The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 258 Is the Game Fun?

Chapter 258 Is the Game Fun?

It was a summer, in a garden, a young boy was flying a kite in the park, but accidentally got the ball stuck in a tree, looking at the height that was so difficult for him, the boy felt a little bit Facing a difficult situation, he pursed his lips and mustered up the courage to climb up!
He climbed carefully, and finally climbed up and got the kite. When he looked down, he found that he climbed so high!Immediately I was too scared to come down!

He cried out in fear. At this time, a girl passed by with a book in her hand. She was supposed to read here, but she heard crying by accident. When she looked up, she saw the little boy!

Then the girl called the adults to rescue the little boy. Seeing the boy crying, the girl hugged the boy and said, "Little kids like to cry, are you a little kid?"

Sure enough, the little boy stopped crying when he heard this. When the two said goodbye, the little boy asked the girl's name, and the girl smiled while holding the book, "My name is Twelve, Guan Twelve, a future economics student of X University! Little brat!"

"I'm not a brat! My name is Ji Youku!"

"Naughty little kid!" The girl laughed loudly!

The girl didn't know that her smile made the little boy remember it for more than ten years.

Seeing Ji Youku's aggrieved look, Guan Twelve lowered her eyes slightly, she has a good memory, and she can remember all of them with just a reminder, and she also remembered the past when she was a child, but the past was too long.

To be honest, Guan Twelve didn't feel any nostalgia, and he didn't have a deep impression on Ji Youku.

So even if he knew the identity of the boy in front of him, Guan Twelve was still very indifferent.

Ji Youku sensed the strangeness of the girl, he pursed his lips, his eyes flashed with disappointment, then he suddenly thought of something, and said to Guan Twelve: "Yes... By the way, Twelve, you haven't eaten yet, how about I treat you, How about taking you to eat the best donburi in school?!"

Hearing that there was a treat, Guan Twelve's eyes lit up all of a sudden!
Looking at the girl's expression, Ji Youku knew that he had made the right bet!
When Ji Youku took Guan Twelve to the cafeteria, it caused quite a commotion, especially when Guan Twelve found that the eyes of the passing girls were all on Ji Youku, she knew that Ji Youku must be a romantic figure in this school, She dined with such a romantic person.

There will be pressure, no wonder!She is not a student of this school, and she is not sure when she will come next time, there is a fart pressure.

"Give me a curry chicken rice bowl and a Kung Pao chicken rice bowl, thank you."

Guan Twelve sat there watching Ji Youke come back after ordering and sat opposite her, then smiled and said to her: "Their rice bowls are the best in our school, these two are signatures, I don't know if you like them Which one, so I bought them all, and when the time comes, you can try them all, and eat whichever you like.”

Guan Twelve nodded and accepted Ji Youku's overture.

Sure enough, seeing the boy opposite him smiled even happier.

He seems to have inexplicable feelings for himself.

Guan Twelve is very sensitive to this kind of thing, and at the same time she began to wonder why such a situation happened. Logically speaking, the two don't know each other very well. The only time they met was more than ten years ago. She is also a little kid, and she is also a little kid, so there will be no intersection in the future!Did you fall in love with it at that time? ?
Not very scientific, are children so precocious now? ? !

Could it be that she was thinking too much?It's impossible that there are many people who like her in the game, and there are also many people who hate her, so she is very sensitive to such gazes, like now she feels that many girls around her are casting murderous glances at her.

Guan Twelve accepted everything with a blank face!

They are all a bunch of little kids younger than her, she is afraid of chicken feathers.

"That twelve, what are you doing now?" Ji Youku took the initiative to open the topic, obviously he wanted to chat with the girl.

The girl was silent for a while and then said, "Play a game."

"Really?! What game?!"

"..." Guan Twelve didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to brush his hair away, revealing the very obvious USB on his neck.

Ji Youku was stunned for a moment, not because of this game, but because of that thin and slender neck, white and slender, really beautiful!As beautiful as a swan's neck!
Ji Youku couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"The end of the infinite stream, this is the game I play now, and it is also the source of my living funds." Guan Twelve didn't know what Ji Youke was thinking, she put her hair back, and then explained.

"Oh... I've heard of this game. It seems to be quite famous. Is it fun?"

Is it fun?
Official Twelve was in a daze.

[My humble servant Okita, the famous general manager! 】

[Do you want to go out for a walk? The cherry trees by the lake are in bloom. 】

[It would be nice if this year's New Year's fireworks are on Twelve and accompany me to watch. 】

[I can no longer afford the Juwen Yizizong. 】

[Sorry, I just think it's a pity not to see such a beautiful scenery. 】

[动かねば暗にへだつや花と水. 】

The boy who sleeps forever in the cherry blossom season.

[It's not that you are so good-looking, why are you out of your mind?I am not related to you, so why should I take you in? 】

[My name is Jay, Nice Jay. 】

【important!Twelve is the most important person to me! 】

[Now if Twelve has no money, I will definitely keep it. 】

[Wait twelve, you...don't! 】

The boy's restlessness, the inner struggle, the helplessness when he was in a tangle, and the panic when he found out that she was leaving and stretched out his hand to grab her!

【Alive...what's wrong with being alive? 】

【Alive can drink delicious fish soup, play games and chat with other people, and wait until the end of the blizzard to see the dawn sun and feel the warmth of the sun. 】

[Hey~ Twelve, let me tell you that all men are rubbish!You don't have to give up your beautiful life for them, it's not worth it!And if they want to die, they should die!Guys who play with girls' feelings are fucking jumbo-level garbage! ! 】

【Well, you need me to sing? 】

[Snow~snow~white snow~falling from the sky to the ground~stepping on it~like stepping on clouds~white~white~white snow~blown from east to west ~ One by one fell down~ It seemed to fall on that person's heart! 】

[Are sure you can survive this way? 】

The girl in the blizzard will shed tears because she is afraid of killing people, she has the softest, gentlest and most sincere heart!She kept her promise, and when she saw her death, she cried pear blossoms with rain!

(End of this chapter)

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