The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 277 Invisible Lock

The little girl's sudden behavior scared Han Xiaoli and Ji Youkui!

The two people glanced at each other, and then they both wanted to help the little girl up!As a result, both of them failed!They glanced at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes!
In the end, Han Xiaoli squatted down and leaned on the little girl's head and said with a smile:
"Why should we blame you? You didn't do anything wrong!"

"Because I didn't see you right away," the little girl said weakly.

Han Xiaoli and Ji Youkui couldn't laugh or cry!What kind of crime is this!

But this also made the three people present understand one thing at the same time, that is, in this environment, male superiority to female inferiority is more serious than in the original village! !
"Okay, get up, I told you I don't blame you!"

In the end, Ji Youke and Han Xiaoli were chatting, and the little girl got up!
Guan Twelve looked at the little girl and asked, "What's your name?"

"Tian Tao, my name is Tian Tao." Tian Tao blinked and said sweetly!
This little girl is very cute, and she knows what she will look like when she grows up.

"My name is Twelve." Guan Twelve looked at such a cute little girl and smiled, maybe no one would dislike such a cute little girl.

"Xiao Tao, is it okay to call you that? Where is your home?" Guan Twelve squatted down to look at Tian Tao, she asked with a smile.

"Mother won't let me tell strangers where my home is!" Tian Tao obediently refused Guan Twelve.

Guan Twelve pursed her lips, she looked at Han Xiaoli, Han Xiaoli understood, then squatted down smilingly and asked, "Xiao Tao, where is your home?"

"Where is my house!" Tian Tao said, pointing in one direction!
Officer Twelve:
"Why can he tell when he asks?" Although he knew the answer, Guan Twelve couldn't help asking.

"Because I can't refuse a man!" Tian Tao's words made Guan Twelve take a deep breath!

This script!It really reveals a sense of suffocation everywhere!
"Okay." Guan Twelve respected the plot, she looked in the direction of Tian Tao's finger, and saw the direction of her finger, wasn't it Liu Xiu's home? !
"Who are your parents?" Guan Twelve asked gently.

Tian Tao nodded with pride and pride in his tone: "My father is the head of the family!"

Guan Twelve frowned. At this time, Tian Tao seemed to remember something. She ran home quickly, and said as she ran, "The access control time is up, I have to go back! Bye!"

Watching Tian Tao's leaving figure, Guan Twelve was thoughtful.

"I didn't expect that family to have such a cute child." Ji Youku was obviously also lovable by Tian Tao.

Tian Tao's voice is soft and glutinous, and her big eyes are full of innocence. She is the type that people like at first glance, and it's hard not to like it.

"She said that the owner's surname is Tian." Guan Twelve glanced at the yard, and suddenly the scenery changed!
It seemed that nothing happened, but the banyan tree beside them turned back into a big banyan tree, indicating that they had left the illusion.

"What's wrong?" Han Xiaoli felt that Guan Twelve seemed to know something.

Guan Twelfth did know something, she said calmly, "I met a woman this morning, she said she was the second grandma of the Liu family, and she was the second wife of the head of the family."

"Wait. She said she is from the Liu family." Ji Youku was taken aback for a moment, and then grasped the point.

Guan Twelve nodded and said: "She said that the head of this family is Liu Xiu, not Tian."

"That child..." Ji Youku looked at the house.

"It should be the child of the former owner."

"There are too many secrets in this courtyard," Guan Twelve felt that the entire plot of the story was in this courtyard.

Looks like you've come to the right place!
With the middle finger of Guan Twelve's index finger, he took out the yellow talisman paper, read a mantra, and then threw it into the air!

The yellow talisman paper was suspended in the air and then burst into flames in an instant, and it all disappeared!
"What's wrong?" Seeing Guan Twelve frowning, Han Xiaoli asked!
"I can't beat the ghosts here. In this case, we feel that running is better." Guan Twelve just tried it out, but found that he couldn't fight a round at all!She just lost!

This is not something she can beat!She regretted it. Players shouldn't get involved in this plot!

"Can we go?" Han Xiaoli felt that there must be a reason for Guan Twelve to say this suddenly, and sure enough, Guan Twelve said something that made people fall into silence in the next second:

"No, we have already entered this village, that is to say, we have entered the other party's trap. We have no choice but to solve the grievance of this female ghost!"

Guan Twelve brutally told the truth, but Han Xiaoli and Ji Youkui didn't speak anymore!
The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence!

After a long time, Ji Youku let out a sigh, then laughed and said, "Isn't this something you already knew?"

Guan Twelve looked at him, Ji Youke looked at her seriously, and said:

"I'm not going to stand still and watch you leave."

Last time, he watched the girl he was thinking of leave for ten years.

Guan Twelve felt that Ji Youku's feelings for her were too heavy, and she didn't intend to take care of it at first, but now she felt that it was time to talk to Ji Youku!

Instead of wasting time and energy on her like this, it's better to focus on other people!

But right now, we still have to find a way to solve the troubles in front of us!
Although she is also prepared for the difficult enemy this time, she does not intend to give away the head here!
If you want to send it, you have to wait for all the players to be killed before sending it!
Yes!Guan Twelve has already figured out a countermeasure, since beating the female ghost won't kill her, then before she is killed by the female ghost!Kill other players first!
Ok!Just do it!

Guan Twelve looked at the remaining eight players above his head, except himself and Ji Youku, there were still six!
So, she searched the village first, but there was no trace of the player!

Guan Twelve couldn't help suspecting that the six players were not in this village, but this is unscientific!

This village is obviously the center of the plot. In order not to waste the plot that they have worked so hard to create, the game party will definitely place players near the plot and start the game while walking the plot!

It is impossible to cast players far away!

Could it be that those players are still wandering around in the forest and haven't come out!

Thinking of this possibility, Guan Twelve couldn't help but frown!

Could there be such a stupid player?
Or is there something she missed?
The player fell into deep thought, while Han Xiaoli and Ji Youku, who had been following her all the time, stood there watching Guan Twelve fall into their own world.

Han Xiaoli vaguely felt that Guan Twelve was looking for something, and it shouldn't be the female ghost, after all, she couldn't avoid it!So what is she looking for?

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