The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 101 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 101 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (30)


Everyone was silent, and they all looked at the big hole that was blown out!The huge impact left countless people dead!Even those affected were covered in blood and screamed again and again!

Scared!They are scared!I'm really scared!The deterrent power of this little thing that doesn't know what it is is really too strong!

But at this moment, that beautiful man took out another thing in his hand, played with it in his hand, looked at them coldly and said, "You still want to stop me?"

In an instant, everyone backed away, not daring to approach Grand Uncle Jin Cheng at all!

Uncle Jincheng easily left the palace, escaping from the siege!
He didn't even get hurt. The only damage he got was because the bomb exploded so loudly that it made his ears hurt a little, but he could take some medicine for this kind of injury, so it's nothing to worry about.

But Winter clenched his fist unwillingly! "His Royal Highness..." Everyone looked at Wen Te over there, everyone was stunned, and saw their little king clenched his fists in anger, his eyes turned red with anger!
"So many weird things! He really is a god!" Wen Te gritted his teeth!Now rather than liking, Wen Te is more unwilling!Not yet!A situation where he can't get what he wants!He is king!King of this country!Everything in this country belongs to him!Including God!
"Find it for this king! Even if he is a god, he must be found for this king!"

Winter angrily issued an order: "Even if the center of this city is turned upside down within three days! I must find it out for this king!!"


Suddenly, all the guards in the palace were in a mess!

Join the army of finding people one after another!

At this time, a soldier tremblingly walked up to Winter and said, "If he is a god, we won't be able to find him at all..."

"What did you say?!" Winter's eyes were frighteningly cold, and the scared soldier took half a step back, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then mustered up his courage to say: "If you want to see God, your Highness actually needs to follow the legend You can find it."

"That legend?"

"That... the legend that if you gather ten red roses, you can summon Qianyan Mingming to fulfill a wish..." the soldier summoned up his courage and said.

Winter narrowed his eyes slightly. As a child who grew up in the Snow Country, he naturally knew this legend that everyone in the Snow Country was familiar with. It was just that he had been king for too long, and he could get whatever he wanted, and he never couldn't get it. Naturally, he didn't need any gods to help him realize his wish, so he gradually forgot about this legend.

"Is Qianyanming?" Naturally, he doesn't believe that Qianyanming is his uncle Jincheng. It is rumored that Qianyanming has a thousand eyes, has huge wings, is a hundred feet tall, and is very majestic!

Just by hearing this adjective, Wen Te knew that this thousand-eyed man was not good-looking. How could it be the beautiful person in his heart?but……

No matter what god he is?He must also get it! !

Winter raised his hand, looked at his palm and made a fist gesture!

"This king ordered! Collect red roses all over the country! Whoever presents red roses! This king will protect his prosperity for thousands of generations! Worry-free forever!"

The king orders!The whole country once again set off a storm of looking for red roses!

Guan Twelve, who hid in the hotel and didn't come out again because of this incident, quietly opened the window and looked at more and more traffickers on the street. He couldn't help shaking his head, then closed the window and turned to look at the man who was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed like an old man. Uncle Jin Cheng couldn't help complaining:

"I hope you can solve this trouble, but I didn't expect you to make another trouble."

Uncle Jincheng was also very wronged, he shrugged and said angrily: "That King Sabi won't take anything, and he's so conceited! I even took out the bomb, and he didn't flinch!"

"..." Guan Twelve couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Bomb, that thing is expensive!One is 10,000+, really rich and powerful!Just take it!
Guan Twelve sighed, it was also her fault, she should know that Uncle Jincheng caused troubles no less than the pastor, these two are typical crouching dragons and phoenix chicks!Get it together!

"In that case, why don't you just blow up the palace soon?" the pastor said indifferently.

"You're crazy, I'm not crazy. If the palace is blown up, the country without a leader will definitely fall into panic. At the same time, there will be disputes because of the lack of a leader." Uncle Jincheng doesn't want to do this, he still has a moral bottom line.

"Although this little king is useless and cruel, making people miserable, but at least with him, the people of this country can live a standardized life under the rule."

"You still have some humanity?" The pastor was very surprised.

"At any rate, I am a good citizen in a society ruled by law." Uncle Jin Cheng gave the pastor a white look and said.

"Hehe, a good citizen who wants to blow up the world?" the pastor said eccentrically.

Uncle Jin Cheng choked, then turned his face away and said with a guilty conscience: "I'm not... just angry."

Want to blow up the world because of your anger?Do you think you are a three-year-old child with this inhumane behavior? ?
Guan Twelve was speechless.

Sorry!You are not worthy of being a good citizen in a society ruled by law!

"I agree with Ah Si very much on this point. If he directly blows up the palace, the country will be in chaos. The chaotic NPCs will not help our plan." Shaoqiuyan said at this time.

"Ah Si?" Guan Twelve couldn't help being confused when he heard this address for the first time.

"It's Grand Uncle Jincheng, isn't he a four-letter name? That's why we call him Ah Si, it's a pet name~ You can call him Twelve if you want."

Shaoqiuyan explained with a smile.

"...No thanks." The player refused. She was just curious why she was called this, and after knowing the answer, she sighed that it was so simple and rude!
"Ah Si? Puff haha! It seems to be the name of the previous era!" The pastor laughed "Puff" after hearing it, and couldn't help but sneer.

Uncle Jincheng took a look at him, he was too lazy to quarrel with the pastor, he was already tired, and dealing with an NPC made him physically and mentally exhausted!The key still fails? !Gan!Even more fucking tired! !
"How many players are we missing?" Uncle Jincheng just wants to leave this world as soon as possible, he already hates this world!

"Good news, we have found all the players and got in touch with them." Shaoqiuyan opened his mouth and finally said the best news in this period of time.

They have contacted all the players during this time, and they all agree to this plan!

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start, I don't want to stay in this world for a second!"

(End of this chapter)

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