The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 298 Fairy Demon

Those of the Zhao family didn't understand these tricks at first, and now they are even more tortured by ghosts!Now this is a famous demon extermination master hundreds of years ago, his words are imperial edicts!
Several people disagreed, and by the way, Grandpa Zhao also invited Chen Yueye to stay!

Chen Yueye nodded, and then followed Zhao Ziruo to his residence!

On the way, Zhao Ziruo kept secretly looking at the man beside her, although she knew that the man in front of her was hundreds of years old!However, he didn't seem to be able to tell at all, and besides, Master Zai San is a fairy!If you can fall in love with a fairy or something!

Zhao Ziruo covered his face shyly, he didn't dare to think about it! !

Zhao Ziruo was covered in pink bubbles, while Chen Yueye was wondering what Guan Twelve was doing now.

His little butterfly has been running around since he came to this town. She said he was looking for her enemy.

To be honest, it was hard for Chen Yueye to believe that a butterfly would have any enemies.

Then why is she running out all the time?
"Then...the master..." Chen Yueye was still thinking about it, but Zhao Ziruo suddenly spoke at this moment, his voice soft and shy.

Chen Yueye returned to her senses when she heard the voice, and then turned to look at the little girl beside her. The little girl blushed and pointed to the room in front of her and said, "This is the room where the master lives."

"Thank you." Chen Yueye nodded, opened the door and was about to go in, Zhao Ziruo stopped him at this moment, Chen Yueye turned around and saw the little girl Hong Ze's face and said:

"Then...well, if you need help with anything, I...I can help." Zhao Ziruo pursed his lips and looked at the handsome man in front of him very nervously.

"..." As a Demon Lord, Chen Yueye didn't feel that she had to rely on a little mortal girl who had no cultivation level at sixteen or seventeen to help him.

"No need." Chen Yueye smiled perfunctorily, he walked in, and before Zhao Ziruo could say anything else, he closed the door with a snap.

Zhao Ziruo didn't have time to take her outstretched hand back. She looked at the closed door in front of her and pursed her lips. She couldn't help but feel lost, but when she turned around, she saw a young man with his hands on his hips, a face full of fun, teasing road:
"Yoyo~ Isn't this our Miss Zhao, who even the young master of the Li family doesn't like, so I like this type of person."

"Zhao Zihong! Don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Ziruo glared at the young man in front of him.

Zhao Zihong is the son of Grandpa Zhao and the younger brother of Zhao Ziruo.

"I'm talking nonsense? Heh! Your face is going to stick to other people's. You blushed even redder than that peach blossom, and you said nothing!" Zhao Zihong snorted coldly, Zhao Ziruo blushed when he said what he said, but he had no way to refute !
She opened and closed her mouth angrily, unable to utter a rebuttal several times!

"It's just a pity that people look down on you. He is a person who existed hundreds of years ago. He is hundreds of years old. You actually like older people!"

"I...I don't like older people! I just..." Zhao Ziruo was about to explain, but Zhao Zihong was speechless.

"He's a cultivator, do you think a cultivator would stay with mortals like us?"

After he finished speaking, he saw his silly sister standing there at a loss.

Zhao Zihong snorted coldly, then turned around and left!
He was just reminding Zhao Ziruo not to think about those unrealistic things. If everyone knew about it because of this, it would embarrass the Zhao family.

In the evening, Chen Yueye sat cross-legged on the bed to practice. The courtyard was very smelly and suitable for him to practice.

As for Guan Twelve, although Chen Yueye cared, she also knew that there was no one in this town who could pose a threat to her. After all, she was the Lingdie King, and as long as bastards like Bai Yulou were not around, there would be no danger.

Then why is he still worried?
Cultivating quickly is more useful than anything else!

After practicing all night, Chen Yueye heard a knock on the door before she got up.

Chenyue Ye: ...

Chen Yueye got up to open the door, but when she opened the door, she saw a little girl like a peach blossom, her eyes lit up when she saw him, it was Zhao Ziruo, and she was holding a plate with food on it.

"Uh... Master! Good morning, you haven't eaten yet, I made this..."

"No, I'm bigu." Chen Yueye rejected Zhao Ziruo's kindness with a cold face.

Zhao Ziruo was stunned.

I was a little at a loss where I was frozen.

She is just a peach blossom, delicate and lovely, doesn't care about world affairs, doesn't understand anything, just like the woman who drugged him, he just likes this type!

In other words, people who have not been in the dark and experienced endless malice will not be attracted to such a person!

So did he, but then!
That little girl who didn't even dare to kill a chicken in his opinion dared to drug him for her so-called master!

She rightly thought he was evil!Or she didn't think so, but it was true that she hurt him!
damn it!A woman who dared not kill a chicken actually wanted to kill him so she drugged him!
The more Chen Yueye thought about it, the more angry she became!
So I don't have a good face towards Zhao Ziruo!
Not as good as his blunt and outrageous little butterfly!
Chen Yueye closed the door again, Zhao Ziruo was outside in the sun, pursed his lips, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned and left, and saw Zhao Zihong leaning on the tree trunk next to him, looking at her with his legs crossed:
"Are you shut out again? Heh, you really persevere. People obviously don't like you. Why do you want to put your face on your face and your ass? Are you cheap?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Mother saw that the master didn't come to eat, and she was afraid that he would be hungry, so she asked me to deliver the food. Don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Ziruo retorted with his eyes wide open!
It's just that her reaction was really strong, and Zhao Zihong wanted to laugh at the way she tried to hide it!
Of course he knew that it was the second wife who asked Zhao Ziruo to come. Er'eniang was Zhao Ziruo's biological mother, and Zhao Zihong was the child of the eldest wife of the main house. Because she gave birth to a girl and the eldest wife gave birth to a boy, she was anxious for fear of falling out of favor, so Eager to prove his own value, and Zhao Ziruo's value, he and the eldest lady can't deal with it!
Seeing her daughter fell in love with a fairy now, she couldn't wish Zhao Ziruo to marry that man!
After all, getting married with an immortal is something that ordinary people dare not even think about!That's all about Guangzong Yaozu!If Zhao Ziruo is really with that one again and again!Then her status will rise in a straight line!Will also be loved by grandpa!That's why she secretly matched the two of them!

It's just a pity that her wishful thinking was wrong, even he could see that that man didn't like Zhao Ziruo at all!

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