The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 293 Fairy Demon

Chapter 293 Fairy Demon (5)

Chen Yueye looked at the little spirit butterfly on her fingertips, her impetuous heart calmed down for some reason!

"Twelve, I just heard the news about my enemy."

Chen Yueye poured another cup of tea, Guan Twelve saw this and flew to the cup to drink tea.

"so what?"

"So I'm going to visit that Jingzhen." Chen Yueye asked with a smile.

"Then... let's go together." Originally, Guan Twelve wanted to say to go by himself, but then he thought about it, he was only in the foundation building stage, and if he met a player, he might be cold, so he turned around halfway!
"Of course!" Chen Yueye knew this would be the result. Although the "master" had always treated her indifferently and indifferently, she still cared about him after all.

Hmm...should be.

"By the way, what did you do just now?"

"Looked at the terrain and looked for any acquaintances." Guan Twelve didn't hide this either!
She just went out to find out if there were any other players in this town!It turned out that no!
Nima!Is this map that big?Where did the remaining 75 players go?
Yes, during this time, Guan Twelve found that the number of players had decreased again, and there were still 75 players left!

But more importantly, there are still 75 players left!She didn't meet any of them!This is too unscientific!
"Acquaintances? Do you know...someone?"

Chen Yueye raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, he thought Guan Twelve was Wushengya's creature!There is no contact with the outside world, so it is even more impossible for acquaintances to exist!

But today she actually said that she came to find an acquaintance? !
"I also have enemies." Guan Twelve said with a flat face that almost made Chen Yueye pour tea!

"You also have enemies?!"

Chen Yueye never dreamed that Lingdie, who seemed to have never been out of Bushengya, would have an enemy?
who? ?Bees that robbed your nectar?Or the dryad who robbed you of your fertilizer? ?

"Hmm." Guan Twelve didn't know what Chen Yueye was thinking, but she didn't reveal too much information on this point.

Seeing that Guan Twelve didn't intend to talk about it, Chen Yueye narrowed his eyes slightly!
He felt that the little butterfly in front of him had a secret!

Human consciousness, free communication, and enemies!

This little butterfly doesn't look like an animal, but more like...a human.

Will it be human?

Chen Yueye looked at Guan Twelve who had flown to her fingertips again, and her mind began to scatter.

It shouldn't be a human being, perhaps, it looks so human because it is about to cultivate into an adult.

"Would you be able to become a man twelve?"

"...I will."

Guan Twelve didn't know what was the use of Chen Yueye asking this question.

"In human form, what would you look like?" Chen Yueye looked at the little spirit butterfly in front of him curiously. To be honest, he had never seen an animal cultivate a human being, but there were also such legends. Standard, will become human!
"... I don't know." But don't count on it, players have been cultivating for hundreds of years and haven't cultivated human form!Now that I'm hanging around with you, a demon cultivator, it's basically impossible to become an adult!

Players have completely seen it!
Yes, she knew about it since she found out that Chen Yueye was a demon cultivator!She and Chen Yueye are completely opposite, so if she stays with Chen Yueye, it is basically impossible to cultivate, but if she leaves Chen Yueye, Guan Twelve is not at ease!
If you meet other players, kill this girl!Isn't she just cool!
So soon Guan Twelve looked away, and she didn't care about it anymore, it was just like this!

Guan Twelve looked away, but Chen Yueye didn't!He is really curious!One is that he has never seen it before, and the other is that he really wants to know what this honest little butterfly looks like in front of him!
But he was not stupid, and he knew the reason after thinking about it, so he was silent for a while, and said: "It is said that there is a kind of holy fruit, which can be improved by a lot of cultivators, and can also be improved by eating animals! Maybe it will become a human being."

"...if I can find it, I don't care."

Guan Twelve understood what Chen Yueye meant. As a player who could almost read minds, she also understood why Chen Yueye was so obsessed with her appearance now!
It's simple, just curious!

As a Demon Lord, Chen Yueye has seen basically everything, but she probably has never seen an animal cultivate into an adult. After all, she has practiced hard for hundreds of years and has not become a human. There should be very few others. Maybe there is no precedent. That's why Chen Yueye was so curious!

For Chen Yueye's idea, the players keep supporting and strongly support it!Why would she resist something that could make her stronger?

And there were people who offered to help, which made her even happier.

But if you can't find it, you can't find it!

It's not that if you don't change, you can't live! It's true!
It can be said that after hundreds of years of being trapped in a big fart place to practice and then came out, I still can't practice. At the same time, I haven't met a single player!

Guan Twelve's current mentality can be said to be extremely Buddhist!
It doesn't matter, anyway, I have been smoothed out by the society!

What should come will always come!

Chen Yueye looked at the little butterfly over there who had no passion at all, he pursed his lips slightly, suddenly curious, what could make the little butterfly in front of him turn pale with fright?
After bringing some dry food, Chen Yueye and Guan Twelve embarked on the journey to Jingzhen. Although it was the next town, it was still a bit far to walk!
Chen Yueye's strength is not high now, and he doesn't intend to expose himself, this place is very close to Shengxianmen, and it will be dangerous if he meets someone with a higher level than him.

He also didn't want "the first emperor collapsed in the middle of his business before he started his business".

But if you walk, it may take a long time to get there.

By the time he gets there, maybe all the people from Shengxianmen over there will be settled.

"Sure enough, do you still want to rent a carriage?"

Chen Yueye thought for a while, but he was not short of money. As a Demon Lord, his younger brother offered countless treasures. It can be said that he couldn't spend all the money, but when he thought of pulling a carriage, Chen Yueye felt a little bit resistant!
He doesn't really want to pull the carriage, because pulling the carriage is really a bit tiring!

"If you don't want to pull the carriage, I'll help you." Guan Twelve saw the tangled look on Chen Yueye's face, and after thinking for a while, he thought of this possibility.

"Eh? Is it really possible? You..." Chen Yueye looked at the little butterfly in front of him, which was not as big as his fingernail, and couldn't help being suspicious.

Officer Twelve: ...Of course not a player!what's on your mind? !

How could the player pull the carriage!

Five minutes later, Chen Yueye stared at the white horse in front of the carriage, her eyes widened!

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help asking: "Spirit butterfly, does this function still exist?"

 Want votes, no votes, no motivation
(End of this chapter)

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