The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 265 Invisible Lock

Chapter 265 Invisible Lock (5)

Zhou Porridge, who was rejected by Guan Twelve, curled his lips in frustration.

Han Xiaoli smiled and Zhou Porridge left first, then he looked at the girl who was eating seriously over there, and then at the friends who were playing in the water together. Now there are only two of them left here, so he asked: "Is it tasty?"

"Delicious." Guan Twelve was already hungry and crazy, as long as she ate it, she thought it was delicious!
"Although it's not good to mention this at mealtime, I still want to ask, did you take a look inside that red sedan chair just now?"

Guan Twelve kept moving until the last bite, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, then looked at Han Xiaoli and replied, "Well, I saw it."

"What's inside?" Han Xiaoli asked quickly!

"It's empty, it's empty inside." Guan Twelve answered truthfully!

Han Xiaoli was stunned for a moment.
empty? ?
"The Bride"

"Probably hasn't come out yet." Guan Twelve said indifferently.

Seeing her like this, Han Xiaoli also relaxed, and then he thought for a while and asked the question in his heart: "Twelve, you have a way to defeat ghosts, right?"

Officer Twelve didn't say anything!

"There should be, otherwise you wouldn't be so calm. You have met it before, so you are so used to it. Then the so-called village should also be fake, but that village is what you are looking for, so you will so."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiaoli narrowed his eyes and looked at Guan Twelve and asked, "Am I right?"

It can be said that it is completely correct, isn't your kid a bit too smart?
Too smart is not good!Players don't like to play with people who are too smart, no secret!

Guan Twelve already wanted to greet Han Xiaoli to the eighteenth generation, but she still didn't change her face. She just looked at Han Xiaoli and replied, "Are you showing off your intelligence?"

"No, I'm just curious about an answer." Han Xiaoli looked at her tenderly.

Regarding this, Guan Twelve could only sigh and say, "I don't like to communicate with smart people like you. It's no secret!"

"So I'm right~" Han Xiaoli looked at her with a grin.

"Well, by the way, this is your reward." Guan Twelve picked a small white flower from the ground at any time and stuffed it into Han Xiaoli's hand!

Han Xiaoli looked down at the little white flower in his hand, it was a very small daisy, very beautiful, but it could be seen everywhere!

"Thank you." Han Xiaoli couldn't help but smile, then took out a small card bag from his coat pocket and put Daisy in it.

"What about you? What are you doing here?" Guan Twelve looked at Han Xiaoli, her background was about to be exposed, but she still had no idea why Han Xiaoli and the others came here!
"We are here to hunt for treasure." Han Xiaoli said with a smile!

Then he didn't hide at all that they heard that there was a village in this forest, and there were countless treasures in the village, so they came here to hunt for treasures.

"If there is a treasure, will it be your turn?" Guan Twelve raised his brows.

If there really was a treasure in that village, it would have been snatched away by serious treasure hunters long ago!How many of them are useless?
"That's the problem. It's rumored that all the treasure hunters have mysteriously disappeared!"

When Guan Twelve heard this, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

Their rumor is not the same as the game's script introduction, isn't it a line?
"Because I was curious that my friend was the one wearing the glasses. He always wanted to go. I was worried that he would be alone, so I followed."

Han Xiaoli looked at Xiaoshi Zhao, but Xiaoshi Zhao was so focused on An Shishi at the moment that he didn't notice Han Xiaoli's gaze at all, so Han Xiaoli could only smile helplessly.

Guan Twelve didn't speak, but Han Xiaoli spoke first:

"But now I feel that things are not that simple. The one I met just now is obviously not in line with common sense, and about this, do you know anything about Twelve? Or is this what you actually came here for?"

Han Xiaoli looked at Guan Twelve, his tone was always so sure, which showed that he had absolute confidence in his guess, even Guan Twelve couldn't help but want to applaud him!
This NPC is very smart, or too smart!

He has been observing all around, and then judges based on what happened, your performance and language, and then writes an answer that is exactly the same as the real story!

He is simply the Sherlock Holmes of the game! !

Although boasting is to be praised, Guan Twelve still has to sigh!
She doesn't like to hang out with smart people of this type!

It's really bad that he is always calculating, his current type is very similar to Shaoqiuyan, but what I have to admit is that Shaoqiuyan and him are simply two different personalities!

But when you think about it, most of these children have just entered college, that is, they are less than 20 years old. At this age, they should not be able to compare with those who grew up in a perverted family environment!

However, this still doesn't hinder, players don't like Han Xiaoli's character!

This kind of person is just too smart, but it is still good to chat with a smart person, for example, he can understand many things without saying too much!
This is also the only thing Guan Twelve likes about smart people.

But forget it, it's useless to say these things now, and there is no need for Guan Twelve to hide this matter, so he told Han Xiaoli the introduction of the game!
Sure enough, Han Xiaoli frowned after listening:

"Sure enough, it's different from our side. Although I thought of this possibility, it will still be a little shocking when it really appears in front of me!"

Han Xiaoli raised his head and sighed!

"." Guan Twelve looked at him and said nothing!
To be honest, the player just knew about it, and the player was also shocked.

It is impossible for the game party to give a fake introduction, so it is Han Xiaoli's problem. Some people deliberately spread such rumors so that people can come to this forest and find that village.

But what is the purpose of doing this?

At [-]:[-], the official will not be able to figure it out, so he won't think about it, and continue to show off!

And Han Xiaoli is still thinking over there!
He thought about it for a long time, until the next morning, and stayed up all night, which shocked Guan Twelve.

The player was always angry earlier, but she never thought that when she opened her eyes, she would see Han Xiaoli writing and drawing!

I didn't know what I was doing, so Guan Twelve walked over and found that he was writing math equations! !
Guan Twelve was shocked!So she couldn't help but ask:
"You haven't slept all night?"

Han Xiaoli smiled with two big dark circles under his eyes and asked innocently: "Is it obvious?"

(End of this chapter)

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