The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 267 Invisible Lock

Chapter 267 Invisible Lock (7)

Ji Youku secretly called out "digging" in his heart, then subconsciously dodged away!
At this time, he realized that he was so light!You can jump far away at once!
Is this also a modification of the game?
Ji Youku felt strange!He is a young man who is interested in new things!Now that I find that my body is so flexible, of course I want to try it!
So he attacked that person!

Ji Youku is also a type of sports in school!Although he has not undergone formal martial arts training, he has become flexible with his inexhaustible physical strength and strength!He could even compete with the player with the axe!Even after fully adapting later, there is a trend of catching up!

He kicked that player away with one kick!

Ji Youku looked at the player who was kicked several meters by himself and then hit a tree. At this time, Ji Youku noticed that his health bar had decreased a lot!

Can the strength of this kick be so great?

Ji Youku looked at his hands, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise up!
Very good!If I find Twelve in this way, I can protect her too!

Ji Youku clenched his fists and was about to rush up when he suddenly saw a pistol in that person's hand!
Ji Youku stopped quickly, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, when the man over there fired!But he didn't seem to have recovered from the pain, so the fight wasn't accurate! xz
They were all missed!

After Ji Youku realized it, he turned around and ran, and then that person chased after him!
Ji Youku ran and hid, his whole body is broken now!
"Why are there guns!!!" Although I read the rules of the game, I just skipped the novice tutorial, so I don't know that there is a game store!

What's worse, Ji Youku was seen by another group of players while hiding!Then the big melee begins!

Time to answer now, Ji Youku, who had successfully escaped the catastrophe, looked at the wound on his arm, which had already begun to bleed, and it was really painful. He remembered saying at the beginning of the game that it seemed to be [-]%.
I forgot that I didn't look too seriously!
But it should be very high, maybe it will be 90.00% nine!Otherwise, it would not be so painful! !
Ji Youku clutched his wound, it was bleeding all the time, and the blood bar was also coming down very fast!

Ji Youku felt that if he didn't control himself, he would lose blood and die!
Ji Youku hurriedly tore off the clothes on his body to tear off a bandage, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tear it off!

He was so anxious that he couldn't help complaining: "What kind of material is this? It's too strong!"

Fortunately, the blood finally stopped by itself after he lost a quarter of his blood volume!
Ji Youku breathed a sigh of relief!

He opened the game window and began to study the script.

It came in so suddenly that he hadn't had time to look carefully.

What exactly is this script about and how does this game play...

"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blows from behind him!The singing of children followed.

Terrified, Ji Youku immediately turned around and looked over, only to see a little girl in a pink dress and green pants with two braids standing behind her!
When did it appear? !
Ji Youku was stunned there!

The little girl looked at Ji Youku, her eyes were big and beautiful. Although she was young, it was not difficult to see what a beautiful girl she would be when she grew up.

At this time, the little girl continued to sing the song:

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

The innocent voice of a child makes this song cute too!
Ji Youku looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared, and his eyes slowly looked at the top of her head, there was no blood bar, so it was not a player, but a character in the script?

"Big brother... are you here to play with me?" The little girl looked at Ji Youke with her head tilted, and looked at him expectantly!
Ji Youku blinked, obviously there was no other person here, this little girl was talking to him.

"...I'm sorry, big brother has other things to do, so I might not be able to play with you." Ji Youke looked at the little girl, although he didn't know who she was, but Ji Youke knew that his purpose of coming here was naturally not Stopped because of other things.

"Well... big brother has someone else in his heart." The little girl tilted her head and said depressedly.

Ji Youku smiled, and was about to say something when the little girl suddenly disappeared!
Ji Youku's eyes widened, and then he looked around!The scene did not know when it changed, and countless red silks were suddenly hung on the trees around him!

The sky also unknowingly darkened!In the darkness, the cold wind slowly blows over, the leaves rustle and the red silk flutters around!

Ji Youku looked around vigilantly!

Suddenly a pair of cold hands stretched out from behind him and stroked his neck!

Ji Youku suddenly felt a chill!
[Hmph ~ Bride, don't cry, the groom is a handsome man ~ The house is a hundred acres of land ~ The bride is married to enjoy the happiness]

A woman's singing came from behind, and Ji Youku felt that there was someone behind him!It was an extremely gloomy atmosphere!

Ji Youku wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't move!

[Bride, bride, don’t cry~The groom is a handsome man~]

The woman behind her hummed the lyrics, then she put her face on Ji Youku's shoulder, Ji Youku looked over from the corner of her eye, he could only see the man's red hijab!
The aura on her body was too gloomy, and she was not a player. Ji Youku felt that she was not a real person. Coupled with the introduction of the game script he just read, he came to a conclusion that this woman is a ghost!
[Xiao Langjun~ Are you here to find your sweetheart? 】The female ghost asked him with a smile.

Ji Youku opened his mouth and made a sound tentatively, but when he found that he could speak, he smiled with some difficulty and said, "Yes, girl, do you know where she is?"

The female ghost snorted, and then said mysteriously: 【Then why don't you take off my hijab and take a look at my appearance? 】

Ji Youku was stunned, but at this time the female ghost disappeared and stood in front of him!Only at this time did Ji Youku get to see the whole picture of this female ghost. She was wearing a Chinese-style red wedding gown, indigo thread embroidered brocade, and covered with a red hijab. This was undoubtedly a bride, a ghost bride!

At this time the wind blew over, Ji Youku looked at the corner of the hijab blown up, revealing the rosy lips, under the fair skin, like red flowers blooming in the snow!Ji Youku felt as if he was possessed by a demon, so he stretched out his hand out of nowhere, wanting to take off the hijab and see the true face of the woman under the hijab!
[It's so strange, since Mr. Lang has a sweetheart, why did he take off the hijab? 】

(End of this chapter)

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