The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 261 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Record

Chapter 261 Tokyo, Japan's Supernatural Record (Extra)

With the concerted efforts of Ji Sagihiko and the others, they finally defeated Yamata no Orochi and sealed him again!Save the peace of the world!
And after this war, Zumu Wenchuan's personality became more stable than before, and with the passage of time, he stepped into university life!
As for Ji Sagihiko, they all returned to their family, but occasionally they would come out for a meeting!

The relationship is also much closer than before. After this battle, they no longer shy away from the saying that the six families will encounter disasters when they meet!
And Santaro Onyama, who drank too much at this party, cried and said that he was dumped by a girl again!

After experiencing Nana's incident, Santaro Onyama had a shadow on the girl at first, but his family was too tight, so Santaro Onyama went on a blind date, but he didn't expect that at the blind date meeting, he had a crush on a girl named Xiaodie It was love at first sight, listening to him describe the girl as beautiful and lovely, as nimble as a butterfly, and she flew to Santaro Onyama's heart!

So Onsan Santaro began to pursue that Xiaodie, but He Lang had no intention of concubine, the girl named Xiaodie originally fell in love with Onsan Santaro's friend Fengye Sui!
So in order to get close to Maple Leaf Sui, she has never had the nerve to reject Onyama Santaro's kindness, but when Onyama Santaro confessed, Xiaodie resolutely rejected him, and told him that she liked Maple Leaf Sui, and asked if she could help match.

Onyama Santaro, who knew the truth, burst into tears!
And Liechan Yunnai, who heard the story over there, laughed mercilessly!
"Putting...Putting the thread haha, this girl is absolutely amazing!"

"..." The taciturn Ji Sagihiko over there couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

"Why! Why do I like you! You are obviously a boring otaku!!" Onyama Santaro looked at Fengye Sui, who was looking at his mobile phone, with a dissatisfied expression on his face! !

Hearing this, Maple Leaf Sui disagreed, put down the phone and retorted:

"What's wrong with the otaku? What's wrong with Mensao? I'm handsome and rich. Isn't it normal for people to like me?"

Onyama Santaro cried even louder: "But I also have money!!"

"No haha... I think the key point may be appearance." Lie Chan Yunnai laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Over there, Santaro Onyama turned his grief into appetite and ordered two more bowls of rice.

At this time, Maple Leaf Sui looked at Ji Sagihiko and asked, "Where did Zumu Wenchuan go?"

Kisakihiko nodded, took a sip of beer and said, "After all, Christmas."

Feng Yesui was silent, and then suddenly asked: "What about Thunder God?"



"Hey isn't he here?"

"It was still there just now..."

"Forget it, let him drink!"

Liechan Yunnai looked at Santaro Onsan who was already drunk and smiled, then she looked at Zumu Wenchuan, the man who had been drinking and didn't talk much, her eyes were a little disappointed, she pursed her lips and turned her head Drinking, and at this time, suddenly a person sat beside Liechan Yunnai.

Liechan Yunnai looked over subconsciously, only to find that it was Ji Sagihiko, she was shocked!
"Ji Sagi?!"

"Hmm." Ji Zuo Muyan looked at Lie Chan Yunnai, his expression had been very flat, Lie Chan Yunnai suddenly felt that he might have overreacted, and quickly turned his face away, pretending that nothing happened.

"Drink less." Ji Sagihiko said lightly at this time.

" don't care about me!" I was going to ask something, but the words turned into such words again, Lie Chan Yunnai felt so regretful in her heart!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you drink too much, I'll take you back."

"..." Liechan Yunnai didn't react at first, but then she suddenly reacted and looked at Jisakihiko in disbelief, and saw that the man who had only Yagi Wenchuan and Yamata no Orochi at this moment had extremely gentle eyes look at yourself.

"You..." Lie Chan Yunnai pursed her lips, her eyes were filled with anticipation, but she didn't dare to ask for fear that she was thinking too much.

And Ji Zuomuyan's next words completely dispelled her worries: "If you don't want to go back to Lie Chan's house, you can come to Ji Zuogi."

Liechan Yunnai was stunned!
Hiko Sagi is inviting her to his house!
The family rules of Ji Zuomu's family are not allowed to bring outsiders home, not even people from the other six families, and what he meant by coming to their family!Does that mean...

"Is this... a confession?" Lie Chan Yunnai leaned over and asked cautiously.

The girl who has always been as proud as Lie Yang has become cautious at this moment because of one of her answers. Ji Sagihiko himself did not expect that he has such a great charm, but it just happened like this, and his heart is also unknowingly Be attracted to her.

"I thought I was proposing marriage." Ji Sagihiko's words gave Liechan Yunnai a blow!
The excited Liechan Yunnai stood up all of a sudden and ran out!
This move startled Santaro Onyama, who was too drunk. He asked what was wrong, but Sagihiko just got up and said, "It's nothing, I'll go chase her back."

On the other side, in a cemetery in Tokyo, a figure is sitting in front of a tombstone, wearing a coffee-colored windbreaker and light blue jeans, with a mature and gentle face that has faded from youthfulness. He is not bad in appearance, just like this Sitting there, and on the tombstone, was a smiling face with a bright smile. She smiled so beautifully, as beautiful as when she was alive.


Oakwood Wenchuan stretched out his hand to caress the photo on the tombstone, with endless tenderness in his eyes:
"Merry Christmas."

"Twelve, do you know? Christmas is also called Confession Day. I heard that 90.00% of confessions can be successful on this holiday."

"So, I confess at this time, will you agree?"

"We sealed Yamata no Orochi, the war is over, we made an appointment, and we're going to go to the movies after it's over, but you unilaterally broke the agreement."

"Twelve, you don't like me, but I like you so much."

The hand touching the photo of the tombstone slowly clenched into a fist, and he murmured:

At this time, a snowflake fell on the back of the hand, and then said the second, third, and fourth, the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and Zuomu Wenchuan was covered in snow, but he didn't know it.

And at this time a figure came over, holding an umbrella, standing behind Oakwood Wenchuan, protecting him from the snow.

And Zuomu Wenchuan also stood up slowly. He looked at the young man beside him and said, "Sorry, I didn't go to this party. I don't know if I'm in a hurry to come or not."

"I didn't go either." Lei Shenming shook his head.

"It's so strange that you didn't go, obviously you like this kind of party the most, don't you?" Zuomu Wenchuan pretended to be surprised.

"Because I'm worried about you." Lei Shenming's blunt words made Zumu Wenchuan stunned.

"Wenchuan, you still can't let go?" Lei Shenming looked at him and said.

Zuomu Wenchuan pursed his lips, then took a deep breath and exhaled, looked at Lei Shenming, and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying:
"My beloved died in front of me. I watched her fall in front of my eyes. I didn't even have time to say a confession. I really can't let it go."

Lei Shenming pursed his lips and stopped speaking.

He understood Zumu Wenchuan's mood, and he also remembered that at that time, Zumu Wenchuan's expression was so helpless, he was trembling all over, holding the girl in his arms tightly, and reading her name, but the girl There was no way to wake up again.

There was no way to look at him with such tender eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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