The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 299 Fairy Demon

After getting ready, Xu Liuqin and the others are also going to investigate things in the town. For the sake of efficiency, they choose to act separately!

Xu Liuqin was walking alone on the street, he was not bad in appearance, although he couldn't catch up with Chen Yueye's evildoer, but he was still classy, ​​plus his features were like stars, he was a handsome young man, many girls fell in love with him along the way Secret promise!Throw a purse at him!

Xu Liuqin was beaten all the way, but he didn't dare to pick it up. After all, if he did, he was going to marry this girl.

As a cultivator of immortals, Xu Liuqin naturally wouldn't have any mortal love, even if he wanted a partner, he had to find a Taoist couple who could practice both. How could he marry a mortal!
What's more, he didn't have such thoughts at all.

Although his question was not smooth, but fortunately he also got useful information:
"Strange things in the town? When it comes to strange things, it must be Grandpa Zhao's house. In this section, their family has the most dead people in the town!"

Xu Liuqin heard the news from the rice peddler, locked on the target, and took his younger brother to Grandpa Zhao's house.

Guan Twelve looked over Xu Liuqin's head, heh, isn't this the one that Chen Yueye knocked on the door yesterday?
Xu Liuqin stepped forward and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened and a head poked out from inside. Guan Twelve took a look. It was the same person from last night.

"Sorry to bother you. We are disciples of Shengxianmen. I am Xu Liuqin. I heard that strange things have happened frequently in this mansion, so I came here to see if I can help."

Xu Liuqin clasped his fists with both hands, and the upright look stunned that person, and then he asked cautiously, "Sheng Xianmen?"

Xu Liuqin nodded and replied, "Exactly!"

"Wait...wait a moment!" It was obvious that the person had heard about Shengxianmen, and he was very excited!
After saying this, he closed the door.

Xu Liuqin, who was rejected, laughed, then turned around and said to the dissatisfied juniors, "Wait for a while."

The juniors pursed their lips and nodded.

Xu Liuqin suddenly thought of the Lingdie above his head, and reached out to take her down.

Guan Twelve, whose practice was suddenly interrupted, looked at the handsome face in front of him expressionlessly: What the hell are you doing?
The spirit butterfly in his palm was motionless, but Xu Liuqin could feel its emotions, it seemed unhappy.

Maybe I was disturbed.

"Sorry, I was just afraid you would fall."

Xu Liuqin hastily apologized, for fear of offending Lingdie.

Officer Twelve: ... What are you kidding, I can fly!

Guan Twelve had no expression on his face, he flapped his wings and flew up, and flew to the top of his head again.

Sensing Guan Twelve's emotions, Xu Liuqin couldn't help but smile.

He found that this spirit butterfly is very human and can get angry, but after getting angry and throwing a temper tantrum, it just ignores you, which is a bit childish.

Xu Liuqin couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong, brother?" The disciple next to him started to giggle after seeing his brother fiddle with the butterfly above his head, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"No... nothing."

Xu Liuqin immediately realized his gaffe, coughed twice, and at this moment, the door opened.

The people inside invited them in very respectfully. After entering the hall, they saw that everyone was standing, and the only person who was sitting was sitting on the right seat at the moment, drinking tea, looking very comfortable.

"It's you..." Xu Liuqin looked at that face that he was not unfamiliar with, that monstrous face and that disobedient aura were really hard to forget!

What Chen Yueye noticed was the butterfly above his head.

Isn't that his little butterfly?How did you run over people's heads?

Chen Yueye frowned, and signaled Guan Twelve with her eyes to come quickly!

The twelve officials didn't care about him, so what were they doing in the past?A corpse-like guy!It didn't help her cultivation at all, and it made her feel bad!

Why did she want to go there really!
Guan Twelve flapped his wings, and just when Chen Yueye thought she was coming over, she just turned around and pointed her ass directly at him...

Chen Yueye: ...this wayward little butterfly! !

Xu Liuqin also noticed the way Chen Yueye was gnashing his teeth, and then found that he was staring at the top of his head...well, or a certain creature on top of his head!

This really belonged to him. It seemed that the two of them had a falling out, although they didn't know the reason. would be great for her not to go back and choose to follow him.

"..." Chen Yueye didn't feel that Guan Twelve was angry, of course he knew what Lingdie relied on, she needed spiritual power, the spiritual power of a pure immortal cultivator to improve herself.

I am full of the breath of the demon world, and I don't like Lingdie at all, and I won't provide her with any help in cultivation.That's why Guan Twelve chose to stand on top of Xu Liuqin to practice!

Although he knew the truth, Chen Yueye was still upset. As a Demon Lord, he was very possessive!He already regarded Guan Twelve as his property, so when Guan Twelve was around others, even if he knew the reason, he still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to blame Guan Twelve, after all, between them, she was the master and he was the servant.

Thinking of this contract, Chen Yueye became even more restless.

Damn it, he must find a way to cancel this contract!

Then make another one!
At that time, this little butterfly will be a servant! !

Chen Yueye was expressionless.

And when Grandpa Zhao saw Xu Liuqin over there, they immediately burst into joy!

This is Shengxianmen!In the past few years, Shengxianmen's reputation has grown!Everyone knows about Shengxianmen!I am also proud to be able to practice here!

This is the fairy gate that defeated the legendary demon king!In the hundreds of years, which fairy sect has defeated the Mozun?
And Shengxianmen is the first in hundreds of years!
Such an honor naturally increased the reputation of Shengxianmen!
Now people from Shengxianmen are willing to help him solve his difficulties!What could be more enjoyable than this!

"All the immortals have come to my humble house, it really makes this place flourish!" Grandpa Zhao smiled flatteringly at Xu Liuqin and the others!

Xu Liuqin smiled and expressed his appreciation.

Then he introduced Chen Yueye to Xu Liuqin. When they heard that Chen Yueye was the exorcist hundreds of years ago, Xu Liuqin and the others were stunned for a moment. A hundred years ago, he dealt with the thousand-year-old Demon Cultivator by himself, Zaisai!
"It turned out to be Master Zaisan, but I didn't recognize it at the first time, so I still look at Haihan!" Xu Liuqin's attitude suddenly became respectful!

Who would have thought that Xu Liuqin, an outer disciple of Shengxianmen, would be Master Zaisan's number one fan!

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