The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 289 Fairy Demon

Chapter 289 Fairy Demon (1)

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[Successful loading, forming a virtual character, when you implant the chip, the character and body merge, you may not be you anymore, you can have a better life!Let us indulge in it, there is no moral bottom line here, there are only big gambling and happiness!There is no death in this game, only winning or losing, the winner is rewarded generously, and the loser is crushed. Welcome to "The End of Infinite Stream"! ! 】

[The environment of this game is "Fairy and Demon".The war that has lasted for thousands of years!And human beings are also divided into two camps, one is the Cultivation School and the other is the Demon Cultivation School!This is a fictitious plot (if there is any similarity, it is an honor) in which the pain of death is 95% (note that it cannot be changed). Note that this game plot will adopt the animal form of the player for the first time!All players will turn into an animal after entering the game, the type is random!In addition, players can also practice to transform into a human form!Players in animal form cannot attack each other. There are two ways to attack players. One is that the player binds with the NPC, signs a contract, and becomes the NPC's spiritual pet before allowing the NPCs to fight. Attack!In this plot, players can attack NPCs, and NPCs can also attack players!So please protect yourself, there are 100 game participants, and the number of passers: 1! 】

[Entering the game, entering successfully!Games start! 】

On a cliff higher than the sky!Going through a battle between immortals and demons!
Chen Yueye, the black shadow demon in the demon world, and Bai Yulou, the white jade master in the fairy world, are at war!One black and one white fight is inseparable!Others dare not step forward at all!

Seeing that Chen Yueye had the upper hand, Bai Yulou suddenly took out an artifact and stabbed Chen Yueye into his stomach viciously while Chen Yueye was not paying attention!

Suddenly, Chen Yueye's dantian shattered!Spit a mouthful of blood!

All the magic energy is gone!
Chen Yueye was shocked!Logically speaking, he could escape, but just for a moment, he was in a trance!
At this time, Chen Yueye suddenly thought of a green figure, it was a lively and clever girl!She was also the girl he fell in love with at the first sight!

But this girl is indeed Bai Yulou's apprentice in front of her!

Just before the battle started, that girl ran to him and gave him a panacea, as long as he took this panacea, his demon energy would increase greatly!I thought the girl liked him so I helped him!The result was unexpected!I see!She even played tricks on him! !
Chen Yueye glared at Bai Yulou angrily, calling him despicable!
But Bai Yulou said indifferently: "Win the king and lose the bandit, this is the truth of your demon world! Today is the day of your death!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Yueye laughed out loud, he is the Demon Lord himself!Being arrogant and lawless is his style of doing things!

His arrogance will never allow him to fail on a woman!Not to mention getting caught!
Chen Yueye sneered, and then directly used the last bit of magic power to blow up the cliff where he was!

Then the whole person fell into the abyss!
Bai Yulou looked at the place where Chen Yueye fell. This place is called the Unborn Cliff, which means that as long as you fall, there is no possibility of being alive!
He took back the artifact, then turned around and shouted to the immortals: "The Black Shadow Demon Venerable!"

Immediately, the Immortal World team cheered!
They didn't know that Chen Yueye who fell below did not die!He fell onto a gigantic flower growing on the ground!And then wrapped in petals!

A butterfly hovers above and the flowers glow white!
Miraculously, the flowers healed his wounds, and as Chen Yueye's wounds slowly healed, Chen Yueye also opened his eyes!
What he saw when he opened his eyes was a beautiful white butterfly hovering in front of him!

The butterfly is very small, white and almost transparent, but very beautiful!

Chen Yueye subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch the butterfly, but the butterfly avoided it!
I didn't expect to be disgusted by a butterfly!
Chen Yueye burst out laughing!
As a result, he smiled and found that his demonic energy was gone, he had no dantian, no demonic energy!Now he is a useless person!
How does it feel to transform from a demon king who is below one person and above ten thousand people to a waste material that cannot be repaired by cultivation?
Chen Yueye expressed that she was very sad!

He was already full of pride!Now it is considered waste material!
Suddenly, Chen Yueye yelled as if going crazy!
He thinks God is unfair!

He was bullied because he couldn't cultivate immortality!That's why I went to cultivate demons!Now, after a hundred years of cultivating demons, he has finally achieved great success, but he is besieged and suppressed, and he returns to before liberation in an instant!
God just doesn't want to look forward to him, does he? !
Just when he was worrying, Chen Yueye suddenly saw a butterfly hovering in front of him!
Chen Yueye took a closer look, this is not an ordinary butterfly, this is the rumored spirit butterfly!It was an extremely rare creature for thousands of years!It is rumored that Lingdie was born with a golden core!There is a golden core in the body!Their aura can compete with ten golden pills!It can even devour the aura of immortal cultivators for your own use!As for the Psychic Butterfly King, he can summon millions of Psychic Butterflies!Even a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods would find it difficult to resist the damage!

It can be said to be an extremely terrifying creature!

Originally, the spirit butterfly was a moody creature without consciousness, but now it appeared in front of him!

Chen Yueye pursed her lips, she couldn't tell whether this spirit butterfly was good or bad for a while!

Now he is already a useless person, it is easy for this spirit butterfly to devour him, but now that he has not eaten him, does that mean...

"My name is Chen Yueye." Chen Yueye looked at Lingdie and introduced herself.

"..." Lingdie just looked at him without answering.

Also how could a butterfly talk.

But Chen Yueye felt that the spirit butterfly in front of her was very different, it seemed to be able to understand people's speech!Could it be the legendary Spirit Butterfly King!

Thinking that I might have met the Butterfly King!Chen Yueye suddenly gasped!
If it was during his complete victory period, he would have to accept this Spirit Butterfly King for his own use!But now, it's different!

He is a waste now, and if he meets him, he will die!

die? !
Chen Yueye pursed her lips!His arrogance makes him unwilling!
He wants revenge! !

So he must not die!

Chen Yueye looked at the Lingdie in front of her, it didn't seem to be hostile towards her.

This might be a good opportunity!

"Do you have something to say to me?" Chen Yueye cautiously asked Lingdie in front of her.

The spirit butterfly dodged its wings and flew in front of him!
Chen Yueye seemed to sense it, and quickly stretched out her hand, and the spirit butterfly slowly flew to Chen Yueye's palm, and then stopped moving.

(End of this chapter)

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