Wenchuan nodded, and then explained weakly: "Because Miss Twelfth is injured, and she is still alone, if she lives alone, she might encounter some hardships, that's what I think..."

"...I don't care, it's fine to live with me anyway," after confirming that Zumu Wenchuan had no bad intentions and that Guan Twelve was indeed injured, Liechan Yunnai didn't care. During the time when Twelve got along in Yokohama, the relationship was not as rigid as before, especially after knowing that Guan Twelve was a Cinderella, Liechan Yunnai's attitude towards her could be said to be much more tolerant.

After all, Guan Twelve really didn't have any bad intentions towards them.

Besides, there are five men in this already small house besides myself!Liechan Yunnai also felt uncomfortable in her heart. Now that she has a girl to accompany her as a companion, Liechan Yunnai is naturally happy.

Maple Leaf Sui and Ji Sagihiko did not have any objections.

Lei Shenming met Guan Twelve when he lost his memory, and knew that although this girl belonged to Baqi, she was not malicious, and she was pretty good to him at that time, so he would not be too disgusted with Guan Twelve.

But what I care about here is Santaro Onyama who has been cheated by the player once and has a psychological shadow.

The way he looked at Guan Twelve was the same as looking at Nana, the player who lied to his feelings!
It was a look of vigilance and hatred, which made it difficult for Guan Twelve to ignore, so she simply asked:
"Is there something against me?"

Qiqi: What do you guys want to see after this story is over? Don’t worry, there are still a few copies of Qiqi, just ask in advance.

Twelve: How about taking a vacation?
Qiqi: The son-in-law you almost got out of last vacation, do you still want it? ?

Twelve: Ahem, that's all in the past tense.

So, what script do you guys want to see?

A Xianxia
B martial arts
C Wenxia

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