The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 292 Fairy Demon

Chapter 292 Fairy Demon (4)

Chen Yueye, who just came out, is only in the foundation building stage, no matter how anxious he is, he knows that he will never be Bai Yulou's opponent at this moment, and he will die if he goes there!So Chen Yueye planned to improve her own strength!Of course, it is impossible to practice day after day, year after year, after all, he can't afford to wait!
So he's going to go some evil way!

What he is currently practicing is a kind of partial skill that belongs to the devil world, which is ghost cultivation!The main source of spiritual power is the corpse's aura, and the ghost's aura!

So Chen Yueye planned to start from this point and go to mass graves or haunted places to practice, so as to speed up the process!In addition, he can also improve by absorbing the golden core of the immortal cultivator!
These are all ways for him to practice quickly!

good!Just do it!

Chen Yueye was just about to leave. At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously looked at the white spirit butterfly in his hand. It is rumored that the spirit butterfly is a holy object, and what he absorbs is the purest spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He is going to Naturally, it is impossible to have a place like this, so he was a little entangled, not because he was worried about being unfavorable to Guan Twelve, but he hadn't forgotten that his current identity was the slave of this suspected Spirit Butterfly King!

And this guy is extremely conscious, even human thinking!At that time, if she doesn't like going to these places, she can just rely on the contract to kill him!Then he will lose more than he gains!
Thinking about it this way, Chen Yueye thought it would be better to tell her!

So he explained his plan clearly to Guan Twelve!

By the way, I reminded Guan Twelve:

"I am a demon cultivator! And there is a demon cultivator I hate to hug, so I must try to improve my strength as much as possible! I must go to places like mass graves! I know that you Lingdie hate ghosts the most. place, so I want to make it clear to you here! If you can't accept it, you can terminate the contract with me, or kill me, or I won't compromise!" Chen Yueye's eyes revealed a kind of determination, that It is a kind of determination to do things with the idea of ​​​​mortal death!

He thought very clearly!Also considered the consequences!As a Demon Lord, he has managed the Demon World for so long, it is impossible to say that he is not arrogant, but he is not the type who keeps his mouth shut and is the "true deity". On the contrary, he does things as he pleases, but he also considers the consequences!

After weighing the pros and cons, choose the best result to do things!It is the same today!
He felt that speaking his mind honestly was the best outcome for him!

As for Guan Twelve, after listening to what Chen Yueye said, she didn't care, or she felt that Chen Yueye might be a little too afraid of her. The two of them are already in an unequal position, so naturally Guan Twelve doesn't care. She didn't even care about Chen Yueye's thoughts.

If Chen Yueye wants to become stronger, then go for it. Anyway, no matter how much she practices now, it won’t change much. On the contrary, if Chen Yueye can work hard to improve her strength, it will also be useful for her to fight against players in the future. of!
So Guan Twelve did not object to Chen Yueye's going to the mass grave. Although she hated it, it was not impossible for her to go.

So Guan Twelve flew to the tip of Chen Yueye's nose, and said lightly, "Go if you want."

Chen Yueye was taken aback, Lingdie in front of her was not angry, and even judging from her tone, she seemed willing to go with her to the place she hated the most!
Why...Chen Yueye can't see through this spirit butterfly named Twelve, or...

"I'm going to take revenge. If you die on the way or the revenge fails, you can find other contractors, although I don't know why you want to make a contract with me."

"Well, I will." Although the player said so, he knew in his heart that although he signed a master-servant contract with Chen Yueye, if Chen Yueye died, she would lose the game!

Let's cool off together!
Chen Yueye couldn't tell what it felt like.

He felt that this spirit butterfly was a little unreasonable, but she didn't seem to be able to lie!

Wouldn't you do things just to please others?

This is very similar to him!
Chen Yueye hooked her lips!
With the approval of the "master", Chen Yueye also made a solid schedule!

In a teahouse in a small town three days later!There are surprisingly many customers inside, and the waiter is busy serving tea and food!The store manager smiled from ear to ear!

If you look carefully, the people sitting on the scattered tables on the first floor are basically people in robes and swords!You can tell it's a cultivator at a glance!
They were drinking tea when they heard a guest at the next table talking to his friend!And the content of the conversation is the recent rumors in the next town:

"Hey, have you heard! Jingzhen next door was suddenly haunted a month ago! I heard that the second lady of the Li family's family suddenly convulsed, and then her whole body rotted, and only bones remained!"

As soon as these words came out, those people in long robes and swords were shocked!
And the man's friend was shocked when he heard it:


"Really! Not only that, but also the seventh lady of the Zhao family, the eldest lady of the Liu family, the little girl who bought tofu, and seven little girls waiting to be married turned into bones in just one month!"




The group of immortal cultivators in robes got up and walked towards the man, and one of them asked, "Sir, is what you said true?"

The man saw the defeat of these people in front of him, his eyes lit up and he asked:
"Could you be immortal cultivators?"

"Yes, we are disciples of Shengxianmen, and I, Xu Liuqin, are disciples of Shengxianmen's outer sect!"

Xu Liuqin put his fists together and introduced himself.

In a dark place where he didn't care, when a hand holding a teacup heard the man self-reporting his family name, his hand paused imperceptibly!
Sheng Xianmen...

"It turned out to be the Shengxian Gate! It is rumored that ten years ago your White Jade Master also got rid of the Demon Lord in the Demon Realm, saved the common people, and prevented the Demon Realm from being rampant! Immortals! You are the saviors of the world! Go and see Jingzhen!" ! There are definitely ghosts somewhere!"

That person had obviously heard about Sheng Xianmen's reputation, and he seemed very excited!
Xu Liuqin naturally knew his fame in the fairy sect, so it was not surprising!
And even though he is an outer disciple, Xu Liuqin is very reliable!

So I kept quiet with that person for a while, asked about the address and the basic situation, and then left with my partner!
The moment they walked out the door, a white butterfly flew past Xu Liuqin's eyes!Xu Liuqin subconsciously turned his head to look over, but there was nothing.

Was it his illusion just now?
Xu Liuqin didn't think too much, after all, there are more important things now.

So he turned and left.

In the teahouse just now, a white butterfly skillfully passed through the crowd, and then walked out of a shadow that no one noticed. The person stretched out his hand, and the white butterfly gently stopped on the slender finger. fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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