The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 273 Invisible Lock

Chapter 273 Invisible Lock (13)

When the little girl grows up, she is slim, with white skin and picturesque eyebrows. She is well-behaved and sensible, and at the same time, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!
Before reaching the marriageable age, there are already a large number of suitors!
But the little girl is not happy, because she wears cumbersome clothes, walks well, and has to salute when she sees a man!
There are endless classes to shoot, and endless people to kneel!
Repression and lack of freedom are revealed everywhere!

She doesn't like this, sometimes she will sneak out from the side door, and then come to the big banyan tree she used to go to when she was a child, and then sit there looking at the blue sky, breathing the fresh air!
That is the taste of freedom!
At this time, she would also hum her mother's favorite song:

"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

Just when the little girl was singing vigorously, there was a sudden sound behind her. She was so frightened that she turned her head and saw a boy standing there looking at her!
The two of them just looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Ah..." The little girl was so frightened that she hurriedly got up and ran away in a panic!


Guan Twelve opened her eyes, she got up and glanced at Zhou Porridge beside her, An Shishi got up early and didn't know where she was going.

Guan Twelve was afraid to get up, and walked out the door. She glanced at the players above her, and there were a lot fewer players, and now there were only ten players left.

She retracted her gaze, and then walked out. When she passed a small garden, she stopped and looked around. The surrounding environment was ordinary, but it was considered a very clean place, and there was also a small garden. They are all ordinary flowers that can no longer be ordinary, but they are also very beautifully arranged by time!
It can be seen that the owner of this small garden is a very careful person.

Guan Twelve stopped in front of a red flower. She stretched out her hand to touch it when she suddenly heard a loud noise from behind!

Guan Twelve turned his head and saw a beautifully dressed woman standing behind her. The woman's appearance was very beautiful, but her eyes were wrinkled and tired. When she saw Guan Twelve, she seemed surprised!
It seems that no one expected to come here.

"Hold...Sorry, I'm sorry." The woman came back to her senses, lowered her head and hurriedly picked up the water bottle that had just been accidentally dropped, and then said with an apologetic expression.

"No, are you not injured?" Guan Twelve walked over, and the woman shook her head.

Guan Twelve noticed that there was a resentment in the woman, which was also the reason for her tired look.

"My name is Twelve. I stayed overnight last night because it was getting late."

"Ah, I'm the second grandma of the Liu family." The woman said with a smile.

"……your name?"

"Married women don't have a name, they follow their husband's family name. The owner of this courtyard is Liu Xiu, this courtyard is called the Liu family, and I am his second wife, so I am called the second grandma of the Liu family. Just call me."

That's what women say.

"..." Guan Twelve looked at the woman, who seemed to take this as something she was used to, and it was normal.

But Guan Twelve felt that the environment here was very depressing, especially after she finished saying this, Guan Twelve felt that the resentment on her body was even heavier.

"That's right, I'm sorry, it's the first time I've been here, and I don't quite understand your customs. Can you tell me about your rules here?"

"Of course, it would also be our pride to let everyone know our customs here."

The woman smiled.

After that, the woman explained the rules here to Guan Twelve:
"Our rules here are very simple, that is..."

The man is the sky, the man is the earth, and the man is the principle.

Don't go against the sky, don't go against the ground, don't be unreasonable.

Respect men, respect husbands, be grateful to men, be grateful to husbands.

A woman must be humble, not to go to the main hall, not to sit at the same table with a man, not to see that a man is rude, and not to be grateful to a man.

Women want husbands and children, are not allowed to go out, and are not allowed to buy vegetables after marriage!
Guan Twelve was walking on the road, recalling the rules of the world that the woman told her.

Basically, it can be summed up in one sentence: a world where men are superior to women!
It's really suffocating!

In this way, she can probably guess why the female ghost's resentment is so heavy.

"Twelve!" Guan Twelve was still thinking about the script when he suddenly heard someone calling her.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw Ji Youku greet him warmly.

And he followed Han Xiaoli.

The two walked up to Guan Twelve, and Ji Youku asked Guan Twelve enthusiastically, "Did Twelve sleep well last night?"

Thinking of the icy earth kang last night, Guan Twelve nodded expressionlessly and said, "I slept fairly well."

"Twelve, don't you think it's strange here?"

Ji Youku asked cautiously.

Guan Twelve took a look.

"Yesterday they treated us very well. They ate well and slept well. They also asked where our home is and if we need it..." Han Xiaoli didn't say anything after that, but judging from his hesitant expression, it wasn't anything things on the table.

"People here are very tolerant of men." Guan Twelve looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "This should be a world that you will like."

"I don't like it, it's too strange here." Ji Youku directly refused.

And Han Xiaoli also shook his head and refused: "This unfair world is too strange."

"Since yesterday, it has revealed a very unfair environment for girls. This unfair world is too strange."

After Han Xiaoli finished speaking, he paused, then said with a wry smile:

"But Master Zhao and Li Gangshen really like this place, and they disappeared early this morning."

Officer Twelve didn't say anything.

"Where are you going, Twelve?" Ji Youku noticed that Guan Twelve was always walking outside, so she must be going out.

"Go out and have a look."

"Then I'll be with you!"

"I also need to go!"

Ji Youku and Han Xiaoli spoke in unison!

Then they both glanced at each other, Ji Youku looked at Han Xiaoli with vigilance in his eyes!

He really is a rival in love!

And Han Xiaoli, who didn't know what happened, only knew that Ji Youku hated him!
Han Xiaoli: No wonder!
"Okay, let's go together then."

In this world where men are superior to women, it can be easier if there are two men around.

On the way, Guan Twelve noticed that there were basically no women on the road, and even if there were women, they would follow behind the men, with the men at the head.

(End of this chapter)

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