The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 268 Invisible Lock

In a certain courtyard, two groups of people were discussing things, while outside, a little girl was sitting under the tree and looking at the book in her hand. Occasionally, she would ask her mother beside her:

"Mother, what does the husband written on it mean?"

"The husband is the sky, the husband is the earth, and the husband is the reason. You can't go against the sky, you can't go against the ground, and you can't be unreasonable."

Her mother gently stroked her head and said softly.

"Isn't it like Master Daddy?" The little girl thought for a while and then said.

"Yes, Xiaotao is really smart."

"It's so strange~" The little girl frowned and then looked incomprehensible.

"What's weird?"

"Daddy is also a human being, and mother is also human. Why doesn't Daddy regard mother as the sky, mother as the earth, and mother as the reason?" The young girl felt that it was so unfair!

And asked her mother!
But her mother just smiled after listening, and then touched her head, instead of answering this question, she said to the little girl: "Xiao Tao, come and sing, sing your favorite song."

"..." The little girl nodded, then coughed lightly, and sang:
"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

"Marry a bride, marry a bride~the bride is married to the groom~then give birth to the groom~the little bride who takes care of her husband and raises her children"

"Hmph ~ Bride, don't cry, the groom is a handsome man ~ The house is a hundred acres of land ~ The bride is married to enjoy the happiness"

"The bride and groom stay together forever ~ Embrace each other and live forever!"

The little girl's mouth was suddenly choked!Her always gentle mother suddenly turned ferocious!She yelled at the little girl: "Who allowed you to sing like this?! The lyrics are not like this! How can you change them randomly!!"

The little girl was terrified!She didn't understand why her mother was so angry!She just hates the original lyrics!So what's wrong with changing it? !
And her mother seemed to have come to her senses at this moment, she quickly let go of the little girl, and said regretfully, "I'm sorry Xiaotao, I hurt you."

"Doesn't mother like it? If you don't like it, I'll just sing the original song." Xiaotao looked at her mother, her expression was very strange, she didn't look like the mother she knew, so she guessed that she changed the lyrics So my mother is angry, although I don't know why I can't change it, but if changing the lyrics will make my mother angry, she just doesn't change it!
"No, mother likes it very much, but Xiao Tao remembers not to sing in front of others."

"Well! From now on, I will only sing for my mother!" The little girl smiled brightly and dazzlingly!
But her mother was silent for two seconds, and then said: "No, don't sing in front of mother, as long as you know it yourself."

At the same time, the two groups of people in the room have been observing the movements of the two of them. One of them looked at the little girl and said lightly, "She is a beauty, but her education is not good enough."

"After all, it is a child raised by a woman, so it is inevitable that there are no rules. Grandpa Tian, ​​if you don't cherish such a good thing, it will destroy her value."

And that Grandpa Tian just narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't say anything!
The next day, the little girl went to find her mother as usual, but what she saw was a tall and majestic figure!


The little girl took a step back in fright!
"Tian Tao, what are you going to do?"

The man looked down at the little girl in front of him.

"I...I'm going to find my mother..." The little girl replied submissively.

"There's no need to look for it, that woman is dead."

"What... what?!"

The little girl looked behind the man in disbelief and saw a group of strange men!

"I'm going to find my mother!" The little girl was terrified!She couldn't believe that her mother who was fine yesterday died suddenly!How can this be!

She was caught by a man within two steps of running!She struggled desperately, but was slapped by the man!

The little girl stopped struggling, and she looked at the man, the so-called father she hadn't seen a few times since she was born!

Then she covered the left side of her face that had just been beaten, and she was in a daze!
"If you deny your father's words, if you resist your father's words, that woman really didn't teach you well. A treasure like you! It will be of great value in the future and cannot be destroyed by others. From today onwards, I will teach you."

"Be honored."

The little girl looked at the man in front of her, and thought of her gentle mother. Tears couldn't help swirling in her eyes, and finally flowed out, across the little girl's cheeks, and then dripped on the ground!

And at this time, the flowers in the yard have already bloomed!A beautiful butterfly hovered above, and before it could absorb the nectar, it was tightly held by a big hand like a flower!

And after the big hand was released, the butterfly inside was silent, and the destroyed flowers were no longer beautiful...

[It's so strange, since Mr. Lang has a sweetheart, why did he take off the hijab? 】

The female ghost's words interrupted Ji Youku's movements, and Ji Youku came back to his senses, and when he realized what he was about to do, he broke out in a cold sweat, and then he was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his hand, took a few steps back, and looked at the woman in front of him vigilantly. ghost!
[Yeah~ Don't you take off your hijab, sir? 】

Ji Youku took a deep breath, then looked coldly at the female ghost in front of him and said, "I'm sorry, but the hijab of the girl should be handed over to your groom to uncover it."

Unexpectedly, when the female ghost heard this, her breath suddenly became irritable!

The cold wind all around is wanton!Hong Ling was blown away!
Ji Youku narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't know why his words made the female ghost so irritable!

But he knew one thing clearly, that is, this female ghost is not as gentle as before, she might kill him!

And the next second the female ghost raised her hand and a red silk came out from her sleeve and wrapped around his neck, Ji Youku quickly stretched out her hand and grabbed the red silk to prevent herself from suffocating!
And this Hong Ling slowly tightened her grip and pulled him towards the female ghost!

Ji Youku grabbed Hong Ling with both hands to compete with her, but he lost to her and was slowly dragged over!

He knew that he would be cool if he was dragged there!But now no matter how much he fights, he can't stand it!

Just when he thought he was going to be doomed this time, a touch of white suddenly appeared in his sight!I saw that white figure holding a yellow talisman in his hand and pasting it on the red silk!
Glow with the spell on the yellow talisman paper!Suddenly a fire ignited!Hong Ling was burned!

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