The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 102 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 102 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (31)

Shaoqiu said that their plan was very simple, but the moment they went downstairs, they would start bleeding!Then go straight to the east, wherever you can go, wait for a player to bleed dry, a player will kill him and use his blood to stain the white rose that bloomed from his chest because of death.

But soon they encountered a problem, who should be the one to cut the wrist?
Because of the pastor and uncle Jincheng, there are only 75 players left. Look at me and look at you.

No one wants to be the first to eat crabs.

Although it is said that the heart of harming others is indispensable, the heart of defense is also indispensable.

When it was difficult for everyone to agree, in the end it was the uncle Jincheng who took the initiative to stand up. He really didn't want to continue this boring game. The cold and poor leader is an unprecedented stupid game world!He didn't want to stay any longer! !
Uncle Jincheng cut his wrist without hesitation, and said coldly, "Let's go!"

Then he walked forward, Taishu Jincheng walked slowly in front, and all the players followed behind, the snowstorm outside was very big, the players were not afraid of the cold, and the environment would not affect the player's body, so the players wore very Thin, only tightly wrapped Li Na looks at this group of players who are wearing thin clothes and even half sleeves with complicated expressions.

Especially when she saw the blood dripping drop after drop on the snow from the uncle Jin Cheng in front of her, and even after he realized that the wound was condensed and not bleeding, he cut it without hesitation, and it would be a lie to say that he was not shocked.

Moreover, she heard that the matter of cutting their wrists and donating blood was just their speculation, and it was not certain whether it was true, but even so, they still did it!
Give your life to a miracle!

And believe it!

What kind of willpower is this! !
Maybe this section of the road is a bit boring. The players are a group of "monkeys" who can't stay idle. They looked at the uncle Jincheng who was leading the way, and someone suggested:

"It's too boring, why don't we sing!"

This proposal was a bit sudden, but fortunately, it was quickly accepted! !

But soon a new question arises: what to sing?
"Good luck?"

"Cut your wrists to commit suicide and you sing good luck?"

"You're getting married, the bride isn't me?"

".It shouldn't be the scene, right?"

"Then what's the song?"

"The river flows eastward!"

I don't know who started it, everyone was silent for a while and then actually sang this song:

"The stars in the sky refer to the Big Dipper!"

"You have everything I have!"

"A bowl of nines between life and death!!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey, hey!"

"Sister, sit on the bow of the boat~"

"Brother is walking on the shore ~ ​​eh, isn't that right? Did he cross the stage?!"

"Never mind him! It sounds good!"

"It's also loving and loving the rope swing~"

Not to mention other things, the atmosphere was indeed a lot more lively while singing, and the players were also much happier, even Li Na was on fire!
She even asked Guan Twelve what song was this? ? !Why do you feel blood boil after listening to it!Is there an excited emotion in it? ? !
Guan Twelve opened his mouth and shut his mouth to think about the description for a long time, and finally he could only say dryly: "Probably unity is strength, more people are more powerful, and the more people sing, the more passion will come up."

"...I don't feel like I understand it very well." Li Na blinked her eyes in a daze.

She can understand these words separately, but why can't she understand them when they are closed?

"To put it simply, there are more people and louder voices, and there is passion!"

Guan Twelve used the vernacular to fool Li Na, the key is that Li Na also believed it!
Uncle Jincheng over there heard the singing from behind and couldn't help complaining about their singing, but it was true that this song warmed his cold heart a lot, and even the pain of the wound was much better.
"unity is strength!"

"This power is iron! This power is steel!"

In the blizzard field where there is no village in front and no shop behind, one footprint after another stamped out a path accompanied by singing.

These footprints coincidentally avoided the red on the snow!
Soon Taishu Jincheng fell, everyone stopped, looked at Taishu Jincheng, saw that his health was still at 1%, someone proposed to continue walking with Taishu Jincheng on his shoulders.

He was rejected by his uncle Jincheng.

Against the backdrop of the white snow, Grand Uncle Jin Cheng's face blended into the snow, leaving no blood.

"Bleeding." Grand Uncle Jin Cheng said this weakly and closed his eyes.

The players understood what he said, and without hesitation, the priest directly took the dagger and stabbed it into the heart of Uncle Jincheng!
With the blood flowing from the heart, a white rose bloomed in the mouth of Taishu Jincheng, exuding a sweet floral fragrance!
Li Na covered her mouth, she looked at this scene in disbelief, marveling at the fact that the legend was true and shocked at the fact that they actually did it, there was no entanglement, no last words or even superfluous words!

Guan Twelve plucked the white rose from Taishu Jincheng's mouth and then stained it with the blood on Taishu Jincheng's chest. The blood stained the white rose and stained its petals red!
"Let's go."

They didn't stop and didn't waste time. The second person cut his wrist, and then led the way. In order to wait for one more step, he couldn't turn back and stop, while the 73 players behind him were still singing:
"I have horns on my head~ I have a tail behind me~"


"Ahem! It's too high! I can't sing and dig a groove!"

"Hey! Red beans! Big red beans! Taro!"

As the singing fell for the second time, the player gave that person one last blow in a flat manner, and continued walking with the blood-stained white rose!
No one knows how long the road is, and no one knows how long it took.

It's just that there are fewer and fewer people following behind, sixty, fifty, forty, twenty, ten!five!
The singing voice is no longer like a chorus, gradually the voice becomes less and less, and the songs are repeated, and Li Na can sing along!

She watched in numbness the blood-stained white roses in Guan Twelve's hands were getting more and more!

One, two, fifteen, 25, 35, 55, 65!Seventy flowers!

Guan Twelve had changed from holding it with one hand to holding it with two hands, and finally couldn't hold it with both hands, and changed it to holding it, and the seventy roses were held in her arms.

In the end, there were only three players left, Guan Twelve, Yu Lingling, and Shaoqiuyan.

At the moment Yu Lingling fell down, she held Guan Twelve's hand tightly and said, "Suicide really hurts! You must do it quickly, I'm afraid of pain!"

Guan Twelve nodded and ended Yu Lingling's life with one knife!
Holding the rose stained with Yulingling's blood, Guan Twelve looked at Shaoqiuyan, his eyes seemed to say who would be next.

"Let me come. After all, I would rather be killed by you than by me." Shao Qiuyan smiled gently at Guan Twelve.

That smile contained too much, but in Guan Twelve's view, it was the last whining before death!
 It's almost over, it's almost over, the next end of the world is already on the way
  Please please please
(End of this chapter)

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