The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 276 Invisible Lock

Guan Twelve didn't know the twists and turns in Ji Youku's heart. When she heard Ji Youku's answer, she took out a blank piece of paper and drew a spell on it, then handed it to him and said:

"You bite your finger and start drawing from the right on the tree!"

"Okay!" Ji Youku took it, then nodded without hesitation, bit his finger and drew on the tree!

At the same time, Han Xiaoli over there is falling into a deep whirlpool of consciousness!

His brain is working fast!

The Twelve Words of the Crazy Digestive Officer!

For them, is this a game? z
What exactly does this sentence mean?
Could it be that they were playing a game, a killing game?
But Guan Twelve's behavior was not what a murderer should be at all, and he didn't kill them when he saw them?
Could it be that only certain people can be killed?Like people like them?But if this is the case, how can they identify whether this person has participated in this game called [Killing] like her?

Too complicated!

Han Xiaoli thinks that this matter is the most reasonable if viewed according to this idea, but at the same time, there are too many unreasonable things in it!

This is also the reason why he got into trouble!
Why do you have to kill people, but you can only kill these people?

This is what Han Xiaoli has always been confused about.

But soon he thought about it, forget it, it is useless to entangle here, instead of entangled here, it is better to find a way to understand what happened in this village, so Han Xiaoli, who was in a good mood, looked at Guan Twelve and Ji Youke found that these two people were writing around the big banyan tree, so he went over to have a look!
His eyes lit up when he found that they were actually drawing talismans!Said: "Let me help too!"

On the other side, looking at Ji Youku who was working hard, Guan Twelve nodded, knowing that he would be much more relaxed.At this time, Han Xiaoli over there also came over and said, "Let me help too."

Guan Twelve looked over and found that this guy was so excited that he almost wrote his interest in this on his face!
college students nowadays!Living in the world of science, but very curious about metaphysics!
This is really the more you know nothing, the more curious you are!
"Okay, are you a boy?" Adhering to the principle of strength in numbers, Guan Twelve certainly welcomes Han Xiaoli's help, but he still has to ask this crucial question!

After hearing this, Han Xiaoli nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes! Because I have never been very popular with women since I was a child!"

Guan Twelve looked at Han Xiaoli's handsome face, and recalled that beautiful An Shishi staring at him from time to time!
I can't help but light the wax for An Shishi!
poor child!Fell in love with an emotional idiot!Thank you so much.

No matter what, Han Xiaoli successfully joined the talisman drawing team. To be honest, it was the first time for Han Xiaoli to bite his finger and draw a talisman on a tree!

As a college student living in the world of science, Han Xiaoli couldn't help asking: "Is it true that putting the wound on a tree won't cause infection?"

Guan Twelve looked at him expressionlessly and said, "I don't know, I'm not a medical student, but it shouldn't matter if you don't use your strength."

Han Xiaoli: ...

"If you mind, let's stop here." Guan Twelve didn't care about this, after all, this is the body of the game, and it's all data, how could it be infected!

Han Xiaoli quickly shook his head and said, "No, I don't mind, I just asked a silly question, don't worry about it!"

Officer Twelve: Oh.

So the three continued to paint, and the three said they were fast when they worked!Soon the circle in the middle of the tree was full of spells, and the magistrate twelve who were too tall to reach it was ignored, so I didn't continue to write.

Of course, more importantly, Han Xiaoli's hands were really infected.

It can't be called an infection, but it's just bruised from bleeding too much.

Regarding this, Guan Twelve bandaged Han Xiaoli briefly, and let him sit aside and watch.

Poor NPC is so fragile!

The player couldn't help but think.

But luckily it’s still finished!
Guan Twelve looked at the incantation on the tree, then took a deep breath, made a hand formula and recited the incantation!

Then in the next second, the spells on the tree lit up one after another like the waves of the sea!
This simply overturned the cognition of the two male guests present!
They all stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief!And what happened next shocked them even more!I saw the strong wind suddenly rolled up!
In the next second, a little girl suddenly appeared under the tree, dressed in the same dress as Guan Twelve, with a pink top and green pants, and two braids. She looked cute and beautiful!

She sat under the banyan tree and sang a song that officials and twelve would have to listen to:
"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

"Marry a bride, marry a bride~the bride is married to the groom~then give birth to the groom~the little bride who takes care of her husband and raises her children"

"Bride, bride, you have to be good ~ put away your waywardness ~ don't go out, don't buy vegetables ~ just stay at home and wait for the groom to come"

"Hmph ~ Bride, don't cry, the groom is a handsome man ~ The house is a hundred acres of land ~ The bride is married to enjoy the happiness"

Hearing the girl's voice, Guan Twelve felt a little familiar, but at this time the little girl also noticed that she was startled, she got up and was about to run!Guan Twelve hurriedly reached out to grab it, but he caught nothing!

Guan Twelve's eyes widened!And the little girl seemed to have noticed this too, she stopped running away, and looked at Guan Twelve in disbelief, and Guan Twelve tried again in disbelief.

Still haven't caught it!

Not physical, not part of the illusion!Then this is...

Guan Twelve looked up at the big banyan tree, no, it cannot be called a big banyan tree at this time, it can only be called a banyan tree, because this banyan tree has not grown up yet.

This is the world created by the banyan tree, based on everything it sees.

"Are... are you a ghost?" Seeing that Guan Twelve couldn't catch herself, the little girl asked cautiously.

"No, I'm a little fairy." The player vetoed this without hesitation, and then said shamelessly to the little girl!
Then Han Xiaoli laughed out loud in the next second!
Little Fairy, this title can only be called by Guan Twelve!And Ji Youku clutched his chest and felt that Guan Twelve was so cute!

I didn't expect her to have such a childish side!Isn't she his little fairy?
It was only when Han Xiaoli made a sound that the little girl noticed their existence, and the moment she saw them, the little girl's face turned pale, and then she quickly knelt down and apologized desperately: "Yes! I'm sorry, I I don’t know who deliberately ignored the two adults! Please forgive Xiaotao’s unreasonable behavior!!”

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