The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 282 Invisible Lock

Chapter 282 Invisible Lock (22)

On that day, in the richest courtyard of Qi Village, a brutal fight was going on!

I saw a figure holding the Miao Dao in both hands, rushing into the crowd, moving quickly and mercilessly!As her hand raised the knife, all those attacked by her fell into a pool of blood without exception!
However, Guan Twelve didn't know that he was exhausted and attacked frantically with a knife in his hand.

That group of people was indiscriminate, even Han Xiaoli and the others also beat them, Zhao Xiaoshi hid behind Han Xiaoli in fright, Han Xiaoli sideways dodged the attack, he naturally wouldn't kill like Guan Twelve, he just knocked him out with the knowledge he had learned The enemy, Li Gangshen, also participated in the battle, and Zhao Xiaoshi was the only one left. He is not physically strong, and he is not the type of sports. When encountering such a situation, he was so scared that he quickly hid!

"What's the next plan Han Xiaoli!" Li Gangshen asked Han Xiaoli while attacking the rushing enemy.

"You go to Zhou Porridge and the others first, it looks like we can't live here anymore, let's take them away first!"

Han Xiaoli knocked out the attacking enemy with his palm.

"It's true!" Li Gangshen obviously agreed with this proposal!

"But speaking of it, that woman is terrible, so why is that guy such a monster!!" Li Gangshen looked at Ji Youke, who was running towards Guan Twelve, and punched the flying enemy!
It really flew!Flying three to five meters, then fell heavily on the ground, twitched twice, then there was no movement, and passed out immediately.

Watching his movements, Li Gangshen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth: "Is this kind of power really achieved by humans?"

By the way, that too
Guan Twelve's body was as clear as a butterfly flying in the sky, so nimble and light, he raised his knife and fell with lightning speed to finish off the enemies in front of him, as if he was born to live to kill.These are commonplace things for him. Is such a person really just an ordinary person?
Han Xiaoli followed Li Gangshen's line of sight, and of course he knew what Li Gangshen was thinking.

But obviously, the two people in front of him are not ordinary people, they all have their own secrets, and he also wants to explore, but these belong to other people's secrets after all, if they get involved too deeply.It might cause discomfort to others.That's why Han Xiaoli didn't ask too many questions.

And judging from the conversation between the two of them just now and the way they got along with each other before, he vaguely guessed that maybe these two people are not from this world at all, they just regard this place as a game.

Yes, as soon as this answer came out, even Han Xiaoli thought it was outrageous.But in the usual conversation between the two of them, it was hard for him not to think of such an answer.

Perhaps if there were other answers, Han Xiaoli would not choose to believe in this outrageous possibility!
On the other side, Ji Youke was annoyed by the sudden appearance. The enemies in front of him are really endless. If this continues, he will be exhausted sooner or later. Although this body is a body in a data game, but Sooner or later, the physical strength will be gone.and
Ji Youku looked at Guan Twelve, although he couldn't see it unless he looked carefully, but it was obvious that Guan Twelve's information was out of order, no matter how many enemies there were, it would still make people feel tired.

You have to think of a way, Ji Youku glanced around, and finally looked down at the stones under his feet, and saw that he picked up a few stones from the ground and threw them, and the small stones shot into the village like a missile. The sound of the explosion directly blasted a large number of people into the air!
The sudden loud noise made everyone stop what they were doing.Looking at him, Ji Youke was also stunned by his hand, he looked at his hand in disbelief, and then at the stone in the other hand, it was obviously an ordinary stone ah.

But what was the power of that blow just now?Is this really in line with human power? ?

Is it a bit too fantasy? ?

And Guan Twelve looked over in disbelief, and then saw Ji Youke with a bewildered expression. She subconsciously looked at the stone in his hand and couldn't help but ask, "You made that explosion just now?" of?"

"It's me." Ji Youke couldn't help but feel guilty, he looked at the paper in his hand again, it was indeed ordinary stone paper, there was nothing wrong with it, did he look like he was holding a stone bomb?

Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku, and only then did she notice that there was something wrong with Ji Youku's health bar, his health bar seemed to be thicker than her own.There is a very strange thing about this game, that is, it will be played according to the physical characteristics and physique of the player.Analysis brings people to the extreme in the field that the player is best at.

For example, she buys medicines and hospitals for a long time, in order to save money, so she basically walks, or runs forward, and rarely takes a taxi, except in non-emergency situations, so her leg strength will be weaker. She is very strong and fast, and because of her illness, her body is very light, which makes her movements more flexible.But the only bad thing is that her health bar is very, very thin.

After all, she is a crispy assassin.

Obviously, as Ji Youku who often plays table tennis, his arm strength will be ridiculously strong, and because he often exercises, he must be physically healthy, and his health bar will be thicker.If you think about it this way, it makes sense.

But thinking of the explosion just now, Guan Twelve couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Such strength is indeed a bit unscientific.

Now is not the time to explain this matter for Ji Youku, she looked at the other NPCs who had been intimidated by Ji Youku's move just now.

She coughed twice and said: "You also saw it just now, his strength is beyond your ability to contend with, if you don't give way, I can't guarantee what will happen next, maybe this mansion will be razed to the ground Not sure. Talk to Liu Xiu, I think we can talk about it."

Guan Twelve saw that the number of players above her head had not decreased, and she felt more and more the possibility that the players were trapped in different illusions.It's getting bigger and bigger.

The first thing to solve right now is to find a way to escape from this illusion, then it is to untie the knot in the female ghost's heart.Obviously, the female ghost's heart knot is these rules of male superiority and female inferiority!

These rules are like an invisible lock, trapping all the women in this script together, without freedom.Imprison them like invisible shackles!

 College student: This strength is awesome.

  Twelve: Is this a horse or a human?

(End of this chapter)

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