The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 288 Invisible Lock

Chapter 288 Invisible Lock (End)
Tian Tao is struggling!She is so strong that even ten people can't trap her!
【No!I do not want!I haven't... I haven't had revenge yet! ! 】

Tian Tao cried!The whole body is full of resentment and even more violent!

Crazy attacks on those who trapped her!In a blink of an eye, two more players were attacked!In a blink of an eye, there are only three players left!
Officer Twelve: So apart from being uncontrollable, this guy is really a good tool! !

"Stop wailing!" Tian Tao yelled loudly, and the older players were annoyed!

Guan Twelve and Li Zhong stepped up their efforts!Open directly!
With Tian Tao's tearing scream!

Turn into ashes and disappear under the holy light!
All back to peace!The sky lit up too!
The banyan tree also caught fire in an instant!The frightened people looked over quickly, and then they saw a little girl standing there under the banyan tree, humming a song:
"Humph ~ little girl ~ so beautiful ~ beautiful like a flower named Yuanyang ~ quickly put on the wedding dress ~ put on rouge ~ paint red makeup ~ cover with red cover ~ get on the sedan chair ~ become the most beautiful little bride"

"Humph~ The sedan chair climbed over the hill~ I saw the red curtains hanging on the trees~ The suona, gongs and drums are so lively~ People cheer and sing"

"Marry a bride, marry a bride~the bride is married to the groom~then give birth to the groom~the little bride who takes care of her husband and raises her children"

"Bride, bride, you have to be good ~ put away your waywardness ~ don't go out, don't buy vegetables ~ just stay at home and wait for the groom to come"

"Hmph ~ Bride, don't cry, the groom is a handsome man ~ The house is a hundred acres of land ~ The bride is married to enjoy the happiness"

Standing in the fire, the little girl smiled brightly. She called her mother sweetly, and then said:
"I sang your favorite song, so come back soon!"

As the fire burned down the banyan tree, Tian Tao's soul also disappeared into the world!
Just as Guan Twelve was about to sigh, he suddenly heard a voice from the game party:

[Congratulations to players A52B63, X6528, and W56E42 who have successfully cleared the copy of the story "Invisible Lock". The reward game currency is 100000. The countdown is ten seconds, and the player is sent to leave the script. [-].]

Guan Twelve looked at Ji Youku, Ji Youku looked at Ji Youku, it seemed that they won by clearing the dungeon, this game was really novel, so novel that she even forgot this way of winning.

Guan Twelve immediately looked at Xu Xiaotian, he was chatting with Li Zhong happily.
Guan Twelve originally wanted to say goodbye, but after thinking about it, forget it, it's not certain whether we can meet again next time, don't give people any hope!

While they were not paying attention, Guan Twelve ran to the forest as fast as he could!

Seeing this, Han Xiaoli quickly chased after him, and the others followed, but after following up, he only saw Han Xiaoli standing there alone, and there was no sign of Guan Twelve at all.

"Where's twelve?" Xu Xiaotian ran over and asked!

Han Xiaoli saw that there was no one in front of him, and murmured: "It disappeared."

Guan Twelve took off the game USB flash drive, took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes after taking the medicine. Three days later, when she opened her eyes, she heard the vibration of the phone. Guan Twelve picked up the phone and looked at it. , It was Ji Youku who called, and there are still many messages from him on WeChat!

【twelve!we won!I didn't expect this game to win so much! !How about we get back together next time! 】

[Twelfth, why didn't you reply to the message?Are you too tired?Still sick?I'll go find you! 】

[Twelve I am at your door, you open the door! 】

【Twelfth, why don't you answer my call?What the hell is going on!Did something really happen to you!Come back to me quickly!Otherwise, I really want to call the police! ! 】

A total of hundreds of messages, all worried about her situation!

Guan Twelve couldn't help but get a headache!Fortunately, he didn't call the police, otherwise it would be a real headache!

She's never had a friend before!So after the game is over, I don't have the habit of chatting with my friends. Naturally, I just take drugs and go to sleep!

But now a follower suddenly appeared!

Guan Twelve is still a little uncomfortable!To be honest, she wasn't moved at all, and felt a little annoyed!
It feels like my original life has been destroyed!

Sure enough, she is not suitable for making friends!
Guan Twelve sighed inwardly, she didn't answer Ji Youke's call, but just replied to WeChat:

【I'm fine. I'm a little busy these days so I'm not at home. I just came back now. 】

Unexpectedly, there was a second reply: [Where did you go!I thought you were in danger!No matter what, we still have to reply on WeChat!I almost called the police (dog head crying)]

Officer Twelve: ...

After all, he is a young college student, and Ji Youku likes to use emoticons when communicating.

It was the same before. It was completely different from Guan Twelve. Guan Twelve rarely communicated with each other. There was only one person on WeChat before, and that was her Dr. Wendy.

When communicating with Wendy, it is also concise and to the point, just point out the key points!
There is no such thing as now.

Guan Twelve had a headache, she replied to Ji Youke with a blank expression:
Ji Youku, I understand your thoughts very well, but I'm sorry, I don't want to fall in love, so please put your mind on other things.

Guan Twelve really wanted to send it like this, but felt that she was thinking too much. Although she was quite accurate in guessing emotionally, this kind of thing was really uncertain.

Guan Twelve can only withdraw and re-enter: [Thank you for your concern, I'm sorry to make you worry, but due to my personal reasons, I don't reply to messages often, please forgive me. 】

This passage is very unfamiliar, and it doesn't seem like a normal conversation between friends at all.

The other side was silent for a long time, and then replied: [No, I am just too worried about you, if you are not feeling well or have any difficulties in life, you can tell me. 】

Guan Twelve looked at the message above, she pursed her lips, and then turned off the phone!
She opened her fingers and inserted them into her hair. At this moment, she was sitting on the bed with her back against the wall, one leg curled up, one leg arched, her waist arched, her black hair messy, she took a deep breath, and then heavily exhale!

Then she replied: [Don't like me, Ji Youku. 】

There was no sound there.

Rather than entangled in thinking, it is Guan Twelve's style of doing things to cut through the mess quickly!
She spoke directly, blocking the way of life!

Originally, Guan Twelve also planned to be more tactful, but later she found that she didn't seem to be tactful at all, or that there was no need to be tactful, and she didn't have to think about whether it would hurt Ji Youku's heart.

Because compared to letting him sink deeper and deeper, it would be less harmful to him to directly challenge him!
It seemed that they were caught off guard by Guan Twelve's sudden attack. They didn't know what to reply for a while, so there was no movement for a long time!
Guan Twelve was not in a hurry, she directly turned off the phone, then plugged in the game USB flash drive, and entered the game world!
 This story is finally over hahaha, and then the next story, the fantasy fairy, will come, and so will the votes
(End of this chapter)

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