The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 266 Invisible Lock

Chapter 266 Invisible Lock (6)

"Well, I think you can see it as long as you're not blind."

"Ah" Han Xiaoli subconsciously touched his lower eyelids. Although the feeling on his hands was the same as before, he could still guess what he looked like now.

Guan Twelve looked up at the number of players above his head, the number of players decreased rapidly, and now there were only seventy players left.

But that's it for one night.

The player slowly got up, then walked to the creek, looked at the clear lake water, stretched out his hands to wash his face, and let himself be sober.

Han Xiaoli also started to prepare breakfast, nothing more than heating the can.

At this time, An Shishi also woke up. She saw Han Xiaoli lighting the fire, so she got up and approached her, and said with a smile, "Good morning, you woke up really early, Classmate Han."

"Good morning." Han Xiaoli greeted politely, and then focused on lighting the fire.

Seeing this, An Shishi wanted to help, but Han Xiaoli shook his head and said that she didn't need her help.

An Shishi had no choice but to walk behind Guan Twelve, first washed her face and adjusted her makeup, then greeted Guan Twelve, and Guan Twelve also responded politely.

Immediately afterwards, An Shishi started chatting with Guan Twelve. She looked at Guan Twelve's delicate and perfect face without any blemishes, and couldn't help sighing, "Your skin is really good."

Guan Twelve looked at An Shishi, this pretty little girl looked at her skin enviously, her tone was as cute as her expression.

"You are beautiful, don't be envious of others." Official Twelfth also praised him back.

An Shishi is indeed a very beautiful girl. She is tall and has exquisite features. The only difference between makeup and no makeup is that her mouth is a little red. Her skin condition is also good. It's just that she stayed in the forest for one night. I didn't sleep well, so the lower corners of my eyes are a little haggard.

But this does not affect her beauty at all.

After listening, An Shishi smiled and said thank you.

It was obvious that she was not the kind of unconfident girl, she was just admiring the beauty of Guan Twelve.

She is a girl with a personality that players like.

Guan Twelve was thinking in his heart, and at this time, other people woke up one after another!
Greeted each other with them, and after breakfast, several people embarked on the journey again.

On the way, Guan Twelve noticed that the number of players above his head was decreasing at an extremely outrageous rate, and there were only 30 players left in a blink of an eye.

But on the second day, there were only 30 people left. This speed is too unscientific.

Guan Twelve felt that this speed was too ridiculous, which meant that there must be something unusual about this script.

"Twelve, we're going in this direction, right?"

Xiaoshi Zhao suddenly interrupted Guan Twelve's thoughts, she looked over, and Xiaoshi Zhao explained:

"You should know the way, right?"

"..." Players have never been there, where did they meet?
"I don't know." The player refused to be kidnapped, the player didn't know the player, and the player had never been there!So don't count on players!
"You are from that village, how could you not know him?!" Li Gangshen frowned when he heard that, and couldn't help asking!

Perhaps he felt that Guan Twelve was deceiving them, so his tone was a little more serious.

Guan Twelve just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just don't know the way, otherwise I would have gone home last night, why would I sleep out with you?"

"...Didn't you just think it would be fun to sleep outside with us?"

As a result, I was shocked to change the porridge!

After all, in her cognition, Guan Twelve belongs to the kind of people who come out to play, while her friends make up everything, and she is alone, so she cherishes seeing their new friends, so she doesn't want to go back to meet them at night. They made it for the night!
In the end, tell her now that no, her guesses are all wrong? ? !
Guan Twelve rejected her conjecture with a blank face:
"What are you kidding, what's so funny about it, I'm not going home? Do I look like someone out of their mind?"

Zhou porridge choked.

"If I say I don't know, I just don't know. It's useless for you to ask me. I still want to go back with you." Guan Twelve put his hands on his hips, and his tone was so righteous!
Except for Han Xiaoli who knew the truth, everyone else was dumbfounded!I have never seen such a righteous person!

"Okay, let's move on, don't you know the end point is the meaning of the journey?" Han Xiaoli came out to smooth things over at this time, and everyone let go of the questioning of Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve looked at Han Xiaoli who dispelled everyone's thoughts of interrogating him with one sentence, and Han Xiaoli also looked at her at this time, and found that when she looked at him, she even showed a smile to Guan Twelve!
Guan Twelve had no expression on his face, but he was crazily calculating in his heart!
This young man named Han Xiaoli may be more intimidating than she thought!
"Let's go Twelve." Han Xiaoli said to Guan Twelve.

"En." Guan Twelve nodded and followed!

At the same time, the forest on the other side is experiencing a brutal fight!

A young man ran away amidst the hail of bullets, and then ran to hide behind a big tree. He was panting and hiding, but the players who fought over there didn't seem to find him, so he saved his life!

The rescued boy held his chest and took a deep breath, and couldn't help complaining: "So this game is so scary?"

It's too scary, to draw a gun and go to war without saying a word!

Isn't this a role-playing game?
Could it be that Twelve has always played such a dangerous game?

That's right, this boy is exactly Ji Youku who has been secretly in love with the official for more than twelve years!
After he heard that Guan Twelve was playing "The Doom of Infinite Stream", he quickly bought the game. After learning that this game requires real-name authentication and each person can only be bound to one player, his first love for this game The impression is also much better!
At least it looks like a serious game now!

Then the game asked him to take out a photo to get into the appearance of the character.

Ji Youku used his own face, but found that his face made by the game looks better than his own, and the skin is so fine and smooth that it doesn't look like a real person!

Ah, it wasn't real at all!
After Ji Youku clicked OK, the generated character, apart from looking the same as him, also had silver hair and blue pupils!
As beautiful as the Son of God who controls the sky!
Ji Youku admired it for a while, and thought about how likely Guan Twelve would like it after seeing it!

Then I entered the game, and as soon as I entered the game, I just figured out the rules of the game, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a player who was the same as me, took out a big ax and slashed towards me the moment he saw me! !
(End of this chapter)

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