The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 271 Invisible Lock

Now that a decision has been made, everyone walked towards the village.

As soon as she reached the gate of the village, just as Guan Twelve's foot was about to step into the village, she felt a great sense of resentment!

That's a curse!The curse has covered the entire village, what a resentment it must be!
Guan Twelve thought of the game's introduction to the plot:
[People live and work in peace and contentment, living in peace and joy, suddenly there is a murder case in an old house~ The whole village is caught in a curse, and this curse comes from a ridiculous marriage contract a hundred years ago ~】

Wronged soul?
"What's the matter Twelve?" Han Xiaoli asked when Guan Twelve stopped suddenly!

Seeing this, the others also looked at Guan Twelve!After all, judging from Guan Twelve's spell to summon thunder!They knew that Guan Twelve must know spells!

So following her is at least safe!

Seeing her stop now, the others followed suit.

Guan Twelve looked at the ordinary village in front of him, no, it should be said to be a deserted village. It can be seen that it has been deserted for many years, and even the signs at the entrance of the village are corroded and dilapidated. It can be vaguely seen from the above that the name of this village is [Jide Village].

Looking in from their position, the thatched huts in the village have already stepped on a large area, and the road is overgrown with weeds!The fields are also dry, revealing barrenness everywhere!

If she hadn't learned a little bit, she wouldn't be able to see that there would be such a big resentment here!

It's a ghost!It's a ghost she can't beat!

Guan Twelve quickly came to a conclusion, but no matter what, she had to enter this village, so she looked at Han Xiaoli and the others, and asked a question: "There are ghosts in this village, the ones I can't beat, In this case, do you still want to go in?"

A ghost that she can't beat? !
The NPCs were stunned when they heard the news. You look at me and I look at you, not knowing what to do.

It was still Han Xiaoli who was calm. He saw that Guan Twelve didn't answer first, but asked back: "What about you? Do you still want to go in even though you know you can't beat it?"

Officer Twelve nodded.

Of course she has to go in, the story of the script unfolds here, if she doesn't go in, how can she play the game?
"Although I don't quite understand why you would do this, I want to go in, and as the son of an adventurer, I have the means to protect myself!" Han Xiaoli clenched his hands into fists, indicating that he is very powerful!
Guan Twelve looked at his fists as big as two bean paste bags, and she really wanted to say that physical attacks might not be of much use to ghosts, but seeing Han Xiaoli's firm attitude, she didn't say anything, anyway, she had already reminded everything she should remind up.

Others also said they wanted to go in.

Then Guan Twelve had nothing to say, she looked at Ji Youku beside her, don't think about it, as a player, he will definitely go in!
Guan Twelve took a deep breath, then lifted his foot and stepped in!

Then go in!
The moment you walk into the village with both feet!
Guan Twelve felt that the scenery around him had changed all of a sudden!
It was a deserted village just now, but it became popular in a blink of an eye!

The villagers coming and going on the road, the people planting rice seedlings in the fields, and the laughter of children!

White smoke from the chimney!
Even the wind blowing over revealed a smell of rice!

Although she knew it was an illusion, Guan Twelve still found it strange, and what made her feel even more strange was that their clothes were changed at this very moment!
Guan Twelve looked down at the combination of his red dress and green skirt, lost in thought...

What a wonderful combination.

Wait until she turns her head to look at other people, okay!

Not so good!

Girls are uniformly red and green, with two braids!Boys are gray pants, black clothes and straw sandals!
It's a very ordinary dress!

"What kind of ugly clothes are these!" Zhou Porridge almost hated him to death.

Ji Youku also disliked his clothes a little bit, but he saw that Guan Twelve didn't seem to be dissatisfied with his clothes, and he didn't say anything!
Um!Learn from Twelve!Don't make her feel like a squeamish person!
Zhao Xiaoshi was frightened by this sudden change and refused to listen.

Han Xiaoli thought it was very fresh. When he saw Guan Twelve's outfit, it was obviously such a gaudy outfit, but she didn't seem ugly in it. Well, although it wasn't good-looking, it was just that, after all, the clothes were not for anyone. can be controlled.

But when she wore this dress, she was much more popular than that white dress, and she seemed to be alive.

"What do you see me doing?"

Seeing Han Xiaoli staring at him, Guan Twelve was expressionless.

She knows that she may look ugly now, but please don't keep staring at the player, okay?
"I think you are cute like this." Han Xiaoli replied truthfully.

Guan Twelve was stunned, and so were the others!

Especially Master Zhao!As Han Xiaoli's child, Zhao Xiaoshi can be said to have never seen Han Xiaoli praise any girl for being cute!
To put it mildly, he treats everyone equally!
To put it bluntly, he just has no fucking love cell!So it's not a cold for girls!
At first, he thought that his little boy could only rely on this face to deceive a little girl in his life!Unexpectedly, he suddenly became enlightened!

He even praised a girl? ? ! !

And An Shishi looked at Han Xiaoli with a complicated expression.

Before, no matter how beautiful clothes she wore or how beautifully she dressed, Han Xiaoli never praised her!
Don't even want to look at her more!
But when she knew that Han Xiaoli treated every girl like this, she immediately became determined to win!

Vow to become the most special person in Han Xiaoli's heart!

Unexpectedly...he actually praised another girl in front of her!
Ji Youku also looked at Han Xiaoli warily!
Even knowing that he is an NPC!Will not meet in reality!But it doesn't mean that he can say love words to the girl he likes in front of him and he won't be angry!

sorry!He is not that kind of generous person!He is stingy!Not even NPCs!
So Ji Youke silently gave Han Xiaoli a warning in his heart!
Relatively speaking, Guan Twelve is much more dull!

Because she knows Han Xiaoli's character!To put it bluntly, he is sexually frigid and emotionally idiot, his compliment is really a very simple compliment, and it is also what he thinks in his heart, and there is no other meaning!
So Guan Twelve didn't think too much, just said thank you, and this matter will be over!
Of course, only she and Han Xiaoli passed by, no one else!
Officer Twelve on the road looked around, and the people around were also looking at them!

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