The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 291 Fairy Demon

There is no way, Chen Yueye can only pin his hope on Guan Twelve, he asked:

"Is there a way for you to get out of here?"

"Just fly up." Guan Twelve replied flatly, almost costing half of Chen Yueye's life!

fly up? !This is really easy to say!

If he can really fly up, why is he still here? ?The problem is that it can't fly!
"There is only one exit from above." Guan Twelve's tone was cold.

Chen Yueye touched his nose subconsciously, and he actually felt that the spirit butterfly in front of him was angry!

Why are you angry?Is it because he questioned her?

It can be said that from the moment they saw him, this spirit butterfly named Twelve didn't give him a good face, but she was the one who responded to every request and answered all questions.

Chen Yueye was a little confused.

But no matter what, he really didn't see any other exits!
But now that he has no cultivation base at all, if he wants to fly up, it is impossible for him now!

And this kind of height needs at least the foundation building period!Although he can already practice, but according to his cultivation method, it will take at least ten years, or even hundreds of years, if he wants to reach the foundation stage, he can't afford it!Can't wait too!He needs a way to build a foundation as soon as possible!

Looking at the bones around her, Chen Yueye suddenly thought of something, and took out a dossier from the treasure bag beside her. This was a birthday gift given to him by a disciple of one of his disciples. At that time, he devoted himself to cultivating his own secret technique, so he ignored it and put it here. He thought it was useless and it was all dust, but now it seems that it has become his life-saving straw!

Chen Yueye opened the file!Looking at the cultivation technique inside, one can know how terrifying this technique is just by looking at it!It is a secret method to improve one's cultivation by relying on corpse energy and ghost energy, but this kind of heaven-defying thing has advantages and disadvantages. Although its cultivation improves quickly, it is also very unstable!If you can't control it, it's easy to go crazy!

At that time, he will become neither human nor ghost!
But right now, Chen Yueye doesn't think so much!
Now that the Demon Realm is missing him, that guy from Bai Yulou will definitely attack the Demon Realm while the iron is hot!

He has to go out and help!Otherwise, his sect will be destroyed! !

Chen Yueye gritted her teeth, and then began to practice exercises!
Seeing that Chen Yueye was surrounded by the surrounding corpse aura, the surrounding corpses even gradually began to dissipate because of being sucked!
Officer Twelve was silent!
Obviously, the man in front of him is a demon cultivator, although he could tell by looking at his outfit before!
This one is a demon cultivator, and ordinary demon cultivators rarely play the leading role!Well, maybe he's still a villain!
Although the villain may not be able to beat the protagonist!But anyway, it is still a small boss, and there is only one protagonist!It should be a matter of minutes for ordinary people to solve it!
Besides, ever since Chen Yueye became useless and she still made a pact with him, the player didn't intend to end the game by fighting between NPCs, and she hasn't given up on cultivating human form!Some things are more convenient to do by yourself!
As for why he formed a contract with him, of course he had to find a way to get out of here!
That's right, Guan Twelve found that even if he had the cultivation base of Jindan, he still couldn't fucking fly up!

If you think about it briefly, you can find that this is a conspiracy designed by the game party!Either she turns into a human and flies up!Or form a bond and let the NPC fly up with it!
This is simply outrageous!

But Guan Twelve had to give in besides scolding his mother!That's why she formed a bond with Chen Yueye!

Fortunately, Chen Yueye is a good one!Or he seemed to be in a hurry, so he was in a hurry to improve his cultivation!

Seeing Chen Yueye being so serious, Guan Twelve felt that he couldn't be idle, so he sat beside Chen Yueye and began to practice!
I took a breath of corpse breath when I just started practicing! !

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ! !
The player is so hung up that he didn't choke to death!This horse riding is too thick!
Since coming to this script, Guan Twelve has always relied on aura to improve his cultivation!

She strives to be a fairy-like little butterfly!

But the NPC of her contract seems to be a demon cultivator...

Guan Twelve's mood is very complicated.

Two people have different ways of cultivation. Can such a family be harmonious?

There's no way Guan Twelve can only practice far away from Chen Yueye, but it turns out that the place where Nima's fart is bigger is full of fucking corpses!

Guan Twelve almost knelt down!

Originally, when there was no Chen Yueye, there was plenty of aura inside, but now when he came, he directly awakened the corpse aura and directly covered the aura!

Of course, it is also possible that the aura has been absorbed by her.

This is very uncomfortable!

Guan Twelve thought aggrievedly.

But she couldn't absorb the spiritual energy, and now she couldn't fly out, so she could only wait bitterly, waiting for Chen Yueye to build the foundation!Then fly out!
Guan Twelve is just like the husband-watching stone, looking forward and looking forward to the moonlight night!I just look forward to his foundation building!I don't know how many months have passed!Just when Guan Twelve felt hopeless, Chen Yueye suddenly glowed!
He built the foundation! !
Guan Twelve was about to cry!The foundation is finally built! !
Chen Yueye opened his eyes and saw a white butterfly in front of him. He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. Of course he knew that Guan Twelve was guarding him during this time, and he never thought that he would trust Guan Shi so much. two!

Maybe it's because of the contract!

"Sorry for making you wait so long." Chen Yueye stretched out his hand, and Guan Twelve flew to his fingertips upon seeing this.

Seeing Guan Twelve so cooperative, the corners of Chen Yueye's mouth couldn't help but rise!
Perhaps it would be nice to have such a "master".

Chen Yueye put Guan Twelve in his palm, then lightly clenched it, and then he glanced at the bones around him, removing those that had been absorbed by him and leaving only ashes, and there were still a lot of those that were still intact, Chen Yueye Yue Ye felt that it was a pity to lose it here, thinking about finding time to refine it, so she put all of it in the treasure bag!

Guan Twelve with a panoramic view: The NPC she binds is really scary, even the bones are spared!

Chen Yueye took a deep breath, and then jumped upwards with all her strength!
Those in the foundation period can fly for a period of time!But this unborn cliff is very deep!

It is definitely not possible to fly by relying on the foundation building alone!Of course Chen Yueye knew this too!So he stepped on the relay, of course, this is also very physically demanding!

Just when Chen Yueye ran out of ammunition and food and thought he would fail!Guan Twelve stretched out his hand, and immediately countless spirit butterflies flew over and directly rescued Chen Yueye who fell because of a slipped foot, and then slowly flew up with him!

The moment his feet hit the ground, Chen Yueye was still in a daze, he didn't expect that he would fly up by the spirit butterfly!

Subconsciously, Chen Yueye opened her hand, and the white butterfly, which was only the size of a fingertip, stopped there quietly!
She is small, but the spirit butterflies she just summoned can cover the sky and the sun!

Maybe she is really the Butterfly King.

How lucky he was!

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