The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 283 Invisible Lock

Chapter 283 Invisible Lock (23)

What I have to admit is that Ji Youkui's skill of throwing missiles really frightened the group of NPCs, making them afraid to go forward.

Ji Youku took this opportunity to run to Guan Twelve, Guan Twelve took a look at Ji Youku, and for some reason, she felt that Ji Youku was really too strong, and she seriously doubted that the girl had bought it.

But no matter what, Guan Twelve looked at the group of NPCs who were already afraid to go forward, and she let out a deep breath!

At least it's possible to breathe now!

"You guys, what kind of monsters are you!!" Liu Xiu pointed at Guan Twelve and the others, and now there was not only anger in his eyes, but also fear!
That fear was not suddenly frightened, it seemed to be afraid of something!
What is he afraid of!Or had he seen something else, too.

He must know something!
Guan Twelve noticed the clue from Liu Xiu's expression, and then she smiled and asked, "May I ask Patriarch Liu, have you ever seen a female ghost in a red wedding dress?"

As soon as Guan Twelve said this, she clearly saw the man opposite him tremble, and then his expression began to wander.

He must have seen it!

"There is a ghost in this house, Master Liu, do you know?"

"Who the hell are you?!" Liu Xiu no longer regarded Guan Twelve as an ordinary woman, and she revealed the secret of this house with ease just now!

He looked at the beautiful but dangerous beauty in front of him.I can't help but be vigilant!

"I'm... a passer-by. A passer-by who knows how to gossip." Guan Twelve thought for a while, and then explained his identity.

As a result, Liu Xiu suddenly realized: "Are you a Taoist priest?"

"I'm not!" Stop talking nonsense!She is not a Taoist priest!She doesn't deserve it!She is a little trash! !
Guan Twelve denied it so quickly that no one could react.Especially Ji Youku, he didn't expect Guan Twelve to be so sensitive to this word!

"then you are"

"My name is Twelve. Just call me Twelve. I'm not a Taoist priest, but a tourist who knows a little magic."

Anyway, the player resolutely refuses to admit that he is a Taoist priest!

Although everyone thinks so, the players just don't admit it.

There's no way Liu Xiu can't break up with this evil spirit because of such a trivial matter.

He could clearly see the strength of this woman just now, not to mention the strange ability of the man next to her, which is simply beyond the reach of a human being!

Maybe...he is also a Taoist priest!

Thinking of this, Liu Xiu looked at Ji Youku with respect in his eyes!
Ji Youku:? ? ?

Officer Twelve: ...

"Since there is no malice between us, why don't Master Liu tell us about the female ghost in the red wedding dress?"

Guan Twelve couldn't wait to find out the truth of the matter.

Liu Xiu was silent for a long time, then he sighed softly and explained the whole story.

It turned out that this house was not originally the Liu family, and Liu Xiugang was just a housekeeper of this house at first. The original owner of this house was surnamed Tian, ​​who was a well-known landlord in this village. He had a daughter named Tian Tao!
The beauty of Tian Tao spread throughout the village, and countless people came to ask for marriage. In the end, Grandpa Tian married Tian Tao to the landlord of another village. Liu Xiu didn't know how Tian Tao lived there, he just knew that a year later , Tian Tao fled back, she knelt in the main hall, crying and complaining to her father, while Liu Xiu was beside her at that time...

He will always remember that scene all his life...

That beautiful little girl knelt there in her wedding dress, crying until she was in tears, muttering:

"Father, please, save me! Father! My husband is not human at all! He beat and scolded me! He forced me to sing, not to write and read! Forcing me to have a child, but I am not at all. I don’t want a child! Father! Please save me!”

It's just a pity that she was destined to ask the wrong person, and Grandpa Tian was very angry because of her escape!Directly ordered someone to send Tian Tao back tied up!

Liu Xiu didn't know what happened after that, he just knew that the next year, Tian Tao came back again, this time she was still wearing the same red wedding dress, but this time the difference was that she was covered in blood, it turned out that she Killed her husband's family!
Grandpa Tian looked at Tian Tao in front of him, and Tian Tao also explained in fear:

"Father! That's not the case! I didn't intend to kill him! He forced me...he forced me and his brother... oh my father...I really didn't mean it...what should I do... "

The 17-year-old girl turned to her father for help, because in this village, or in this world, the only thing she can rely on is her father.

It's just a pity that her father is not someone she can rely on. Grandpa Tian ran back covered in blood after hearing that Tian Tao had killed her husband's family!

He immediately felt that Tian Tao was so courageous, and directly ordered Tian Tao to be arrested!
Then he hanged himself under the banyan tree behind the house in full view of everyone!

Liu Xiu remembered that scene!
The young girl desperately called for help, calling her father!Pray for survival!

It's just a pity that she lives in a world where men rule. In this world, running away after marriage is a taboo, and killing her husband after marriage is a capital crime!

So, this young girl just left this world!
In the second year after Tian Tao's death, everyone in the Tian family fell ill and passed away one by one.

Liu Xiu left the second day after Tian Tao's death, so he survived. After leaving, Liu Xiu did business and made some money. Now he is going to come back to retire. He took a fancy to this house. He didn't know this house What happened, I just felt that I worked here when I was young, and now I can be the owner of this place when I am old. It is really a pleasant thing, so he bought it!
The first year was fine, but the next day, Liu Xiu suddenly started having nightmares every night!

In the dream, the lady Tian Tao, who had died a long time ago, was standing under the banyan tree in a red wedding dress, singing the song that everyone in the village would sing.

At first, Liu Xiu thought it was an accident!But knowing that the second time and the third time, even when he is in love with his wife, his wife's face will suddenly change into hers!

Liu Xiu, who was old herself, couldn't bear such torture at all!

When Liu Xiu said this, he couldn't help covering his head and crying: "She shows up every night! I'm really fed up! Why are you doing this to me! It's not me who killed her ! Why do you have to find me?!"

 Tian Tao: He lied!
(End of this chapter)

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