The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 281 Invisible Lock

Guan Twelve looked down at the grievances on the ground, and didn't care about Liu Busu at all!
This angered Liu Busu, who had always been domineering, with veins bulging on his forehead, and then he grabbed Guan Twelve by the collar, and then Guan Twelve turned his attention to him. Suddenly a big, ugly and oily face appeared in front of him!
Guan Twelve had no expression on his face, and couldn't help but say, "Can you let me go?"


"You're a bit ugly, I'm afraid." Guan Twelve looked serious, but what he said made everyone present stunned.

Then Master Zhao couldn't help laughing out loud!

At this time, Ji Youku also remembered that Guan Twelve seemed to be a bit of a face-controlling child when he was young, but he didn't expect to be like this now when he grows up!

Should he be thankful that he didn't grow crooked?
Otherwise, Twelve would definitely despise him.

"You are so courageous!!" Liu Busu looked at Guan Twelve's face and gritted his teeth!However, her face coupled with the expression of disdain made Liu Buu's desire to conquer in his heart!
But this still couldn't change the anger in his heart!
Then he raised his hand and was about to hit Guan Twelve in the face!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ji Youku hurried forward, but before he could walk over, Guan Twelve untied the rope on his hand at some point, and then took out a dagger and pointed it at Liu Bu's eyes, forcing Liu Bu's eyes Vulgar had to stop what he was doing.

Guan Twelve looked at Liu Buya expressionlessly, and the dagger in his hand revealed the coldness, which made Liu Buya swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to offend your customs, but I'm sorry to refuse your invitation. To be honest, you are not my type." Guan Twelve is not in a good mood right now. There is no way to solve it in the illusion now. She is even worried that there are no other players in this illusion. If she wants to find other players, she has to escape the illusion. At that time, she really has no choice but to talk to that There was no way she could defeat a female ghost in a fight!
Both the front and back are difficult to serve, which made Guan Twelve feel extremely bad, and now there is even a guy who is not good enough to force the marriage!

The player's mood is even worse!Ma Dan wants to kill!
" are so courageous, not only dare to reject me, but also dare to point at me with such a dangerous thing, do you know what kind of punishment you will receive for your actions?" Liu Bu's eyes were full of fear, but He was still sticking out his big belly, exuding arrogance all over his body. He was betting that this woman wouldn't dare to kill him in front of him!
He made a good bet. Although Guan Twelve is angry, he will not lose his mind because of anger, but if these are real, Guan Twelve really dare not, but this is just an illusion!

And just now, she suddenly figured out one thing, figured out why the ghost in the red wedding dress wanted to trap them here!

Because, that female ghost trapped herself here too!
Guan Twelve curled his lips, and then retracted the dagger. Liu Busu heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Guan Twelve proudly, but before he could say anything, Guan Twelve raised the knife and dropped it!
The knife cut a sword mark across Liu Busu's neck, and then blood flowed out from Liu Busu's neck!
Liu Busu felt the tingling pain on his neck, he stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched his neck, and then he saw the blood on his hand, his originally pale face suddenly became paler, and then With his scream, the whole person fell to the ground, clutching his neck and twitching all over!

Seeing Liu Busu who was in a mess on the ground, Guan Twelve frowned, looked at the knife in his hand with some irritability, and said impatiently: "It really is because the subcutaneous fat is too thick, so it's hard to solve it with one knife..."

Over there, Xiaoshi Zhao was so frightened that he couldn't find Bei. He was holding on to Han Xiaoli's sleeve tightly. The official's expression looked like he was looking at a devil, and Han Xiaoli's expression was not good. He had never seen a murderer before. , it is naturally impossible to behave calmly.

On the contrary, Ji Youke breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried that Guan Twelve would be injured, but now it seems that he will not be injured.

As for that fat man, it's just data to the players, so there's nothing to worry about, and it's not like he really killed someone.

"Twelve, are you okay!" Ji Youku hurried forward to see if Officer Twelve was injured, and after confirming that she was not injured at all, Ji Youku breathed a sigh of relief.

Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku and asked, "Do you have any weapons?"

"Eh? What? No."

"...Speaking of which, you don't know where the store is." Guan Twelve stretched out his hand and explained the location of the store to Ji Youkui.

Looking at the dazzling array of weapons inside, Ji Youku was dazzled.But when I saw the price, I couldn't help but feel a chill!
so expensive!Really expensive!He is just a college student, and he can't afford guns or anything.

But it's impossible to beat those who play with guns with punches and kicks.

"Why are guns so expensive?" Ji Youku couldn't help muttering.

"You want a gun?" Guan Twelve asked when he heard this.

Ji Youku scratched his head in embarrassment, and then explained:

"Because when I played today, I found that there are a lot of players playing with guns. It should be easier to think about guns."

Listening to Ji Youku's explanation, Guan Twelve nodded, and then said: "There is nothing wrong with this understanding, but "The End of Infinite Flow" is not a game that can be won successfully by following the trend with financial resources."

"Huh?" Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve, only to find that Guan Twelve put away the dagger at some point and replaced it with two Miao knives. She turned to look at the people who were slowed down by Liu Busu's screams.

She turned the knife in her hand, and said with a smile: "Did you know? Of the top [-] players in this game, only ten use guns, and the rest use their own hands."

"In many cases, it is much better to use the right hand than to have high attack power."

"What happened here?!" Liu Xiu walked over in a hurry, but at the first sight she saw her precious son lying lifeless in a pool of blood.

"My son!!!" Liu Xiu let out an angry roar!

"Catch them!" Liu Xiu was flushed with anger!The Patriarch gave an order!Immediately, countless servants with weapons surrounded Guan Twelve and the others.

"Wh...what to do!!" Zhao Xiaoshi was shocked! !

Han Xiaoli frowned. He looked at Guan Twelve over there, only to find that Guan Twelve was smiling. She smiled and looked at the number of players in the sky, which had not changed until now.

"Since you want me to help you get rid of your demons, then I'll burn it down!"

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