The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 99 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom

Chapter 99 Red Roses in the Snow, Please Bloom (27)

Originally calm and wise, she didn't know who was the real girl, but now she turned into a cowardly person who would cry because of being hated by others. This huge contrast surprised everyone, but at the same time, they couldn't help but doubt it. ...Could it be worn?

"Superstition is prohibited in a society ruled by law." Shaoqiuyan took a completely veto attitude towards this point.


"I didn't expect you to be a scientist." The pastor looked at Shao Qiuyan and said.

"No, I just don't believe that Twelve will be pierced." Shao Qiuyan shook his head, he is not a scientist, and the end of science may be metaphysics.

The world where I met Guan Twelve for the first time is a world where ghosts and Taoist priests are everywhere, and anyone can live to 99 years old.

How could he not believe in this thing, but he didn't think that Guan Twelve would be pierced suddenly, and there had been such a thing before. Compared with piercing, he felt that schizophrenia was more reasonable and appropriate.

"Tsk tsk, how infatuated." Uncle Jincheng tsk tsk shook his head.

"...It's just a plaything." The pastor added at this time.

Shaoqiu said: Is it impossible to pass this stalk? ?

"Speaking of which, have you resolved it?" Shaoqiuyan looked at his uncle Jincheng and asked.

Because he went to the library of the palace privately and was discovered by the king and was wanted by the king, which has already caused a lot of trouble.

I hope Uncle Jincheng can solve this trouble as soon as possible.

"No..." The mention of this great uncle Jin Cheng made his face irritated!
That naughty bastard NPC! !
"It's really useless." The pastor sneered in exchange for great uncle Jincheng's white eyes:
"Your problem solved?"

Then I saw the pastor showing a bright smile with eight teeth: "Yes, it's resolved."

Grand Uncle Jincheng: ...Fuck!

After hearing Yu Lingling say what method the pastor used to solve the problem, his great-uncle Jincheng showed a complicated expression. He looked at the pastor and couldn't help but comment: "You are really ruthless."

"Routine operation, calm down." The pastor was not ashamed but proud.

Although I know that the priest looks down on NPCs just like myself, but compared to myself, I will use valuable NPCs, and I will consider the emotions of NPCs, and act as a partner that NPCs can trust and use them.

The pastor really treats NPCs as toys. In the pastor's words, they are just toys, not the protagonists of the story, just data. Why should they care if there are real dead people?
And the priest really treats them as toys, he will not be tempted by any NPC while playing with them, completely revealing his original character and at the same time making NPC hate him to the bone.

Uncle Jincheng just wants to say one thing about this: To be a dog, you still have experience.

"Don't talk about those useless ones. Anyway, the problem on my side has been solved. You still have to work hard on your side. We have gathered most of the players, and there are only a few unconnected ones left. That In order to catch you, the little king is going to massacre the city, and three players have been implicated for this, which has seriously affected our plan. I hope you can solve it quickly. If you can't get Twelve to leave the game world, no matter what Whether it's the current Twelve or the normal Twelve, she will hate you."

The pastor said with a smile that his appearance does not belong to Shaoqiuyan's sunny boyish appearance, nor his wife's uncle Jincheng's coquettish and noble woman's face. , coupled with his bad personality, smart mind and super high force value make him defiant and lawless, and his temperament of doing whatever he wants makes him look a little crazy and frightened, which makes people feel frightened in the heart and unable to bear the body. Stay trembling.

It's a pity that these people in front of him are as arrogant as him, and they won't be afraid of it at all.

Uncle Jincheng was silent for a while listening to his words, then he looked at Guan Twelve and asked, "Do you hate me because of this?"

"..." Why did you suddenly shift to her side again?
In other words, she doesn't seem to like it at all! !
She just wants to die!Why do you keep mentioning her! !
Guan Twelve, whose negative emotions were magnified wirelessly because of his illness, felt very irritable!
She stood up abruptly, then pointed at her uncle Jin Cheng and yelled, "I never liked you at all!"


Probably did not expect Guan Twelve to have such a big reaction, and everyone was a little unresponsive.

In the end, Taishu Jincheng came back to his senses and replied dryly: "I know."

Officer twelve choked...

How do you answer this?She's not very good at it...

"Pfft ha ha ha ha! You're so deflated ha ha ha you killed me from laughing ha ha ha!" The pastor's burst of laughter came suddenly in the next second!
Guan Twelve was even more frustrated by this laughter!

"It turns out that people become stupid when they get sick, hahaha!"

The pastor's laughter was really too loud, and the senior official Twelve felt it was harsh, it was too harsh, and he was in an irritable mood!

kill him!Must kill him!
"..." Guan Twelve came back to her senses, she looked at her hands, and then at the laughing pastor over there.

The mood is a little complicated.

How should I put it... This is the first time she has seen this wave of operations when she was so angry that she returned to normal.

Fortunately, the pastor cured her immediately.

Although I know it's just a coincidence, but this laughter is really harsh and annoying!
"Just laugh for a while, it's a bit ugly." Guan Twelve couldn't help but reminded.

With this opening, the pastor's laughter stopped abruptly, and the whole room fell silent. Everyone looked at Guan Twelve in unison, sizing up Guan Twelve with their eyes.

Guan Twelve's scalp was a little numb from being watched, she raised her eyebrows, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? What do you want me to do? Haven't seen enough of so many worlds?"


is her!This familiar smell!Definitely her!She's back to normal? !
"You are so sudden." Shao Qiuyan couldn't help but said.

Suddenly changed a person, there is no sign at all, it is too sudden.

"It's an old problem." Guan Twelve replied perfunctorily, as if she didn't intend to continue the discussion on this issue. Instead, she looked at Uncle Jincheng and asked, "Then what should we do now? Your problem hasn't been resolved yet. Can we still carry out the plan smoothly?"

"Ah... this point, I don't think it will have too much influence,... well, probably." Uncle Jincheng's ambiguous answer made Guan Twelve very upset!
She is now a patient!Although now the one who wants to die also plans to pass the level as soon as possible!But her purpose is to die in the real world!If she can't go back to the real world to take medicine while she is calm, she will die!
must die!
 What about the ticket~ Xiaonian~ Happy Xiaonian~
(End of this chapter)

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