The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 275 Invisible Lock

"You've been hiding on it?" Guan Twelve didn't intend to bother with her about recognizing the wrong weapon, she asked curiously!
This is something she has been curious about since the very beginning. After all, if this player came before them, then she should have been killed when she entered the illusion. Why did she wait until she came out?
"Hmm." The woman nodded.


"Don't ask!" Just as Guan Twelve was about to speak, the girl interrupted her, and then said with a serious face: "Don't ask, even if you ask, you have to install the bowstring yourself for this broken weapon!"

Officer Twelve:

Officer Twelve nodded.

As soon as the girl mentioned this, she became angry, and she stopped pretending to be cold, and yelled directly: "Why is the game so strict! Can't you pretend to be good before selling it?!"

"... Is it possible that what you bought is not a one-time item?" This official twelve is going to fight for the game!

For this game except those disposables.Anyone who wants to use it for a long time will sell the parts and install it by himself!
This is why those players like to use firearms.Because firearms are basically disposable products, only this script can be used.When it comes to another script, just buy it again!

"So troublesome?" The woman obviously didn't know about it, she frowned and said sadly:

"If I knew it was like this, I wouldn't follow the trend and buy this. It cost me a lot of money!"

The woman was so angry that she threw the bow and arrow to the ground and was about to step on it, probably because she remembered the price of the bow and arrow, so she picked it up again with distress.

Officer Twelve: So why bother?

"Do you want to fight?" Guan Twelve didn't want to continue talking nonsense, adhering to the principle of being polite to ladies, Guan Twelve asked the player's opinion before fighting.

"Let's fight! Anyway, if you meet him, you can't fight for nothing!" The woman attacked Guan Twelve as she said that, and she seemed to be planning to fight hand-to-hand.

Then she saw that woman raised the bow in her hand towards her!OK!Or close combat with weapons!

Guan Twelve took a deep breath and easily dodged the attack. Then she held the dagger in her hand, raised the knife and landed, directly killing her!
That player didn't expect that he would go offline so quickly!In the last two seconds of being eliminated, her pupils dilated, she pointed at Guan Twelve in shock and said, "You're definitely going to hang! I'm going to hang you on the forum!"

Officer Twelve: Damn!People obviously rely on their strength! !

This kind of failure is the most annoying!
Guan Twelve cursed sadly in his heart, then turned around and saw Han Xiaoli looking at her with a pale face.

Yes, think about it, after all, in his sight, she really killed someone just now!
No matter how powerful Han Xiaoli is, she is just a college student, a college student who has never experienced fighting. To the players, she just eliminated a player, and that player did not die, but to the people in this plot!Officer Twelve just killed someone!

"You..." Han Xiaoli took a long time to recover. After recovering, he looked at Guan Twelve with a complicated expression, hesitant to speak as if he wanted to say something.

Regarding this, Guan Twelve also said bluntly: "This is my friend and my enemy. I came to this village to find them."

"So, you really didn't lie to me." Han Xiaoli took a deep breath. He thinks that he has a strong ability to bear, and basically he can accept and adapt to many things. This is also the spirit that an adventurer should possess!

But just now, he was subjected to the biggest test in his 20 years of life!

A killing was happening right in front of his eyes!That's not a fight between animals biting each other, but a red fight between people!
The key point is that the two people seem to be very ordinary. This may be something they are used to, but from the perspective of a bystander who has no idea what happened!
It's really scary!
Han Xiaoli felt that it took a lot of effort to get used to it.

"By the way, your conversation just now seems to have involved players and forums? What's going on?"

After calming down, Han Xiaoli quickly recalled the important point just now, and asked.

"For us, this is just a game." Guan Twelve didn't explain too much, just left such a sentence, then turned and left, she began to concentrate on studying the big banyan tree.

Because just now she found out that this banyan tree was full of resentment.

Here's what should have happened.Thinking of this, Guan Twelve bit his finger and drew symbols on the tree.

Seeing this, Ji Youku quickly expressed that he would also like to help!

Guan Twelve glanced at Ji Youke, thought for a while and asked, "Are you still a child?"

If it’s a child’s body, the yang energy is very strong, so it can help. If it’s not, then it’s bloodletting, it’s useless!
What Guan Twelve thinks is very simple!But when Ji Youku heard such blunt words over there, the innocent big boy blushed all of a sudden, and then faltered and couldn't say a word.

Guan Twelve was a little impatient, but seeing Ji Youku's shy look, she probably had the answer, but this kind of thing can't rely on guesswork, it still needs a real answer, otherwise if she makes a mistake, she might even change her original position. Can't destroy it!
ah!Damn, there are so many rules!Why is she not talented?If only she could draw the talisman without biting her fingers, and just recite the formulas to drive away ghosts!

"So is it right?" Guan Twelve's tone became serious because of his unbalanced heart!

Now she has impatience and irritability written all over her face!
Ji Youku was so frightened that he nodded quickly and said, "Yes... yes... I'm still."

"Really?" Guan Twelve confirmed again.

Ji Youku calmed down a lot this time. Although his face was still red, he could say the whole thing: "Yes, I have never had a girlfriend, and I am more traditional. I only plan to date one girlfriend in this life, so I will not associate with girls casually!"

So, Twelve, are you willing to be my only girlfriend in this life?
Ji Youke didn't dare to say what happened next!Because he is afraid of being rejected!At that time, friends can't do it either!

During this period of time, Ji Youku also noticed that Guan Twelve didn't like him, or that she didn't like him!
It stands to reason that under such circumstances, the person you love is often humble, so Ji Youku should stop!

But this is ten years of secret love after all!

He had a crush on a girl for ten years!A whole decade!Her figure and what she said were firmly rooted in his heart like a nail house!
He can't forget it at all!How could it be possible to give up!

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