The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 280 Invisible Lock

The house is covered with red lanterns, and there is laughter and happiness everywhere!

Everyone is looking forward to this wedding, except for the bride. The bride is wearing a beautiful red wedding dress and beautiful makeup. She is a beautiful and tender flower in herself, and now she is even more charming. The troubled face made her look a little dim.

"What is Miss thinking? Today is Miss's big day, why do you show such an expression?"

"Xiaoping, do you know who the groom is and what he looks like?" The bride stared blankly at herself in the mirror and asked the maid beside her.

The maid named Xiaoping was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't know, he has never been to the back hall of the meeting, nor has he been to the Tian Mansion, and I have never seen him."

"That's right. I haven't seen it either." The bride's eyes revealed a blank look!

Since she never saw her mother again, she has been trapped in this big house, and can no longer go to the lobby, so she can only live in the backyard. Although occasionally she would sneak out, but after being discovered by her father, she I can't go out anymore!

She thought that she would be like a bird raised by her father, trapped in a cage and unable to get out, but now she was suddenly told that she could go out, but... she was going to get married too.

She didn't know who she was marrying, what family she was from, or what she was doing.

That's it, she's getting married
An emotion welled up in Tian Tao's heart, it was an inexplicable fear, fear of the unknown!She is also afraid of the fear of the future. After all, she is just a 16-year-old girl.

Tian Tao's maid saw Tian Tao's uneasiness. As a little girl about her age, Xiaoping guessed the reason right away, but she couldn't say it, because she couldn't tell Tian Tao that if she didn't like it, she wouldn't. Married, women in this village have no right to refuse, she can only comfort Tian Tao and say to her:

"Miss is the most beloved and beautiful daughter of the Patriarch. He can't let Miss marry someone he doesn't like. Miss's husband must be so handsome and loving! Miss just needs to live in peace!"

Tian Tao nodded, but the sadness on his face still did not dissipate, so he could only cover the sadness with a red hijab.

The bride's sedan chair was parked at the main entrance. This was the only chance for a woman to go out through the main entrance in her life. Tian Tao also stepped out of the gate, but she knew clearly that this did not mean freedom. On the contrary, she was just From one cage to another strange cage.

On the way, Tian Tao was sitting on the sedan chair, playing the suona, gongs and drums cheerfully!The children's laughter was also overflowing, and at this time Tian Tao heard a child singing outside, singing her mother's favorite song:

"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

"Marry a bride, marry a bride~the bride is married to the groom~then give birth to the groom~the little bride who takes care of her husband and raises her children"

When she sang here, Tian Tao's tears had already flowed out!She really doesn't like this song, it's not free at all!She is really really really annoying!

So she opened her mouth and sang silently following the tune behind:
"Bride, bride, you have to be good ~ put away your waywardness ~ don't go out, don't buy vegetables ~ just stay at home and wait for the groom to come"

Bride, bride, run, put on your freedom, take off your wedding dress, take off your red cap, and run on the luxuriant grassland~
"Hmph ~ Bride, don't cry, the groom is a handsome man ~ The house is a hundred acres of land ~ The bride is married to enjoy the happiness"

Xiaotao, Xiaotao, don't cry~ Maybe you can't put on your freedom~ The groom is a handsome man~ The house at home is a hundred acres of land~ The bride gets married to enjoy the happiness.

The bride and groom stay together forever~ Embrace each other and grow together!The bride and groom stay together forever ~ Embracing each other and growing together.
Tian Tao bit her rouge-painted lips, tears flowed down her small chin and fell on the red wedding dress, deepening the redness of the wedding dress.
Xu Xiaotian stood side by side with Li Zhong, they looked at the female ghost in red wedding dress vigilantly in front of them, the female ghost was full of resentment, she smiled and said:

[Look at what I saw~ The most yin body and yin and yang eyes, sir~ The treasure you hold in your hand makes people so happy. 】

Tian Tao's words made Li Zhong's eyes turn cold. Ghosts have a mysterious obsession with yin and yang eyes, because they firmly believe that only by devouring yin and yang eyes can they obtain human bodies and become existences that can coexist in the world of ghosts and humans.

Of course, these are all nonsense, as a member of the Gu Yinyang family, Li Zhong clearly knows that these are all false,
But if you tell ghosts, you don't believe in ghosts.

Most of the ghosts are unreasonable, so naturally they don't care whether this matter is logical or not, as long as people say it's okay, it's okay!

"Are you also interested in my eyes?" Xu Xiaotian touched his eyes. These eyes brought him many disasters, but also brought him many opportunities, so his feelings for these eyes are very complicated .

【That's yin and yang eyes~ Mr. Xiaolang. 】Tian Tao didn't answer directly, but this sentence has already expressed everything.

After being silent for a while, Xu Xiaotian closed his eyes, then opened them again and said apologetically, "Sorry, I still need these eyes, and I can't give them to you yet."

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaotian would say such a thing, Tian Tao was stunned for a while, and then laughed out loud, her voice was as pleasant as a sparrow, but there was a gloomy and ghostly air in it, making people laugh so embarrassingly Cold back!

【Lang Jun~Hello False~】

Tian Tao stretched out his hand, Li Zhong hurriedly pulled Xu Xiaotian behind him, then pinched his hands and recited the incantation, the golden light curse immediately trapped Tian Tao's movements, Tian Tao struggled, Li Zhong bit his lip to hold on!
This female ghost's resentment is too great, he can't compete with it alone!
It's really strange, it seems that she is only a hundred years old, why is this strength stronger than that of a thousand-year-old grieving ghost!
What the hell happened to her? !

Seeing that Tian Tao was about to break the shackles, Li Zhong quickly pulled Xu Xiaotian away, and as the shackles were broken, all the grievances on Tian Tao were released!

The two people were blown away by the huge impact and hit the tree. During this period, Li Zhong was protecting Xu Xiaotian tightly, so only Li Zhong hit the tree with his back. He groaned and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Li Zhong! How are you, Li Zhong!" Both of them fell to the ground, Xu Xiaotian who heard the movement behind him hurriedly got up, and then went to see the situation of Li Zhong behind him! !

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