The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 103 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 103 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (32)

Shaoqiuyan walked in front, followed by Guan Twelve and Li Na, Li Na was no longer in the mood to sing, there were no people, there were fewer people, and the song did not have the passion of that time.

Guan Twelve is not a person who likes to sing, the two of them followed behind Shaoqiuyan, it was too quiet, even the quiet Shaoqiuyan felt a little helpless:
"I said, when others leave, there is an accompaniment, why don't I have it?"

".I do not know how to sing."

"Eh? If you don't have a song, it's lonely to walk in front. Just take it as your heart hurts me, and sing a song."

Guan Twelve was silent for a while, then looked at Shaoqiuyan's slowly decreasing health bar, thought for a while and asked, "What do you want to hear?"

"...You can sing, it's beautiful."

Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan's back, she thought for a while, she knew too few songs, after thinking about it, she thought of a song, a song that she had in the future when she was a child. Song her dead mother sang to her:

"Outside the the ancient road...the grass is green..."

It's true that Guan Twelve's singing wasn't very pleasant, even a little out of tune, but it was such an out of tune song that calmed people down.

"The end of the sky...the corner of the earth...the best friend is half gone...a pot of dirty wine is enough to make you happy...tonight...don't dream cold..."

Guan Twelve looked at the fallen Shaoqiuyan and stopped singing. Shaoqiuyan squinted his eyes slightly, he was still smiling, or he was born with a smiling face, otherwise why did he keep smiling?

Guan Twelve took out the dagger that was already stained with the blood of 73 players, and was about to stab it in when he heard Shaoqiu's voice:
"It's very good. This "Farewell" is very good. You should sing more."

"Thank you..." Guan Twelve nodded, and then sent the dagger into Shaoqiuyan's chest!
"Do you think we will succeed?" Shao Qiuyan asked such a question at the last second when the blood bar was empty.

This question made Guan Twelve's eyes droop, and she was silent for three seconds before she took off the white rose from Shaoqiuyan's face and stained the blood from his heart, and gave the answer flatly: "I don't know."

But they have no way out now, have they?
The last one was Guan Twelve. She gave all the roses to Li Na, and then cut her own wrist with the dagger!

pain!A piercing pain!The blood flowed and the body began to feel cold!
She didn't dare to hesitate to move on.

And Li Na followed her with a rose in her arms, looking at Guan Twelve who was silent in front of her, Li Na felt uncomfortable!

74 people! 74 roses, 74 lives!
Just like that, they left one after another in front of her eyes!

Obviously they sang together before, but now they don't know which link they are lying on the snow. That road is the road where their blood drips out!
Now the last one is leaving too!
"Well, Twelve... Do you want me to sing?" Li Na looked at the player and couldn't help asking, it seemed that only this way could relieve the complicated mood in her heart!
Guan Twelve originally wanted to say no, after all, it doesn't matter if she has a song or not, but she heard Li Na's tone, thinking that she is a kind and timid person after all, so let her look at the person in front of her. One after another suicide death, she must feel uncomfortable, maybe this song is not just to see her off, but more to comfort her heart.


Thinking of it this way, Guan Twelve didn't say any words of rejection, she nodded and said, "Yes, you can sing."

"I don't know your songs, let me sing the songs I know." Li Na took a deep breath, then exhaled, and opened her mouth to sing:
"Snow~snow~white snow~falling from the sky to the ground~stepping on it~like stepping on clouds~white~white~white snow~blowing from east to west ~ One by one, it fell down~ It seemed to fall on that person's heart~"

Li Na's voice is gentle, because of the cold wind, her voice is a little intermittent, and there is a lack of breath in it. Every time she speaks, the cold wind pours into her mouth, which is very uncomfortable. Li Na feels that she has drunk the cold wind, but she can't wear a mask. , if you wear a mask, the person in front will not be able to hear her voice...

In fact, what she doesn't know is that the current Guan Twelve can't hear her voice. The wind and snow are too heavy, and she can only hear intermittent voices from behind, which are very vague, and even a word can't be heard clearly. She didn't care, she was always paying attention to the wound on her wrist, once it was scarred or frozen, she would continue to cut a wound.

It hurts! 100% of the pain is not blown, Guan Twelve's thoughts are a little slack, she has never done this kind of wrist-cutting suicide except when she was sick, what was she thinking at that time?If you get sick, it's probably something unlucky.

In fact, sometimes she also thought about why she has to work so hard to live?Because of her illness, she dare not go out, let alone have any friends, she needs money!For money, she used many people. For this reason, the master who taught her exorcism drove her down the mountain, saying that she was not a magician, let alone a Taoist. She had too much desire and obsession. If she died, she would only become a Ghost!
Become a ghost after death, and then harm the world?It's great that she was like this at the time!No need to rush around to make money for this disease!Unrestrained is nothing more than being caught by a Taoist priest and then scattered...

It sounds like it hurts...but when does she not hurt?
After thinking so much, she still didn't die, because she didn't want to die!Unwilling to die!She obviously didn't enjoy anything!All the money I make is for this disease!She spent so much time, so much money!If you just die like this!She is really not reconciled!
I heard that the snow in the east is very cold!The rain in the south is soft!I heard that the prairie is very vast!The Potala Palace is beautiful!Mount Everest has grown taller again!

She wants to see the sea!Want to open the sunrise!Want to see the wind want to see the rain!I want to see my country getting better and better!Getting stronger and stronger!She didn't want to die like this!

She loves life!Unwilling to die!That's why I'm desperately living!

Guan Twelve gradually lost her strength, she knelt on the snow, blood dripping drop by drop, she knew that she had no strength left to go, it was over, she turned around and called out to Li Na who was coming to help her.

Li Na stopped in her tracks and looked at Guan Twelve with a complicated face. She opened her mouth, her voice hoarse: "You are going to die..."

Guan Twelve laughed, and she shook her head to refute Li Na's question, saying, "No, I'm going to live."

"Are you... are you really sure you can survive this way?" Li Na wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. The wind was too strong, and the tears would freeze if they flowed out.

 Officer Twelve: I will definitely survive! !

(End of this chapter)

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