The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 286 Invisible Lock

Chapter 286 Invisible Lock (26)

Everyone is not a fool, especially the contemporary college students who live in an era where everyone is equal. They are no longer afraid of the female ghost in front of them, but look at her with sympathy!
After all, she is also a victim!

Persecuted by the rules of this village, a bird longing for freedom, she also seeks fairness and equality, but everyone thinks she is crazy.

Those unfair rules bound her feet like shackles!The words "man is for heaven and earth for reason" tied her neck and made her speechless!
sad?Of course it is pathetic!

Guan Twelve let out a deep breath of turbid air, no wonder the resentment is so heavy!

As the saying goes, the death of love, the death of framing, the death of betrayal, the death of humiliation, the death of discussion, the most resentful after these deaths!
This Tian Tao is good!Take it all!What about stacking buffs here? !

"You want to kill him and we won't stop you, but why do you want us to be trapped here so we can't get out?" Guan Twelve spread her hands, she looked at Tian Tao, she didn't think this female ghost was the kind of ghost who attacked people indiscriminately , because although she has been scaring them all the time, she has never hurt them... Uh, she should have hurt them too, but she stopped them.

No, why?They have no grievances, and she also discriminates against the rules of this village!They said all the way!
Just treat them as passing by and let them go!
Players have to write this sentence on their faces.

【You are the ones who want to come in. I have blocked you before. 】Tian Tao's tone is cold, but if you listen carefully, you can hear a little grievance.

Everyone: ... So it was blocking them at that time!Sorry, they really didn't see it!
That being said, it seems that they are indeed being cheap on purpose.

"...Sorry, we were wrong, can you please let us go?" Guan Twelve pursed his lips, as if they were indeed unreasonable. In this case, the players will of course apologize sincerely.

Then please leave!

[People who come in, don't even think about leaving alive! ] Unexpectedly, Tian Tao laughed at this moment, and the whole sky suddenly darkened. With her gloomy smile, a piercing coldness hit her!

Li Gangshen and the others got closer together. As for the other people in the illusion, they had already fled in fright, ah, except for Liu Xiu who was trapped by Tian Tao.

Guan Twelve looked at Tian Tao, who had released all his resentment, and knew that the negotiation had failed.

She took a deep breath!

Then he said coldly: "Tian Tao, you are also a bound person."

Tian Tao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Guan Twelve in puzzlement.

Just look at the woman in front of her, holding a seedling knife in both hands, approaching her step by step.

Ji Youke didn't understand what Guan Twelve was going to do, but he knew that he wanted to follow Guan Twelve, but he was stopped by Guan Twelve after he took two steps: "Don't come here!"

Ji Youku's progress stopped!

Guan Twelve approached Tian Tao step by step, her tone was flat and without any waves, but what she said made everyone shudder:

"You are a person who is bound by this rule. Maybe you seem to be free, maybe you seem to be out of tune with this world, maybe you are the only one who is sober, but what I want to say is that you are also wrong."

"Tian Tao, you have never been free. Maybe you long for it, but you are bound by it. When rules and freedom collide, you are torn by them like a plaything. You long for freedom, but your heart tells you that you don't need it." Freedom, you just have to obey."

"Tian Tao, it's not just these unfair rules that bind you, but also your soul that longs for freedom but can't be free! They pull your body back and forth like invisible locks, and in the end you will no longer There's no way to get out."

[You're talking...] Tian Tao was obviously annoyed by Guan Twelve's words, and the resentment in his body expanded again!

However, the player's next move shocked everyone!

Liu Xiu was surprised when he saw Guan Twelve approaching!I think she is here to save me.

But in the next second, I saw the woman in front of me suddenly raised the knife and stabbed him in the stomach without hesitation!

This sudden scene was beyond everyone's expectation!

Even Liu Xiu's eyes widened because of shock, while Guan Twelve's eyes were very calm, and there was a cruel ruthlessness hidden in his calmness!

At this moment, she is like a murderous executioner!
Tian Tao was completely shocked by her sudden scene.

On the other hand, Guan Twelve pulled out the knife expressionlessly, and Liu Xiu fell to the ground because he had no support, his whole body was twitching, and blood was spitting out of his mouth!

It looks embarrassing and ugly!

Guan Twelve took two steps back, afraid that the muddy blood would flow to his feet!
Everyone who saw this action: ...There is no need to be so disgusted.

Guan Twelve shook off the blood on the sword, then looked at Tian Tao who was already startled, and said with a serious face, "Look, it's actually very simple."

So, what are you afraid of?
"You trapped yourself in this illusion, saying that you want to punish those who bully you, but those who have died long ago, died in the long river of time, didn't they die in your hands?!"

Guan Twelve's words made Tian Tao fall into memories!
In that memory, she was wearing a red wedding dress, and she didn't hang herself, but she burned the whole village with a torch at night!

She "poured" the flames on herself!The whole village was set on fire!Hearing the screams of those people in the village, she felt very happy!
But it was more about her indescribable emotions. When she took her last breath, she happened to walk under the banyan tree, and when she opened her eyes again, she couldn't get out...

She is trapped!Trapped in this most hated time!
She chained herself to this village!She has experienced the painful things over and over again all her life!She burned the village and those who killed her!But she didn't burn away the rules left in her bones, the injuries engraved on her flesh!

So her resentment is getting more and more!

She not only resented the rules that made her become like this, but also resented herself who couldn't escape the shackles!

So her resentment is getting heavier and heavier!

Getting heavier and heavier!

"Look! It's not that difficult, is it?" Guan Twelve stretched out his hand towards Tian Tao! , her eyes are calm and serious:

"I'm not you. No matter how much I understand your story, I will never understand your pain. Therefore, all I can do is kill him! Kill these shackles!"

"And these, you have already done it, haven't you?"

"You have burned that village and those people to death, and now you are free!"

(End of this chapter)

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