The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 279 Invisible Lock

Back at Liu's Mansion, Guan Twelve always looked worried, and was noticed by Han Xiaoli and Ji Youke. Even though Han Xiaoli was very smart, at this moment he didn't understand why Guan Twelve's mood fluctuated so much.

Ji Youku didn't understand anymore.

Originally, both of them planned to ask, but Guan Twelve has been immersed in his own world, and the two of them are not easy to disturb, but soon troubles came, because Guan Twelve has been silent in his own world, so She directly pushed open the door of Liu's Mansion, and just walked in through the main entrance!
This simply stunned everyone in the courtyard!
And Guan Twelve came back to his senses at this time, and found that everyone in the yard was looking at her with terrified expressions.

Guan Twelve didn't respond at first, but when she came to her senses, she was arrested!And was taken away!
Ji Youke and Han Xiaoli, who were following behind, were taken aback and hurried forward!

Guan Twelve was taken to the hall and forced to kneel down!
Officer Twelve:
"Report to the Patriarch! This woman entered through the main entrance just now, which has seriously violated women's rules!"

When the superior told what Guan Twelve had done, Guan Twelve dared to swear that she found that the temperature in the whole room had dropped!
It seems that she has indeed done a very excessive thing, for this world.

"You woman is so courageous!" The man in the upper seat slapped the table with a "slap", and then looked at Guan Twelve as if he was looking at a sinner who was about to die!
This man is dressed richly, but he looks very old. He is the head of the family, and his name is Liu Xiu.
"Sorry." Guan Twelve lowered her eyes. She doesn't want to start a fight with the NPCs in this world yet. She hasn't fully figured out the current situation. It is obvious that she is in an illusion.

And she hasn't found the solution to this illusion yet!
"You did such a rebellious thing, how can you just say sorry!?" Liu Xiu angrily scolded Guan Twelve, and it could be seen that Guan Twelve's behavior this time really angered him, or angered the whole room man.

Guan Twelve pursed his lips and stopped talking!
The two of Ji Youkuan and Han Xiaoli who rushed over found this scene. Ji Youkuan was about to step forward, but was pulled down by Han Xiaoli!

He knew Guan Twelve's abilities, and there was no way he couldn't solve the situation in front of him, but she chose to keep silent now, so she must have her own plan, and they had better not go there first!

"Father, they are the outsiders who came to stay overnight last night. They probably don't know the rules here. It's better to punish those who don't know the crime and teach them a lesson!" It was a man with a big belly who was sitting next to him. , 37 years old, rich in clothes!He is Liu Xiu's eldest son, named Liu Busu!
Looking at Guan Twelve's charming face and decent figure, he felt confused, turned his eyes and began to intercede for Guan Twelve.

Liu Xiu knew what kind of plans his son was planning at a glance, and then he looked at Guan Twelve. He was so angry that he didn't notice it, but now he saw that this little girl was really cute. Said that the two in the backyard are also charming.No wonder his son fell in love with him immediately.

".In that case, let's kneel here for a day and a night!"

Liu Xiu set the schedule for Guan Twelve today!
Ji Youke wanted to speak, but Han Xiaoli shook his head. He looked at Guan Twelve who heard the punishment. Her expression didn't change, and she didn't open her mouth to refute. Obviously, she didn't intend to resist.
Han Xiaoli didn't know why she did this, but since she agreed to the punishment, he had no reason to defend her, so he pulled Ji Youke and stood beside him, seeing everyone in the hall leave slowly, except for that Liu Su Su was still sitting there, at the same time Li Gangshen and Zhao Xiaoshi who heard the news also came over, as for An Shishi and Zhou Congee, they couldn't come to the main hall because they were girls, so they could only worry behind.

"What's going on here?" When Li Gangshen came, he saw Guan Twelve kneeling there, his body upright, his hands tied behind his back, as if he had made a big mistake!
Han Xiaoli told the story to the two people, and as expected, both of them showed shocked expressions of disbelief!
"No way! Didn't you just walk through the front door?! You didn't kill someone, why did you kneel here for a day and a night!!"

Master Zhao couldn't help complaining!

"The key is that she actually kneeled here! What is she thinking?" Li Gangshen also complained!

"Didn't you stop me?" Zhao Xiaoshi looked at Han Xiaoli and Ji Youkui.

"She should have her own reasons for doing this. We can't make decisions for others." Han Xiaoli looked at Guan Twelve and said seriously.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes turned to him.

Han Xiaoli was puzzled, and asked "what's the matter"?
Master Zhao patted Han Xiaoli on the shoulder and sighed earnestly: "Sometimes I really don't know how your kid's brain grows."

Han Xiaoli:? ?
"You know her pretty well, so you might like her." Li Gangshen slightly narrowed his eyes and looked gossipy.

Han Xiaoli:? ? ? ! !

"What book did you read?" Ji Youku felt that Han Xiaoli could always say such great truths. He should be very smart, and no one would hate smart people!

If he also became so smart, maybe Guan Twelve would be able to look at him more.

Han Xiaoli was dumbfounded by these three inexplicably inconsistent words.

Just when he was about to explain, Liu Busu suddenly stood up and walked to Guan Twelve, looking at her.

Liu Busu looked at Guan Twelve who was kneeling there, her eyes were calm and straight ahead, as if she couldn't see him at all!
In this world where men are respected, the behavior of Guan Twelve is already a crime, but Liu Busu finds it interesting. This is the first time he has seen such a beauty. It's hard not to love the look!
Liu Busu already has three wives, but none of these three wives are as beautiful as this girl!
So Liu Busu had some plans in his mind, and he asked Guan Twelve's age where people could get married.

After Han Xiaoli and the others heard it, they all focused their attention there. As modern college students, how could they not know what Lao Shizi was planning, so they looked at Guan Twelve and waited for her reaction. Guan Twelve was just very plain He raised his head and glanced at Liu Busu, and then looked down at the floor where he was kneeling on his knees. There was a strong resentment here where no one could see!

The female ghost has also been here, or, she also knelt here before she was alive.

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