The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 296 Fairy Demon

Chapter 296 Fairy Demon (8)

Guan Twelve flew all the way to search, although she also knew that there was little hope of finding the player, after all, she had searched around just now, but she really didn't want to stay with Chen Yueye.

The mouth of this seemingly maddened Demon Venerable is really babbling!
Always ask silly questions!It's so annoying!
The player is too annoying, the player wants to be quiet!

At this time, Guan Twelve suddenly saw a figure walking in front of him, took a closer look, and said, isn't that the cultivator named Xu Liuqin?

Xu Liuqin obviously saw Guan Twelve too. He looked at the little white butterfly in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, he looked familiar!

ah!Isn't this the spirit butterfly next to that strange man in black? !
How can it be alone!An Eudemons appeared here? !
Xu Liuqin didn't forget that this spirit butterfly is very likely to be the spirit butterfly king, who can summon countless spirit butterflies!A very dangerous existence, such a dangerous existence, Xu Liuqin's first reaction was to run!
But after thinking about it, he couldn't run away just by relying on his ability!
So he stood there, waiting for the spirit butterfly to fly towards him!
Originally, Guan Twelve didn't intend to touch Xu Liuqin, and wanted to fly past him, but after getting close to Xu Liuqin, she found that there was a lot of aura around this girl!All smell clean!
Immediately, Guan Twelve's eyes lit up. Originally, Guan Twelve is a little spirit butterfly who likes clean aura. After staying with Chen Yueye for a long time, he would feel a little irritable in his heart!Now Xu Liuqin is like nectar to seduce her in front of her!
Guan Twelve approached Xu Liuqin, and Xu Liuqin immediately became vigilant!He looked at the butterfly that was only the size of a fingernail hovering in front of his eyes!It was dangerous, he knew it, but why, he seemed to see from the white butterfly that it was not malicious!
Xu Liuqin looked at the Lingdie in front of him, it seemed to be greeting him!
Xu Liuqin was not sure, thinking of the man reaching out his hand, he was silent for a while, and tried to reach out, only to see that spirit butterfly neatly stopped at his fingertips, slowly flapping his wings!

It looks very well-behaved and harmless, and there is no scary scene in the rumors at all!
Xu Liuqin blinked, and he looked at the Lingdie, who exuded white aura!
It looks very holy.

"Are you making friends with me?" Xu Liuqin understood what Guan Twelve meant after studying for a while, but he still asked in disbelief.

Then I saw that spirit butterfly flapping its two wings!

It seems to be responding to him!

It really is! !
Xu Liuqin took a deep breath, surprised that this spirit butterfly is so human!Although I don't know its level, but it can summon other spirit butterflies and it's so human!It is most likely the Spirit Butterfly King!

When he thought of the spirit butterfly king in front of him, he was so cute.

Xu Liuqin couldn't help having other thoughts in his heart!
Whether you are cultivating immortals or cultivating demons, you can find your own spirit beast!Come to improve your own strength!
Originally, Xu Liuqin had always maintained an indifferent attitude towards things like spirit beasts, but now that he saw this spirit butterfly, he suddenly had this thought in his heart.

If this spirit butterfly becomes his spirit beast...

Xu Liuqin looked at the spirit butterfly and asked softly, "Would you like to follow me?"

In the drizzle, a young boy in a white robe asked the white glowing butterfly in his hand, his eyes full of anticipation!

Guan Twelve looked at the cautious young man in front of him, he was undoubtedly a good boy, if he hadn't met Chen Yueye, of course Guan Twelve would be willing to make a contract with him, just now!She is not a little butterfly any more, she is a little butterfly with allies!

Thinking of the contractor who couldn't help him, Guan Twelve felt a headache!

That trash snack.

Although you can't sign a contract with him, you can absorb some spiritual power by following him.

So Guan Twelve lightly flew to the top of his head, then landed on his bun and did not move.

Seeing this, Xu Liuqin thought that Guan Twelve agreed, so he brought it back to the tavern with a smile. As soon as he went back, he saw his juniors sitting there. I saw the white butterfly on Xu Liuqin's head.

"Senior brother, you... this is."

"Don't worry about this. I just went out to look around. This town is full of ghosts. There must be a big ghost here, or two! It's raining now, and the abilities of ghosts will improve. It's not good for us to look for them at this time. , When the rain stops, we will go to each house to find and get rid of the ghost!"

Xu Liuqin analyzed the current situation very calmly!
His brows and eyes are already serious, but now that he is serious, he is even more handsome!

The juniors who saw him all looked at him with admiration!
Guan Twelve could see that Xu Liuqin still had a certain voice among the group of immortal cultivators, and they seemed to listen to him very much.

Guan Twelve didn't care to put it directly on Xu Liuqin's head, and began to absorb spiritual power!
Guan Twelve absorbed it very slowly, and Xu Liuqin couldn't even notice it if he wasn't careful!

What's more, the aura around the cultivator itself was strong, and Guan Twelve didn't absorb what was in Xu Liuqin's body, but absorbed what radiated from him.

Even if Xu Liuqin noticed it, he wouldn't care, it's just a negligible spiritual power, and now he has already thought about his own spirit beast in Guan Twelve, what's wrong with sucking some spiritual power for his own spirit beast!
After Xu Liuqin fell asleep at night, Guan Twelve absorbed spiritual energy by his side.

Early the next morning, Xu Liuqin opened his eyes and got up to see the little butterfly lying on top of his quilt. She seemed to be fast asleep, motionless.

Xu Liuqin got up cautiously. For some reason, he was afraid of disturbing the butterfly, but when he moved, Guan Twelve noticed it. After all, the place where he could practice geomantic omen was far away. Guan Twelve flapped his wings and flew over Xu Liuqin's head superior!

What the hell are you running?I still rely on you to cultivate!
"Sorry, I was just afraid of waking you up." I don't know why, but Xu Liuqin seemed to understand the meaning of Lingdie!
She is angry.

Xu Liuqin chuckled helplessly, he felt that this Lingdie was indeed a bit too human!
And he really likes it, why don't we form a bond now!Xu Liuqin thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to let Guan Twelve fly down, but Guan Twelve didn't even move when he found a place where he could practice!
In desperation, Xu Liuqin had no choice but to persuade her:
"Let's come down and finish the contract first, and then you can stay as long as you want."

Guan Twelve, whose practice was interrupted, was expressionless.

contract?What contract?Did she agree! ? ?
 Qiqi is thinking about whether to make Twelve a human.

  Please give me your opinion.

  Unchanged 2
  Then the ticket is also given
(End of this chapter)

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