The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 274 Invisible Lock

Guan Twelve glanced at Han Xiaoli and Ji Youku who were following him.

In comparison, what she did was indeed a bit of a violation of the rules. No wonder so many people looked at them.

However, Guan Twelve didn't care, as long as no one came to make trouble, he would be watched if he was seen!

As for Ji Youku and Han Xiaoli, one is a famous figure in the school, it is common for thousands of people to watch them when they are followed and photographed, even when they go out to eat!
The other one doesn't have embarrassment or emotional nerves at all. Simply put, he is naturally dumb, so he won't have any strange emotions!

Guan Twelve walked all the way to a banyan tree in the village. This banyan tree looked very old. The lines on the tree were deep and clean. changed!
The sky darkened in an instant, and the cold wind blew over!

Guan Twelve noticed that Han Xiaoli and Ji Youku had disappeared, she turned around and looked over, and saw the big mansion at night with dazzling red lanterns hanging!

But she was not angry, eerily quiet, she turned her head and a red hijab suddenly appeared in front of her face!

This kind of face-to-face and intimidating Guan Twelve was startled, she quickly took two steps back, and saw clearly that the person who came was the ghost of the bride in red again!
And she was still dressed in that wedding dress, with her hijab uncovered, and she was full of resentment!

I saw her open her mouth!It's still the same song:

[Hmph~little girl~so pretty~beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang~put on the wedding dress~put on rouge~paint red makeup~cover red cover~get on the sedan chair~become the most beautiful little bride]

Just after singing the first stanza, she was interrupted by Guan Twelve, and she said:

"Stop singing, no matter how much you like it, you can't keep singing. You are not tired of singing, and I am tired of listening to it. If we want to sing, we can change it."

The player never dreamed that he would negotiate terms with a ghost, it's been a long time.

【Don't you like this song too? 】

I didn't expect that female ghost to talk to her. If it wasn't because she was full of danger, Guan Twelve might think that she was easy to get along with, but it was not the case.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it will get boring after listening to it for a long time. Don't you know other songs?" Guan Twelve truthfully expressed his feelings, but his mind was frantically searching for this kind of relationship with the other party. How to save yourself when there is a huge difference in strength.

[I only have this song, why don't you sing it to me. 】The female ghost is like a coquettish little girl at the moment, maybe she is not very old, judging from her height and shape, she was definitely much younger than Guan Twelve when she died.

"I can't sing." The corner of Guan Twelve's mouth twitched. She really couldn't sing. What she knew was the few nursery rhymes she learned in vocal music class when she was a child. Now she forgot to know the first half of the sentence but not the second half.

【…】When the female ghost heard that Guan Twelve couldn't sing, her whole body began to tremble!
Officer Twelve swears!She felt that the resentment on seeing the female ghost increased!Is this girl angry? !
why!Just because she doesn't sing? ! !

Isn't this fucking ridiculous!What logic! !

"Wait, I'll sing! I'll sing, don't be angry!" Forced by the coercion, Guan Twelve waved his hand and could only drive the ducks to the shelf to sharpen his gun. He searched for a song with more lyrics in her memory, and then sang:
"Snow~snow~white snow~falling from the sky to the ground~stepping on it~like stepping on clouds~white~white~white snow~blowing from east to west ~ One by one, it fell down~ It seemed to fall on that person's heart~"

At this moment, Guan Twelve seemed to have seen the girl in the snowstorm!She held a large pile of white roses stained red with blood, and sang to her while weeping.

The female ghost didn't seem to like the song, she suddenly put her hands into the hijab to cover her face, and then let out a low-pitched cry...

Then the next second she suddenly yelled violently!
All the resentment burst out immediately!

Guan Twelve hurriedly used formulas to resist, but he was still attacked until he vomited a mouthful of blood!

Immediately, the blood bar was halved!
And at this time, the illusion dissipated!The player returned to the real world, and when he came back, he saw Li Gangshen and Ji Youku looking at him worriedly!

"Twelve, what happened to you?!"

Seeing that Guan Twelve opened his eyes, Ji Youku hurriedly asked.

Guan Twelve glanced around, and then looked at the two people who were about to speak, when the gap suddenly became dangerous, and when he looked up, an arrow from the sky shot towards them!Guan Twelve immediately kicked the two of them away!But her shoulder was hurt because of it! !
"Twelve!" This sudden change was unexpected by everyone!

Just as Ji Youku was about to step forward, he saw Guan Twelve had got up, and then gritted his teeth and pulled out the bow and arrow cruelly!

The blood couldn't stop flowing!Guan Twelve's blood bar also dropped at a rapid speed!

Guan Twelve swallowed the drug while enduring the pain!

The pain in my heart is more painful than the wound!
This fucking medicine is a special medicine!Damn expensive! !

That damned player who made her spend money!
"Come out! They are all serious players, it's no fun to play this kind of shady game!" Guan Twelve looked up at the top of the banyan tree and shouted!
This is an open grassland, if you can shoot down from such a height, the archer must be at a high place, and the only high place here is this banyan tree!

Is it just here?Why did the ones who just came attack now!

What responded to Guan Twelve was the salsa sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, as if there was nothing there, but Guan Twelve was thinking too much!

But the more this happened, the more suspicious Guan Twelve became. Her sixth sense was very accurate, there must be someone there!
Thinking that Guan Twelve took out his dagger to observe, two arrows shot out from the banyan tree in the next second, and Guan Twelve, who had been on guard this time, dodged easily!
Then, following the position where the arrow came out, she threw in a dagger!
No one was stabbed, but the good news is that the person also fell to the ground!
It was a female player holding an extremely unpopular bow and arrow. Among the unpopular weapons in game stores, bows and arrows are very unpopular. Basically, no players would choose them. One is very expensive and the other is not. It is practical, and if someone uses a submachine gun and a grenade, it will hit your door, and you are still pulling the string, isn't this an early death!

"Using bows and arrows? It's quite rare." Guan Twelve looked at the female player, she snorted coldly and turned back unceremoniously: "You don't have the right to blame me for throwing darts!"

Officer Twelve: But they are daggers, not darts.

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