The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 284 Invisible Lock

Chapter 284 Invisible Lock (24)

In a part of the forest, Li Zhong, who managed to escape the blow, hid with Xu Xiaotian, Xu Xiaotian watched Li Zhong's face getting paler and paler, and his face was not looking good either!
He anxiously asked how Li Zhong was doing.

Li Zhong shook his head, then sat cross-legged and began to regulate his breathing!
Seeing Li Zhong's expression slowly recovering, Xu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Li Zhong, this female ghost is very powerful, we can't face it head-on, we have to find other ways."

Li Zhong slowly opened his eyes, his expression was also very solemn, this Tian Tao was much more serious than he thought, but there was no Li family near this forest, so he couldn't find help for a while...

How to do……

A white figure suddenly flashed in Li Zhong's mind, and then his expression became more dignified.

Is it really necessary to rescue her first, and then meet her to solve it together?

But in this case...

Li Zhong subconsciously looked at Xu Xiaotian beside him, Xu Xiaotian looked at him with a puzzled face, it seemed that he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

In this case, Xiaotian will have to meet that woman!

For Xiaotian, is this good or bad...

"What's wrong, Li Zhong? You just kept staring at me?" Li Zhong's expression was too strange, and Xu Xiaotian was very sensitive to this. He immediately discovered that something was wrong with Li Zhong. It's just not right.

Could it be that something was discovered?

"No, it's nothing." Li Zhong chose to hide it in the end, there must be other ways, other ways to prevent Xiaotian from meeting that woman.

"." Xu Xiaotian looked at Li Zhong over there, and his intuition told him that Li Zhong must be hiding something from him.

His intuition is generally accurate.

but what will happen
Xu Xiaotian pursed his lips, Li Zhong seldom concealed things from him, usually he would tell him, but now he started to conceal, could it be something that would be detrimental to him?

Xu Xiaotian has a complicated mind, he is the type who thinks a lot, and now his brain circuit has eighteen bends.

Li Zhong didn't know what Xu Xiaotian was thinking, otherwise he would have been punched twice, making him get rid of those strange things in his mind.

Right now, Li Zhong is worrying about how to solve the troubles in front of him.

At this time, there was a sudden movement from the bushes in front of him, and Li Zhong immediately became vigilant, and stretched out his hand to protect Xu Xiaotian behind him.

At the same time, Guan Twelve, who had heard Liu Xiu's story on the other side, did not have the slightest sympathy for this old man who was half buried in the ground and was tortured by unjust ghosts.

Because after he finished telling the story, Guan Twelve saw the resentment on his body, it was an extremely strong resentment, and at the same time put his hands on his shoulders!
It was a pair of pale hands, and the owner of the hands slowly emerged. It was Tian Tao, the ghost in the red wedding dress. She was full of resentment. This sudden scene made everyone scared out of their wits!All stay away from Liu Xiu!
Especially Zhao Xiaoshi and the others who already knew how terrifying the female ghost in front of them were. They were so close together that they didn't dare to breathe!

Not to mention Liu Xiu, he was too scared to move!He could only look at the player with help-seeking eyes.

Guan Twelve frowned, and she looked at Tian Tao warily.

[Lang Jun, you are full of lies...] Tian Tao opened her mouth, and her resentful tone was filled with a cold air.

Liu Xiu was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak at all.

"You mean he's lying?" Guan Twelve looked at Tian Tao and asked.

"Master! Don't listen to her nonsense! She's a ghost! How can a ghost tell the truth!!" Liu Xiu panicked. He didn't even wait for Tian Tao to speak, but tried his best to defend himself, for fear that others would not know him. It's like a ghost in my heart.

"Sometimes, ghosts are much more honest than people." Players never engage in racism.

Just like humans, there are good ghosts among ghosts, and of course there are bad ghosts!So the player doesn't believe in ghosts, but believes in what she sees in front of her eyes, and what she sees now is an old man with a frightened face and fear of being exposed by lies in his eyes.

Isn't this just self-inflicted?

Guan Twelve sighed deeply.

"So, can you please tell me what happened that year?"

Guan Twelve looked at Tian Tao. The number of players has not changed. Although there are not many people left, it is not the problem that they are always trapped in the illusion and cannot get out. We still have to find a way to solve it. So now The first condition is to get rid of this illusion. The idea of ​​forcefully breaking through is impossible. The only possibility now is to untie Tian Tao's heart knot, let her resentment dissipate and achieve the ending of breaking the illusion.

And Tian Tao didn't hide it, and she quietly opened her mouth to talk about her life.

In fact, it is similar to what Liu Xiu said earlier.

Only after she got married, her husband was not a handsome man. On the contrary, he was an old man in his 50s named Liu Yuqiang. He already had five wives. Now that Tian Tao is gone, he is the sixth.

The 16-year-old Tian Tao is as delicate as a flower, so she has been favored by Liu Yuqiang. Basically, what Tian Tao wants is what Liu Yuqiang gives, but Tian Tao is not proud of being favored. , local, reasonable.

He also got along well with the other five wives, but it was a pity that Tian Tao was attracted by one of Liu Yuqiang's brothers not long after the good times, and he wanted to share everything with Liu Yuqiang.

In this world, women do not have any dignity, so sharing women has become the norm. After Tian Tao knew the news, she was very scared, afraid that Liu Yuqiang would agree, and Liu Yuqiang was not surprised, and agreed!

After all, in his opinion, Tian Tao is just a woman he likes. If this woman can get his brother's favor, he doesn't think it's a big deal. Even if his brother likes it, he can give it to him!
Because his brother is an official.

No matter how rich Liu Yuqiang is, he is still a citizen, but he is an official!Liu Yuqiang is someone who even in his dreams wants to curry favor with.

There just happened to be an opportunity now, so naturally he would not let it go!
Tian Tao, who knew the news, was terrified, but the key point was that the other five wives didn't feel anything was wrong, and instead followed to comfort Tian Tao!
They said that if they could help their husbands, it would be a great honor!You can even live as a useful person to your husband!This is simply the greatest glory of my wife!

And this is the attitude of this world!

Tian Tao didn't understand!She knew that she was crazy and out of tune with this world!

She also felt that she was sick!Obviously everyone can accept and take things for granted, why does he look so ridiculous!
(End of this chapter)

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