The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 100 The Red Rose in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 100 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (29)

Looking at a little king of "I will do my best to cooperate with you in the performance".

Uncle Jin Cheng didn't change his face, then he stretched out his hand and a gun appeared in his hand out of thin air.


This wave of operations really surprised the little king.

Wen Te rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then looked at the things in Taishu Jincheng's hands, and then looked at Taishu Jincheng again, trying to use scientific methods to prove that the things in Taishu Jincheng's hands were How did it appear.

"Don't look at it, it's not magic, and it doesn't have any tricks. I'm a god, and this is just the most common magic trick." Uncle Jincheng said and returned the gun.

Yes, as long as the items redeemed from the game store are not used within 30 seconds, they can be refunded, but half of the fee will be deducted.

Uncle Jin Cheng, who is richer in the family, said that it was all small money~
"Are you really a god?" The little king sized up his uncle Jincheng suspiciously.

Uncle Jincheng nodded, the little king was obviously silent for a moment, and then he got out of bed for a long time, yes, when he was chatting with Uncle Jincheng just now, he was still on the bed, covered in blood, and the dead woman was still lying on the bed. In bed, while he was naked and completely unashamed.

After getting off the bed, Wen Te opened the closet next to him, took out a red coat and put it on his body, and then stood in front of Taishu Jincheng. He was half a head shorter than Taishu Jincheng, after all, he was only 17 years old. , the whole face reveals childishness, and he does things as he pleases without considering the consequences.

Wen Te looked up at his uncle Jincheng's beautiful face, which was even more beautiful than a woman's, with a woman's beautiful face but not feminine, nor lacking in masculine heroism.

That's why he likes it, such a perfect face is what he likes the most, no wonder he likes it so much, it turned out to be a god, yes, only a god can be so perfect.

Also because of his greatness!Only then can God be provoked!

The naturally proud little king is very self-centered even in his thoughts!

"This king is so perfect that even gods have come to my side!"

Little King Winter said so!

However, after hearing these words, Taishu Jincheng was completely dumbfounded!

He didn't understand why Winter would have such an idea?Or should I say, why would someone be so conceited? ?

Wow!It is really unusual for people to have such thoughts!
He is really willing to bow down!
"I think your conceit is really not bragging." Uncle Jin Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

"This king has everything! This king is worth everything! So this king! You can also have God! God also needs this king! Surrender to this king! God! Stay by my side! This king can give you everything you want !" Wen Te arrogantly stretched out his hand towards his uncle Jin Cheng!He raised his head, as a king, he has never lowered his proud head!

He was born to be a king!Pampered!He doesn't need to do anything!Someone is running the country for him!Even if the woman he was tired of killing was killed, someone would solve it for him!

Because he is the king!His birth is the greatest gift to this country!Biggest help to this country!All of all!Everything is his! !

Including God!
Uncle Jincheng looked at Wen Te who was already crazy. This young little king was born on the throne. His unqualified education made him conceited and twisted, and he was extremely self-centered!Think yourself very important! !

Hopeless!If the king is like this, the country is hopeless!
The snow country is now better than a hundred miles away, which is full of snow, so there is no enemy country to invade!When the blizzard stops and this country is discovered by other countries, it will definitely be treated as fat and eaten up!

Uncle Jincheng looked at the king in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the king was useless, but if he killed him, the equally brutal King Dar would succeed him.

How about setting up an insurgent army?

But his time here is running out.

At that time, let alone the formation of the rebel army, it will be difficult to even establish whether it can be established.

Uncle Jincheng knew that he couldn't persuade Wen Te today, so he glanced at Wen Te, rejected his invitation, and said flatly, "Sorry, I refuse."

Turn around and leave.

How could the little king let his uncle Jincheng go so easily, and give an order directly!Soldiers in armor broke in and surrounded Taishu Jincheng!
"When you were looking for this king last time, this king expected you to come back! So I prepared this big gift, how about it? Do you still like it?" Wen Te looked at his uncle Jincheng triumphantly. Come on, Grand Uncle Jin Cheng is already in his hands!Can't escape his palm at all.

Uncle Jincheng looked at the group of people in front of him, the blood streaks on their heads were thick, could it be because they were wearing armor?

It's too much trouble to change bullets for pistols.

Grand Uncle Jincheng lowered his eyes, his force value is not high, but he is kryptonite! !
Uncle Jincheng directly exchanged for a submachine gun!Directly hit them "chug chug"!

In this country that still has cold weapons, I have seen such weapons there, and the damage is so high!Hitting and hurting!Everyone dies!They were so scared that they didn't dare to go up!

Seeing this scene, Wen Te was in a hurry!Scolding them is useless!
Taishu Jincheng sneered, then pointed his gun at the group of people and walked forward, the group of people backed away in fright, and directly gave way to Taishu Jincheng!
Uncle Jin Cheng walked out of the room!
"You! You! What the hell are you doing?! Stop him quickly! No matter how powerful that thing is, isn't there only one?! Come on together!" Winter ran out of the house in a hurry!He's going crazy!The army he is most proud of can't even trap a single person! !
Then what did he provide them with food and drink? !These useless things! !
When everyone heard this, they knew that their king was angry. Once he got angry, they would never have a good result!Anyway, it's dead anyway!But it is the difference between early death and late death!They might as well give it a go! !

Thinking of this, they gritted their teeth and shouted loudly, attacking Taishu Jincheng!

Of course, Taishu Jincheng really couldn't hit so many people with a single gun!

They also thought well, just relying on a submachine gun, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to beat the crowd tactics.

In this case, of course, you can't just use a gun.

Uncle Jincheng held the gun in one hand, exchanged it for a grenade in the other hand and threw it viciously towards the sea of ​​people!
With a huge explosion of "Beng", everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

That little thing, something so small you can grab it with one hand!

suddenly!The stone road was blasted!The ground is shaking!One click, just one click!They lost half of their people!
(End of this chapter)

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