The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 287 Invisible Lock

Chapter 287 Invisible Lock (27)

Guan Twelve's words hit Tian Tao's heart heavily!

Tian Tao trembled because of these words!
Then the next second, the whole illusion suddenly trembled!

Due to the inner instability of the owner of the illusion, the illusion also began to become unstable!

Finally, with a "crack" sound!Illusion has opened a big hole from the sky!
The entire illusion is shattered!

Officer Twelve and the others also returned to their original attire!

Guan Twelve, who successfully escaped from the illusion, breathed a sigh of relief, but just after he breathed a sigh of relief, a long knife suddenly slashed in front of him!

Guan Twelve escaped in danger!
Nima!What a surprise!
You don't even need to look to know that you are a player!
Sure enough, it's because the illusion is so messed up that the few remaining players can't meet each other, right?
Guan Twelve didn't think too much about it!Simply count the number of players!

hey-hey!It's all here!

Then chop it up!

Just as Guan Twelve was about to make a move, a huge force suddenly sent them flying!

Guan Twelve crashed into a tree and vomited blood!




Did Nima hallucinate?Why does it feel like three people are calling her!And each voice is more familiar than the other!
Guan Twelve opened his eyes with difficulty, only to see three figures running towards her!
One is Ji Youku, one is Han Xiaoli, and the other is... eh? ?
Guan Twelve looked at the last person in disbelief, and at this time Han Xiaoli and Ji Youke ran over and stopped properly, only that person hugged Guan Twelve! !

Ji Youku: Huh? ? ? ! !
Han Xiaoli: ...

Guan Twelve was brought back to his senses by the hug, and just as he recovered, he heard the person in his arms calling his name in a crying voice.

Guan Twelve pursed his lips, then stretched out his hand and patted Xu Xiaotian's shoulder and said, "Don't cry, I'm not dead."

Xu Xiaotian just got up, and looked at Guan Twelve, tears streaming down his face, he choked up and said, "At that time... I thought... that I would never see you again."

Official Twelve: ... To be honest, the player thinks so too.

Emotions are dream linkages.

Guan Twelve didn't expect that Xu Xiaotian would appear in this script. He thought it was a single script, but he didn't expect it to be a serial drama.

The dog game "The Doom of Infinite Stream" is pretty fun!

If it weren't for the current situation, Guan Twelve really wanted to ask how he found this place.

Guan Twelve looked at the place where the explosion just happened, there was a ghost in a red wedding dress standing there, it was Tian Tao!Tian Tao seemed to be in pain, she choked up!All the grievances in my body were released!Start an indiscriminate attack!
Just when a wave of resentment hit them, a figure stood in front of them, and the resentment was easily resolved!

"It's not the present to reminisce about the past!"

When Guan Twelve looked at the people who came, his eyes lit up!Isn't this the wall hanging! !
Hanging on the wall, Li Zhongjian Guan Twelve's eyes lit up when he saw him, and he knew what this woman was thinking without thinking about it.

I thought I didn't need to see it, but I didn't expect to meet it!

About half an hour ago, Li Zhong and Xu Xiaotian, who were hiding, met some strange people in the forest. Those people looked at the tops of their heads when they saw two people. This familiar operation made Li Zhong think of a person.

Later I heard that the purpose of their visit was to find someone.

Li Zhong: ...Well, it's still a very familiar recipe!
Probably because they saw that Li Zhong and Xu Xiaotian were capable, so those people asked them if they wanted to go together!

Xu Xiaotian also felt that it was too dangerous to stay here, so he agreed to them!
The result is getting worse and worse!Didn't Nima go back?

Xu Xiaotian and the others immediately turned around and were about to leave, but they didn't expect the village to vibrate suddenly, followed by the sound of something breaking!

Then Guan Twelve and the others appeared in front of them!

Li Zhong screamed that something was wrong, and immediately looked at Xu Xiaotian, and sure enough, he saw Xu Xiaotian looking at Guan Twelve in shock!
Before he could come forward, the person who had been chatting and laughing with them along the way suddenly started attacking Guan Twelve!

Then there was an explosion!
When he reacted, Xu Xiaotian had already run to Guan Twelve's side!
In this regard, Li Zhong just wanted to say one thing: Nima, this is not up to the mark! !

"Damn! What the hell? SSR??" It was obvious that the players were also in a hurry because of this indiscriminate attack, and another player's blood bar was emptied in an instant when he was hit!

This kind of damage simply scares the player!

Now all players know that they must not be touched by this resentment!

Seeing a player died, Guan Twelve's eyes became even brighter!

Eh!It's okay!
"Twelve, this ghost has a lot of resentment, why don't we work together to defeat her!" Seeing that things had developed like this, Li Zhong simply invited Guan Twelve to fight the ghost together.

Official Twelve: No... Actually, the player is not in such a hurry, how about letting this ghost help the player destroy a few enemies first?

Seeing Li Zhong's resolute attitude, Guan Twelve knew that this matter would not succeed.

Forget it, this kind of assistant who can't control indiscriminate attacks is still unnecessary!
Guan Twelve got up and asked Xu Xiaotian to step aside first. She looked at Li Zhong and asked, "Is there anything you can do?"

"No, hit hard!"

Officer Twelve: Wow!Great idea!

Guan Twelve took a deep breath, she looked at Han Xiaoli and Ji Youkuan, as for Li Gangshen and Zhao Xiaoshi, they had already gone to Zhou Porridge and An Shishi to protect the two girls.

"Tian Tao, no matter what you say, I'm considered a demon of your heart. There's no need to avenge your kindness like this!" A knife was cut in the palm of the hand, and blood was left all at once!

Seeing this, Ji Youku opened his mouth to say something, but Guan Twelve over there had already made seals with both hands, and Li Zhong also bit his fingers to make seals!The movements of the two people are synchronized, and even the formulas they read are the same:
"The Hall of Eight Treasures in the Four Directions! The holy light descended from the sky! Don't seal or kill ghost cases! Lonely ghosts flee!"

"Sealing Art! Holy Light! Fall!"

As the voices of the two fell, a magic circle appeared in their hands, and then a big hole was suddenly opened in the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds!

A strong light shone on Tian Tao!

Tian Tao suddenly let out a scream!She wants to escape!
Guan Twelve shouted at the players at this time: "Don't watch the excitement, do you want to live! Help!"

The players suddenly came back to their senses!Then I also understood the situation in front of me!Fenfen exchanged the chain in the system store and threw it to others and said, "Help!"

Immediately afterwards, he took the chain and circled around Tian Tao to make her unable to move!
Seeing this, the others followed suit!

Countless chains bound Tian Tao, keeping her under the holy light!
【No!don't want!I do not want! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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