The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 262 Invisible Lock

Chapter 262 Invisible Lock (2)

Guan Twelve hadn't encountered such an outrageous thing for a long time. She never dreamed that the game party would do such a thing as putting ten players in one place. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a big ax heading towards I chopped it myself!

Good guy!Just a little bit!She's going to be cool!
If you borrow a certain mobile game, it will land in a box!
Fortunately, she reacted quickly and dodged the attack, and after a fierce battle, she finally solved the trouble in front of her. She looked up at the remaining players, and then saw that she was covered in blood.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be a forest. She saw a pond within a few steps. Seeing that the pond was good, Guan Twelve decided to wash herself here. First, she washed her clothes and borrowed the dryer from the store. After drying in the dryer, she put it on and looked at the clear stream with small fish in it. She felt her somewhat empty stomach, so Guan Twelve was about to go down to catch fish, but as soon as she got into the water, she heard something from the bushes next to her. There is a sound, look in the direction of the sound
I saw a young boy standing there looking at him, and Guan Twelve subconsciously looked up, um... not a player.

That is the NPC myself!
Confirming that it was an NPC, Guan Twelve breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there was someone here, so she didn't want to fish anymore, so she stared at him.

Seeing the girl who looked like a forest elf staring at him all the time, Han Xiaoli felt a little embarrassed when he came back to his senses. He walked over and said, "Then...well, my name is Han Xiaoli, and I'm a student at c university. I met a girl. I didn't mean to look at the girl! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

Guan Twelve didn't care about this, she walked ashore slowly, Han Xiaoli noticed at this time that Guan Twelve was barefoot, yes, no one wears shoes when treading water, but there are no shoes around here, could it be that she has always been Barefoot? ?
"It's nothing, you don't need to apologize, my name is Twelve."

"Miss Twelve."

"Just call me Twelve." Official Twelve said.

"Ten... Twelve." Han Xiaoli called out tentatively, but saw the girl in front of him looking at him tenderly, which relieved Han Xiaoli's nervous heart, she seemed to be a human being, and then he said : "Then you can call me..."

"Ari, can I call you that?"

Guan Twelve felt that the joke was really a mouthful, so he chose a simple one. Although it sounded a bit intimate, Guan Twelve didn't care about it.

Han Xiaoli was taken aback after hearing this, and then he smiled and said, "Of course."

Obviously, Han Xiaoli doesn't care about this either.

"Are you here to explore?" Han Xiaoli asked.

"...No, I'm here to find someone." Guan Twelve was silent for a while and then replied.

"Looking for someone? A friend?"

"That's right." Guan Twelve's mouth twitched. When it comes to the relationship between players, they shouldn't be friends, but they can't be enemies either. At most, they should be competitors.

"So it's like that, I lost my way with my friend." Han Xiaoli nodded after hearing this and said to himself.

Officer Twelve:
"Then why don't we go together, my friend is over there." Han Xiaoli suggested.

Of course Guan Twelve nodded in agreement. On the way, Han Xiaoli chatted with Guan Twelve. Han Xiaoli was a talkative person, and Guan Twelve's words were concise, and the two of them were not embarrassed along the way.

Guan Twelve found out that Han Xiaoli likes clichés very much, and he seems to be chatting with her all the time in fact:

"Is Miss Twelve from around here? Because I don't think you are wearing shoes."

"Well, almost, mainly because I want to feel the beauty of nature without wearing shoes."

"Ah, that's it. By the way, Miss Twelve is about to get dark, so it doesn't matter if you don't go home?"

"It's okay, because I'm alone at home, so no one cares about me."

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I'm talking about Miss Twelve's sadness."



"I haven't asked Miss Twelve what her friends look like, maybe I've seen them before."

"I do not remember."

".Is this really Guan Twelve's friend! I don't even remember his appearance." Han Xiaoli's tone was full of confusion, but Guan Twelve just gave him a blank look, and then replied: "Ah, yes, because I have a lot of friends so I don't remember, isn't that normal?"


The two of you said something to each other, Han Xiaoli made all kinds of sneak attacks, and Guan Twelve avoided all of them and taunted his opponent by the way.

Han Xiaoli looked at the girl in the white skirt in front of him, with her looks and temperament, he was very curious about what the village in the deep forest looked like, and how it could raise the girl so gracefully!

She really doesn't look like a mortal, maybe a monster or a monster.

Han Xiaoli thought secretly.

When the two walked back, Zhao Xiaoshi hugged Han Xiaoli and cried, "I was scared to death, I thought you were missing! You didn't answer your phone!"

Han Xiaoli was taken aback for a moment. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. There were indeed several missed calls. He should have not muted the phone. Could it be that the signal was not good and he did not receive it?

"Sorry, but I found a nice place where we should be able to spend the night first."

"Han Xiaoli, the one behind you is..." Zhou Conge saw at a glance the girl in the white dress that Han Xiaoli brought back when she came back. Her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of horror!

"Ah, this is Twelve. I met her in the woods. She is a resident of a nearby village."

"." Zhou Congee's eyes flashed with vigilance.

"Is there such a beautiful girl in this place where the birds don't shit?" Zhao Xiaoshi also felt that this matter was unreasonable and weird!
"." Han Xiaoli looked at his companions looking at Guan Twelve vigilantly, and suddenly he frowned, and just as he was about to explain, Guan Twelve took out his ID card and said seriously : "I have proof."

So you can't slander players casually!
Everyone: .
"If you are a monster, can you have an ID card?" Xiaoshi Zhao asked Han Xiaoli in a low voice, and Han Xiaoli smiled and said, "Probably not."

So. is it a real person?
Master Zhao looked at the girl in front of her, and there were two words "beautiful" everywhere!
Is there really such a girl in the world? !
Master Zhao couldn't help but think.

After all, it's really hard for Guan Twelve to really look like, otherwise people would suspect that he's still in this ravine!
"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's hurry to the place I said, I think it will be dark today."

After hearing this, everyone no longer wondered whether Guan Twelve was a man or a ghost, and the six walked towards the direction Han Xiaoli said.

What they don't know is that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them behind them.
(End of this chapter)

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