The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 264 Invisible Lock

Chapter 264 Invisible Lock (4)

It was a welcoming team, with six people standing in the front two rows, and then four people carrying a sedan chair.There should be more behind, it is very long, but because it is facing them, Guan Twelve can't see it.

The members of this team suddenly appeared in front of Guan Twelve!

Others naturally saw Zhao Xiaoshi and Zhou Porridge and were so frightened that they wanted to scream, but at this time Guan Twelve reminded: "Don't make any noise!"

The two quickly covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making a sound!
Then the sound of drumming was heard in the next second, followed by the sound of suona!It sounds like a very cheerful tune!

Even the red silk on the tree fluttered along!

And this team slowly floated towards them!
Yes!Float over! !
Little Master Zhao and the others are going to be scared out of their wits!Han Xiaoli's face is not good-looking either!But whoever sees this weird scene, there is no way not to be afraid!

At this time, Guan Twelve suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Han Xiaoli, Han Xiaoli was taken aback, he looked at Guan Twelve!And Guan Twelve didn't have time to look at her at all, she kept staring at the welcoming team that was getting closer and closer to her!

When he was about to get close to Guan Twelve or about five steps away, Guan Twelve hurriedly backed up three steps to make way for them, and the others followed suit when they saw this, making way for this weird welcoming team!
When the sedan chair passed Guan Twelve, Guan Twelve noticed that there was no one inside! !

Empty sedan chair? ? !
Just when Guan Twelve was confused, a child's singing suddenly came from around:

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

"Marry a bride, marry a bride~the bride is married to the groom~then give birth to the groom~the little bride who takes care of her husband and raises her children"

The children's singing is matched with the sound of the suona in front, if it is not the night, if those welcoming people are not drifting past, if the surrounding wind is not so piercing!Perhaps they will also make the sound of blessing.

It's just a pity...

Guan Twelve watched as the wedding party went further and further away!
Then suddenly disappeared again.

Together with the red silk on the tree, everything returned to its original state, and even the bonfire went up again!

Everyone was silent for a while, and then Zhou Congee burst into tears in the next second!
"What was that just now!! It must be a ghost! It must be a ghost! It's so scary! Do ghosts really exist in this world!!"

Although the others were not as exaggerated as Zhou Congee, they were all quite frightened!

Although Han Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, his face was still a little pale. He looked at the girl standing beside him and asked, "What was that just now?!"

For some reason, he had an intuition that the girl in front of him could solve this puzzle for him.

And Guan Twelve didn't have time to care about Han Xiaoli's problems at all, she was still staring in the direction ahead.

Han Xiaoli also looked over, and the next second he saw a wolf coming out of the bushes and staring at them!
The wolf was covered with lush hair, piercing red eyes, panting with its mouth open, its fangs exposed, and looked at them greedily!They are his food!
"Wolf???" Zhao Xiaoshi pointed at the wolf and scared the whole person to jump up!

But this is not more terrible!What's even more frightening is that one, two, and three came out immediately behind!The wolves directly surrounded them!

At this moment, they are like lambs to be slaughtered!
Little Master Zhao and the others were completely frightened out of their wits!

Han Xiaoli became serious when he saw the dangerous expression in front of him!

The player looked at the wolves in front of him blankly, then took a deep breath, and muttered: "Wolves really live in packs, and the books say it's pretty good."

"What?" Han Xiaoli, who was closest to Guan Twelve, hadn't reacted yet, and the player over there had already rushed over with a dagger!

Before everyone could react, the player went up and stabbed the neck of the wolf in front of him without hesitation!
If you want to get rid of these troublesome creatures as quickly as possible, you have to get rid of their leaders!

The wolf didn't even have time to scream, it fell to the ground!Lying in a pool of blood!
Guan Twelve shook the blood off the knife expressionlessly, then looked at the other wolves!
Wolves are very smart animals. From Guan Twelve's skill just now, they couldn't beat them at all, so they took two steps back, turned and ran away!
Crisis lifted.

Guan Twelve withdrew his weapon, then turned to look at Han Xiaoli and the others.

Obviously, Guan Twelve's behavior scared them, and everyone looked at her with horror and fear in their eyes!
Except for Han Xiaoli, his expressions are just complicated.

"." The player knows that her behavior will definitely scare them, but she doesn't intend to hide her skills, the main thing is sincerity!
She just put away the dagger and looked at them and asked, "If I saved you, I should have a share of the meal, right?"

Yes, the player is still thinking about her meal method. She hasn't eaten all day!Players are starving to death!

Unexpectedly, the first sentence she spoke was this. Han Xiaoli didn't realize it for a moment. After he realized it, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect that at this time, you are most concerned about this. I really lost to you." gone."

"I can't help it, I'm hungry." Guan Twelve said with a sigh.

The atmosphere eased in an instant, especially after discovering that although Guan Twelve is ridiculously powerful, she is indeed beautiful and cute!
Zhou Porridge even sat next to Guan Twelve and looked at her with admiration during the meal!
Guan Twelve is just showing off!Show off the rice in her bowl!

"Twelve, why are you so good? Have you ever been in a row?" Zhou Porridge asked with admiration and curiosity.

"Well, I've practiced." Guan Twelve replied after taking a mouthful of canned beef.

"Which club is it? Where is the address? I want to learn too!" Zhou Congee asked hastily.

".Actual training. I grew up in this forest." Guan Twelve only spoke half of what he said, but everyone present understood what Guan Twelve meant.

Her skills are all practiced in this forest, that's why she is so powerful!
"It's amazing. You look so beautiful, and you don't eat fireworks, but you were so handsome when you killed the wolf just now!" Zhou Congee looked at Guan Twelve obsessively, and then asked, "You Do you accept apprentices? How about I worship you as my teacher!"

Guan Twelve paused, then she turned her head to look at Zhou Porridge, observing for a while.

Thin bones, weak veins, perverse personality, like to consume impulsively, this type is usually fresh for three days, and I don’t like it later!
"No." So the player refused without hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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