The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 295 Fairy Demon

"...Yes, according to what you said, you still trust me?" Chen Yueye took a deep breath, resisting the pain in her chest, twitching the corner of her mouth, and couldn't help asking Xiang Guan Twelve.

He was really curious about what Guan Twelve would say, after all, she trusted him with her tone just now!But the latter words obviously looked down on him, thinking that he couldn't beat him!Then since she knew all this, why did she trust him so much?

Chen Yueye is really curious!

"Because you are very smart, you can run away if you can't beat it." I didn't expect Guan Twelve to answer like this!

Chen Yueye froze in place!
He looked at the little spirit butterfly in his hand. As a spirit beast, this little thing has always had unique ideas, always saying things that made him unable to think.

"Ah, what you said makes sense." Chen Yueye chuckled lightly.

Then he turned his head and continued to look at the scenery outside the window. Because it was raining outside the window, there was no one on the street at all, and there was no other sound in the street except for the "click" of the rain hitting the ground and the "salsa" of the leaves. , seemed extraordinarily quiet.

Listening to the sound of rain outside, Chen Yueye was a little lost in thought.

so quiet……

Such weather is very suitable for catching ghosts.

Chen Yueye turned around and went downstairs, but met Xu Liuqin and the others at the stairs, Xu Liuqin was surprised when he saw him, and was about to speak, but Chen Yueye ignored him and walked past him.

Xu Liuqin turned around and looked at Chen Yueye's back. The moment the spirit butterfly went out, it summoned more than a dozen spirit butterflies to turn into an umbrella.

Chen Yueye raised her leg and walked out!
The protective umbrella transformed by the spirit butterfly formed a vacuum zone within one meter around him, and not a single drop of rain splashed on him!Even clothes corners.

With such strength, that spirit butterfly is definitely the spirit butterfly king!To be favored by the Butterfly King!
Who is this man?

Xu Liuqin pursed his lips, watching Chen Yueye's figure getting further and further away, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the rainy sky!
And Xu Liuqin also came back to his senses at this time, turned around and went upstairs.

And Chen Yueye slowly approached the deepest part along with the smell of corpses aroused by the rainy day!Finally, he stopped in front of a house!
This is the place with the heaviest corpse aura!

Chen Yueye stepped forward, Guan Twelve also withdrew Lingdie, anyway, he couldn't get wet now.

Chen Yueye went up to knock on the door, waited for a while, the door was opened, and a head poked out from inside, looking around cautiously, at last she was taken aback when she saw Chen Yueye!
"Hello, I'm a demon exorcising master. I heard that strange things happen in the mansion all the year round, so I came here to see if there is anything I can do to help the mansion."

"Exorcist?" The man seemed suspicious.

The main reason is that Chen Yueye is dressed in black and looks very young, she doesn't look like an exorcist at all!
"Yes, my name is Zaisan, I think I should be quite famous."

"...Well, I see, okay, wait a minute!"

The man closed the door, Guan Twelve poked his head out and asked, "Your name is Zaisan?"

"A long, long time ago, when I first started to practice, I couldn't use my real name when going down the mountain to practice, so I made up a pseudonym, again and again, again and again, again and again."

"...You said you were cultivating immortals before?" Hearing this, Guan Twelve grasped the key point. It should be cultivating immortals. These days, only cultivating immortals do this kind of thing of going down the mountain to practice.There is no experience in cultivating demons, it would be good not to bully experienced cultivators.

"Yeah, there are a few demon cultivators who didn't cultivate immortals at first."

Chen Yueye crossed her arms and leaned against the door, looking up at the sky, a little lost in thought.

That was a long time ago, but there are some things that he can't forget even after hundreds of years!

Chen Yueye clenched her hands into fists, her eyes filled with coldness!
Sooner or later!Everything he suffered back then!He wants revenge! !

"..." Looking at Chen Yueye's reaction, Guan Twelve knew that this girl still had something on her mind.

For this kind of plot, it is not difficult for Guan Twelve to guess what the plot is. This kind of plot is nothing more than a young man cultivating immortals because of his high talent or low talent, so he was bullied or framed by others and then became enchanted. In the end, he became a big boss and went back to take revenge, only to be killed by the male lead!
Hmm... very cheesy plot!
Guan Twelve was expressionless.

"You don't seem to be interested in this?" Chen Yueye found that Guan Twelve did not continue to ask, so she couldn't help asking.

She is so indifferent, is she not curious about what happened to him before?
If she didn't ask, he was too embarrassed to say it if he wanted to.

"Yes, I'm not interested."

"..." His little butterfly is so upright...

"You are so boring, you must have no friends in the butterfly group!"

"..." Guan Twelve ignored Chen Yueye and flew away!
Chen Yueye looked at the little white butterfly that was running through the rain but didn't touch it at all!
Can't help but find it funny, are you angry?
Probably not, he has only been with Xiaodie, and he has never seen her care about anything!

She really doesn't care about anything about him!

But I trust him very much, he will not object to anything he does!This feeling is like it!She doesn't care about his past, doesn't care about his future, even now she doesn't care.

But I support his behavior very much!

While keeping him free from any pressure, he couldn't help but care about this little butterfly.

She was very kind to herself, and even without him asking, she took the initiative to let Lingdie turn into an umbrella, so that the rain could not catch him, but when he reached a place where he could hide from the rain, she quickly stopped and didn't think about it for a second. Give him more!
Really weird little butterfly!
Chen Yueye didn't know that the corners of her mouth had already started to rise.

And at this moment, the door behind him suddenly opened, and Chen Yueye was pushed just like that!
Chen Yueye didn't stand firmly, staggered and almost tripped her feet!

Turning around and looking over, I saw the person who opened the door just now, and it seemed that I had already inquired about his name!Even the way he looks at him has changed from doubt and vigilance at the beginning to adoration with bright eyes now!

"Master again and again! Our grandpa is here to invite you!"


Chen Yueye turned his head and took a look, only to find that his little butterfly didn't fly back, and he wasn't in a hurry, that guy would come back sooner or later!

So he went in first!

After entering, he walked directly to the main hall, and as soon as he stepped into the main hall, Chen Yueye felt a strong corpse aura!

He looked up and saw that there were five people sitting in the main hall, a man and a woman on the left and a man and a woman on the right.

The one in the middle is dressed in silk and satin, very extravagant, obviously he is the owner of this family!
"May I ask that you are the repeated master who killed hundreds of ghosts by one person 300 years ago?!"

Twelve: I am a beautiful fairy butterfly

Qiqi: Well, there are no human-shaped fluttering moths.

Twelve: ... Fuck! !

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