The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 104 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 104 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom (End)
Sure?Players are not sure, so far they don't have an accurate answer, all of this is just their guess.

"What if... what if you fail?" Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't answer her, Li Na knew that they had no guarantee for their behavior at all.
"We accept failure, but we don't accept giving up without trying."

Guan Twelve lowered her eyes and her health bar was only 2% left. She was lying on the snow, and the snowflakes fell on her face. Her face was pale and bloodless, but she was also smiling. Li Na remembered that, except for Yu Lingling who was afraid of pain, the others were also smiling when they died!
"Speaking of which, if ten flowers can make your wish come true, I will give you the rest. Don't you also have a wish that you want to come true?"

Even at this moment, this kind person still thinks about her...

Li Na bit her lip.

She didn't understand, really didn't understand, why would they do this?
She had vaguely guessed that this group of people did not belong to the same world as her, and Guan Twelve had also told her that they did not belong to this world!They are going home!Get out of here!

But they have no choice at all, they don't know how to leave!

This is just their guess, but they are also willing to try desperately!

Why?Although they do not belong to this world, this world also accepts them, which means that they can also live in this world!And with their strange abilities, they could be kings in this world!And why do you have to leave here? !

Can't figure it out!Can't figure it out!
Li Na really can't figure it out! !
She couldn't figure it out, so she cried and asked, "Why do you have to go back? Are you not good in this world? You are amazing! You can live in this world! Why do you have to go back?!"

Guan Twelve saw that her health was only 1% left, and Li Na needed to do the rest. She handed the dagger to Li Na with all her strength, then closed her eyes, and said the last sentence: "I don't belong here."

I don't belong here so I have to go back!

Li Na walked over to pick up the dagger. She stood next to Guan Twelve, then slowly knelt down, put down the 74 blood-stained white roses in her hand, and held the dagger tightly with both hands. She watched lying there with a smile on her face waiting to die The official twelve...

It was the same way before. When they first met, she held up a dagger to kill Guan Twelve in the same way. Both times, Guan Twelve voluntarily asked her to kill him. She couldn't do it the first time!Because she can't kill!She is afraid of killing, she dare not kill!
But this time, she closed her eyes and stabbed in fiercely!

With the last bit of serum emptied, a white rose grew from Guan Twelve's mouth...

Li Na was trembling all over, panting heavily, this was her first time killing someone!She looked at her blood-stained hands, tears could not stop flowing!

The first person she killed turned out to be a friend of hers! !

Li Na opened her mouth but couldn't speak, she suddenly felt a nausea in her throat, turned around and retched!


[What's the point of being alive? 】

[Living can only have this pursuit. 】

[I have no wish. 】

【My only wish is to leave this world, I want to die...】

【We are not from this world, we have to leave this world!And to leave this world we need you! 】

What Guan Twelve said to her appeared in her mind very clearly at this moment...

Li Na cried silently!Retching!

But she calmed down quickly, knowing that she couldn't go on like this, it was too cold here, and her blood would condense quickly...

Li Na wiped the corners of her mouth and touched her tears carelessly, then stretched out her hand and hesitated for a second and pulled out the white rose of Guan Twelve. With the other hand, she pulled out the dagger she hadn't taken down just now because she was afraid, and dipped the white rose on it. Blood on the chest.

At that moment, the white rose in his hand was suddenly dyed red, and slowly descended from the tip of the blood-stained petal, covering the entire petal, the entire stamen!At this moment, the white rose in my hand turned into a red rose, and the 74 roses behind me were also dyed red and turned into red roses at the same time!

Li Na stared wide-eyed at the red rose in her hand, which exuded an alluring sweet floral fragrance.

At this time, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky!
The blizzard actually stopped in an instant, and the snow that would not land in the future stopped in mid-air, as if time stood still at this moment.

Li Na looked at the direction of the light, and instantly squinted her eyes. The light gradually weakened. It was a huge figure blocking the light. It was a thing with six huge white wings. The wings covered the light. Only the gaps in the wings reveal a faint light, against which the light cannot see its entire appearance, Li Na can only vaguely see that the wings are densely covered with eyes, which looks very creepy.

[Hello to the lucky one holding the red rose. 】

Li Na was stunned by the emotionless machine voice, unable to tell the difference between men and women. She subconsciously looked at the rose in her hand, thinking that the thing in front of her might be the legendary Thousand-Eyed Brightness!
She quickly got up and picked up the red roses next to her. Some of them fell to the ground because she was trying to save them. Li Na carefully picked them up, then continued to look at Qianyanming, and asked, "Are you... Qianyanming?"

【Yes, please state your wish. 】

Li Na was about to speak, but she suddenly stopped...

Qian Yanming seemed to know her consideration, and said indifferently: [You can only make one wish. 】

"Why... can't a wish come true with just ten flowers?!" [You can only make one wish. 】Qianyan Ming did not answer her question, but continued to repeat the sentence coldly.

Li Na gritted her teeth...why...

[I can help you choose. ] Qian Yanming suddenly spoke at this time, and he said:

【Do you want roses to bloom in the snow, or restore the country to its original appearance? It's up to you. 】

[Make your choice. 】

what is this? !

Li Na raised her head and looked at Qian Yanming seriously, she said without hesitation: "What choice is there?!"

"Thousand eyes are bright, I hope! Red roses bloom in the snow!"

【……are you sure?If you choose this, your country will always be in the wind and snow, there will be no four seasons, no spring breeze, it will always be in this cold, give you another chance to choose, make your choice. 】Qianyan Ming was silent for half a second, then asked again as if confirming.

"Don't be sure anymore!" Li Na hugged the red rose tightly in her arms!
These are the hearts of 75 people who would rather die than go home!How could she!Use their hearts to realize their wishes? !

"I have only one wish! Red roses in the snow! Please bloom!"

(End of this chapter)

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