The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 259 Do You Want To Add A WeChat?

Chapter 259 Do You Want To Add A WeChat?

[Duan... Duan Yu, the word... the word worry-free. 】

【there!The soldiers fought against the enemy in blood!But the people are still suffering!Why? ! 】

[That was originally a land of food!The riches of the treasury!Why keep paying taxes but the treasury is still empty! 】

[Why is it that a passionate person can only be a soldier when he goes to the battlefield, and a guy who is useless on paper can be a general?Why can a talented scholar who travels across mountains and rivers to Beijing to take the exam full of poems and books can only be a ninth-rank official?And those ignorant and incompetent people who bully the common people are above the fifth grade in the casual test? 】

【Why?Because Fengtian's treacherous officials are in power!The emperor favors treacherous ministers!He is also obsessed with witchcraft, making people miserable!Mr. Yu did this in the hope that he could eradicate the treacherous officials!Let talented and courageous people develop!Let people live and work in peace and contentment!Return justice to the common people! 】

【It would be great if I could touch you】

The seven-year-old boy was ransacked and beheaded by the whole family because of the jealousy of the treacherous officials, and he was left alone to live alone, so he began his 24-year revenge!

[My name is Qubing, and my surname is Huo! 】

【Rest well, no one will disturb you, don't be afraid, I, Huo Qubing, will definitely destroy the Xiongnu!Destroy the prestige of the Huns!Witness the bravery of the Han people! 】

[Why don't you wear clothes? 】

[The Xiongnu is not destroyed, why should the family do it? 】

[I was born to gallop on the battlefield, and I am determined to regain the mountains and rivers!If the Huns are not eliminated, the people will be in trouble!I want to repel the Huns for a million miles!Let them dare not invade the land of the big man for a hundred years! 】

[I will not live in peace, and there are blood and blood around me. If you feel unwell, I will send you to the capital to settle you down and live the life you want. 】

['s not worth it for you! 】

【Want to learn?I can teach you. 】

[Whether my big man will be prosperous in the future, and whether all the Huns will be killed by me!Will I have peace in the future if I am a big man?Will the war stop again! 】

[Twelve girls!When I return triumphantly, can I marry you as my wife? ! ! 】

[I will definitely return in triumph!Twelve girls, you have to wait for me! ! 】

That young man with fresh blood and blood is riding a war horse, wearing iron cavalry armor, and wearing a blood-red cloak!
He is the god of war in the desert!It is the nightmare of the Huns!

There are so many, so many, too many NPCs that impress her.

Ask her if this game is fun?
Guan Twelve could only answer him with a smile: "It's fun, it's fun like never before, it's my favorite game."

Guan Twelve's expression was too straightforward and direct, which made Ji Youku completely stunned. He didn't expect Guan Twelve to like this game so much. He had heard of this game before, but because he had been playing ball and was busy with his studies, so Haven't played it all the time.

But now the girl he has a crush on plays so...

"What a coincidence, I've played it too, why don't you add a WeChat account and add a game friend to play with!"

Ji Youku looked nervously and expectantly at Guan Twelve Officials and Twelve Hearing what he said, he would know that he had never played this game before, otherwise he would not know that although players can add friends, they cannot form a team. Can't communicate!It can be said that adding friends basically has no effect except for transferring money to each other.

But Guan Twelve still agreed to add WeChat.

Not for anything else, because she knows that after this time, Ji Youku will also play this game, and it is much better to have one more friend than one more enemy or stranger in the game.

The meal is ready at this time, Guan Twelve can't talk when eating, and Ji Youku is obviously not the type who likes to talk when eating, but his eyes stare at the girl opposite from time to time, and the girl opposite She didn't care about such a sight at all, she was preoccupied with the phone.

And on the phone is the latest notice about the script of "The End of Infinite Stream":

[This is an era of fantasy, people live and work in peace and contentment, and live in peace and joy. Suddenly, a murder case appeared in an old house~ The whole village fell into a curse, and this curse originated from a hundred years ago In an absurd marriage contract ~ "The End of Infinite Flow" horror romance script "Invisible Lock" will be opened in three days, please stay tuned! 】

Another horror story?
Guan Twelve frowned slightly. She actually doesn't like horror-themed scripts very much, because such scripts die very quickly!

Moreover, the players' weapons are basically useless against ghosts, demons, etc. That is to say, if they encounter this kind of plot, they can basically only rely on her half-baked Taoist spells to survive.

"What's wrong? Is the food not to your liking?" Seeing that Guan Twelve's expression suddenly became ugly while eating, Ji Youku couldn't help asking.

"No, no, it's delicious." Guan Twelve put it on the phone, then looked at Ji Youku and smiled.

Ji Youku breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it didn't suit your taste."

Guan Twelve smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, Twelve, where are you going next? I don't have class in the afternoon." Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve expectantly.

Guan Twelve thought for a while, then looked at the time, and said, "Then the library."

Of course Ji Youku nodded and praised Guan Twelve, and then said that he could go together.

Originally, Guan Twelve didn't have a debit card and was worried about whether he could enter the library. Now that there is a person from the school, Guan Twelve doesn't have to worry about it.

Entering the library, Guan Twelve randomly picked up a book and read it, and Ji Youku also took a random one, but his mind was not on the book at all, his heart was full of the girl opposite who was reading very seriously.

No matter how you look at that serious expression, Ji Youku thinks it's beautiful!

How could there be such a cute and beautiful girl in the world!Perhaps beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Ji Youku feels that Sense Twelve is the most beautiful girl in the world!
Of course, Guan Twelve doesn't know what Ji Youkuan is thinking, she is now fully committed to this "Taoist Exorcism"!
Yes, get ready for the next script!Players want to live more!

The two of them sat together for an entire afternoon, Guan Twelve saw that it was almost time and said he wanted to leave, Ji Youku said he could send Guan Twelve home.

Worry about the attack and no one will find out and save a lot of taxi money!Guan Twelve readily agrees!

Arriving at Guan Twelve's house, Guan Twelve bid farewell to Ji Youku, but within a few steps, the boy behind him suddenly shouted: "Twelve!"

Guan Twelve turned around and looked at the boy suspiciously.

The boy smiled and said, "If we have time, let's go out and play!"

That is the taste of youth, the taste of freedom, and also the taste that Guan Twelve likes most but cannot get!

Guan Twelve was taken aback for a moment, then he pursed his lips and replied, "Well, if you have time."

And sure enough, she saw the boy showing a brighter smile than before and saying goodbye to herself!
(End of this chapter)

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