The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 263 Invisible Lock

Chapter 263 Invisible Lock (3)

"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

A seven or eight-year-old girl in a pink dress and green trousers with two braids squatted under a tree to pick flowers, humming a song, and the girl's voice was as sweet as a lark in the forest.

"Xiaotao should go home!" At this moment, a voice called her from not far away.

The little girl raised her head to reveal her pretty face. She looked at the person who called her and replied with a smile, "Good mother!"

Then he ran over in a bouncing manner, and handed the colorful words picked in his hand to her mother, with a smile on her face prettier than flowers: "For your mother! Beautiful flowers!"

The woman took the flowers, then rubbed the little girl's hair, and then pulled her back.

"Mother, what are we going back in such a hurry for?"

"Because our Xiaotao has grown up, we can't play outside all the time."



When Han Xiaoli and the others arrived at the place, it was already completely dark, so Xiaoshi Zhao and the others broke off the branches of the nearby bushes and set up a bonfire at the pond, and then six people surrounded the fire.There was a small pot on top of the fire, which was brought by Zhao Xiaoshi and the others, and the canned food they brought was naturally boiled in it.

Several people surrounded the bonfire like this, no one spoke, and the atmosphere fell into a stalemate.

And the player doesn't care about these, the player only cares about when the canned food is ready, the player is going to starve to death.

However, at this time, someone couldn't understand the quiet atmosphere, and he suggested: "Why don't we play something."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at the person who spoke, and that person was Han Xiaoli.

As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere fell into a strange silence again.

Then in the next second, An Shishi eased the embarrassment and saw her reaching out to pin the broken hair behind her ear, showing a standard sweet smile: "Okay, anyway, there is nothing to do now."

"I think so, let's play something!" An Shishi spoke, and Li Gangshen, the licking dog, immediately catered to her!And Zhao Xiaoshi felt regretful because his mouth was a step too slow!

Seeing everything, Zhou Porridge snorted coldly, but didn't say anything.

Seeing that everyone on his side agreed, Han Xiaoli looked at the girl in white who had been waiting for dinner and asked, "Twelve, do you want to play?"

Officer Twelve: ...What are you playing?The most likely thing to play in the current atmosphere is truth or dare.

"...No, I don't want to play."

How could the player let him succeed and solve the problem directly from the root.

Maybe because he didn't expect Guan Twelve to refuse so bluntly, Han Xiaoli froze for a moment.

"Don't do that to Twelve, let's play together, otherwise you'd be so boring here." At this moment, An Shishi suddenly spoke up.

Official Twelve: Just let the players get bored, and leave the players alone!
Guan Twelve glanced at the girl who spoke, she was very beautiful, she looked like a school belle, it was strange that such a girl would follow her to this kind of place, probably because there was someone she liked there.

Those two people liked her at first glance, but she didn't like the type, that is to say...

Guan Twelve looked at the last man inside, that is, Han Xiaoli.

Is it him?

Han Xiaoli, who was suddenly stared at, tilted his head with doubts in his eyes.

And these official twelfths also saw it in her eyes, she withdrew her gaze without hesitation, thinking with a blank expression:

It's the type that has no emotion.

"Is there something on my face?" Han Xiaoli asked, touching his face.

Guan Twelve shook his head, and then said: "No, I saw you because I found that you are good-looking."



"Cough, cough, cough!"

Guan Twelve's words were something that no one had thought of, and they were all taken aback by this sentence.

Especially Han Xiaoli, he just froze there, then came back to his senses, smiled and said: "Thank you."

Guan Twelve nodded: "You're welcome."

She really is the type who doesn't have a love brain.

I will not be shy because of the praise of the opposite sex, nor will I have the awareness of distance from the opposite sex, let alone know what is considered intimacy.

It was the first time Guan Twelve met this type of NPC, and felt a little strange for a while.

"So you really don't plan to play?"

Han Xiaoli looked at Guan Twelve and asked.

Guan Twelve shook her head and was about to refuse, when suddenly she felt several pairs of eyes staring at her, she trembled all over, then closed her mouth and looked around vigilantly.

Guan Twelve's sudden move made Han Xiaoli puzzled, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"It seems that we have encountered something we shouldn't have encountered."

Guan Twelve stood up slowly, and then looked around. Guan Twelve's action made others a little at a loss, and then several people got up, and then pulled into the distance from each other. Master Zhao hid behind Han Xiaoli and shivered Looking around, he asked Guan Twelve cautiously, " can't be a ghost, right?"

At this time, Guan Twelve had locked her eyes on one direction, which was directly in front of them, and she was staring at that position, when a cold wind suddenly blew up around them, blowing out their bonfire!

A chill eroded their bodies, causing everyone to shudder. Immediately afterwards, Zhou Porridge pointed at the tree and shouted in horror: "Hurry up!"

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and they saw that the green branches were covered with red silk at some point!When the wind blows, swing with it!

Guan Twelve frowned, and then looked forward again.

Suddenly, children's singing came from all around:
"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

Then the child's laughter suddenly came!

The frightened Zhao Xiaoshi didn't dare to look up, and hid behind Han Xiaoli, who also looked around vigilantly.

"Don't be afraid of Shishi! I will protect you!" Li Gangshen took An Shishi's hand and comforted her!
An Shishi's face turned pale, but she laughed when she heard Li Gangshen's words, and felt much better.

And Zhao Xiaoshi wanted to say something when he saw this, but suddenly there was another suona sound, and he shrank back in fright!
very scary!very scary!
There really are ghosts here! !

Guan Twelve had no expression on his face, he just stared in that direction, and the next second, a team suddenly appeared there!
(End of this chapter)

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