The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 272 Invisible Lock

Chapter 272 Invisible Lock (12)

Guan Twelve and the others walked around the village and found that the village was quite big, and not all of them were blocked with thatched houses, but there were also tile-roofed houses and small courtyards, which showed that the economic level of this village was not average.

Guan Twelve stopped in front of the best building in the village!
Even the outer wall of this building is made of tiles, which shows the economic strength of this building!
Originally, Guan Twelve also planned to stay here for one night, mainly because there was a lot of resentment in this yard!

This should be the source of the ghost.

Guan Twelve thought about knocking on the door, and after waiting for a while, the door opened, and there was a woman in plain clothes, who should be the servant of this family.

"You are?" The woman was taken aback when she saw Guan Twelve and the others. The main reason was that Guan Twelve and the others were very handsome, obviously they were not children of ordinary families.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. We were passing by here. Seeing that it was getting late and we had nowhere to stay, we had no choice but to knock on the door cheekily. We would like to ask the owner of this house to take us in for a night."

The woman sized up Guan Twelve, then at Ji Youke and Han Xiaoli, and blushed immediately!Then he said: "Wait a moment and I will report to the Patriarch."

Guan Twelve smiled and said it was troublesome, and then closed the door.

"Twelve, why did you choose this place?" Ji Youku couldn't see the resentment, and naturally he didn't understand why Guan Twelve chose this courtyard. Although this courtyard seemed to be the best in the village, he didn't think that Guan Twelve was the best. Such superficial people.

But Han Xiaoli guessed a little bit, he asked: "Is there something unclean here?"

So players hate smart people!

They are so smart!

Guan Twelve sighed inwardly, then she nodded and said, "There is something in this yard."

Before Guan Twelve could say anything more, the door was opened again, and the woman poked her head out from inside and said, "The Patriarch said that he can keep some of you for one night."

"Thank you very much!" Guan Twelve thanked, and then he was stopped when he was about to leave.

The woman quickly explained: "Well, we have a rule here, women are not allowed to go through the main entrance, they have to enter from the side."

While talking about the woman, the caring assistant Twelve pointed to the side direction.

Officer Twelve: ...not far away.

But this is too strange!
"Why can't we go through the front door! What kind of rule is this!" Zhou Congee was going to explode in anger!

"I'm sorry, this is our rule here. If you can't abide by it, I'm sorry. Please leave." When it came to this, the woman's attitude was very cold!

Obviously this is a rule that cannot be violated.

Guan Twelve persuaded Zhou Congee to calm down, and then said to Ji Youke, "I'll go this way."

"I want to be with you too..."

Seeing this, Ji Youku also wanted to follow, but before he finished speaking, the woman over there said:

"Men can't go through the side door, only the son-in-law will go through the side door."

Ji Youku: ...Actually, if you count, he can be regarded as the door-to-door son-in-law...

Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve and thought.

But Han Xiao understood that this village was very strange, not only because they had never seen a woman along the way, but also because they had heard the strange rules now.

It is not difficult to see that women are strictly controlled in this village, and it can even be said that men are superior to women.

Do as the Romans do, which can save a lot of trouble.

Han Xiaoli felt that it would be safer to follow their rules when they didn't understand the situation at hand.

And Guan Twelve probably thought so too, so she didn't have any doubts.

Thinking of this, Han Xiaoli raised his legs and walked into the main entrance, while Guan Twelve walked to the side.

Guan Twelve and Han Xiaoli belong to two relatively prestigious existences in this team, one is their umbrella, and the other is their pillar!

Now that the two generals have followed their rules without saying a word, the others will naturally not say anything, even if Zhou Porridge has complaints in his heart, he can only hold them in his heart, but fortunately there are people who pick them up at the side door.

It was a small girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but she was dressed the same as the person at the main entrance just now, so she was also a servant of this yard.

The little girl led them down a small path and came to a house at the very back. This house was very ordinary, basically similar to those thatched houses outside.

When he knew that this place was where they were going to live tonight, Guan Twelve asked without changing his face: "What about the boys who came with us?"

"Men live in the main house."

The girl answered obediently.

"What do you mean?! Why can't they live in us?" Although it is said that the place they give you is fine, and you are not qualified to pick and choose, but when you hear that those boys live in the main courtyard, the main courtyard, you will be compared This grass house is much better!

This overly obvious gender treatment made Zhou Congee very uncomfortable!
"Men can be in charge of the main courtyard, but women can't, because women have aura in them, which will destroy the immortal energy of the main courtyard, which will bring bad luck to the family."

The girl said seriously.

"What is this..." Zhou Congee heard such absurd reason for the first time, and just as she was about to speak up, Guan Twelve interrupted her:

"Okay we got it, thanks for telling us that."

"No, you're welcome. If you need anything, just call us. We call Xia Nu. As long as you call Xia Nu, someone will come over."

Guan Twelve nodded, and then asked again: "Then do you have male servants here?"

The girl nodded and said, "There are."

"Then what are their names?"

"Call the superior, but they are all taking care of the head of the family or the young masters, they will not come to take care of women."

".OK, I see, thank you."

"It's nothing, you can call me if you have anything to do."

After the girl left, Zhou Porridge couldn't bear it anymore and sat down on the kang, cursing:
"What kind of place is this! Is gender discrimination so serious! They are all human, why should they be superior to others?!"

"And you can't go through the main entrance and live in thatched cottages! Even the maids are called servants! This is telling us nakedly! Don't girls have any dignity in this village!!"

". Twelve, what should we do?" Compared to Zhou Porridge's panic, An Shishi was obviously much calmer. She looked at Guan Twelve, the only pillar among them, and she asked.

"...I don't know, I need to know the situation, so let's follow the rules of this village during this time, and remember not to break the rules before I have studied it clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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