The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 300 Fairy Demon

Chapter 300 Fairy Demon (12)

"I think so. If you knew me, you wouldn't steal my things." Chen Yueye smiled pointedly.

Xu Liuqin: ...

"I think a spiritual creature should choose its own master." Xu Liuqin naturally knew what Chen Yueye was talking about, but unfortunately, he also liked this spirit butterfly very much, and this spirit butterfly chose him, then He won't let go!
Chen Yueye almost laughed angrily when she heard this!
What the hell!Does this make sense to him?

How dare a 300-year-old disciple from the outer sect of the Shengxian Sect talk about the truth with him, a demon who has lived for more than [-] years?

Times have really changed. If his dantian hadn't been shattered, if his cultivation was still there, this kid would have turned into blood and lay on the floor by now!
But he was wrong about something, the relationship between him and Guan Twelve, but, sure enough.

Or does he look more like the master, and has the aura of the master, doesn't he?

Thinking about Chen Yueye's mood immediately improved.

"Eh? Both of you, why don't we go and see that tree first?" Grandpa Zhao has lived for so many years. From the conversation between the two of them, he can hear that the relationship between the two is not good. Although he doesn't know the reason, But now is not the time to talk.

After Xu Liuqin heard it, he remembered their purpose of coming here.

So a few people came under the peach blossom tree that Chen Yueye observed yesterday!

Xu Liuqin could tell at a glance that this peach blossom tree was unusual, it was surrounded by ghosts!Obviously, it is going to become a demon!And it's a big monster of hundreds of years!

When Guan Twelve saw the peach blossom tree, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it!
Groove!This is a player? !
Guan Twelve rubbed his eyes and looked and looked unsure!
That health bar is the player's health bar!Nima!After searching for so long, I finally met the second player!

Guan Twelve was about to cry!

But something is wrong!Didn't the player become an animal?What's up with this tree?

Guan Twelve narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully observed the tree, and finally found something wrong!This... Although it is the player's blood bar, this tree is not a player!
Then there is only one possibility, a player has formed a bond with it, so it will have the player's blood bar!
Thinking of this possibility, Guan Twelve flew directly towards Chen Yueye regardless of whether he cultivated or not!
Seeing Guan Twelve flying up, Xu Liuqin was about to reach out to catch it, only to find that Guan Twelve was flying towards Chen Yueye.

When Chen Yueye saw Guan Twelve flying towards him, he stretched out his hand habitually, and the butterfly landed on his fingertips.

Chen Yueye raised his eyebrows, he was still wondering why Guan Twelve flew over suddenly, but he heard Guan Twelve say to him: "That peach tree is my enemy, kill him."

Chen Yueye: ...? ? ?
enemy? ?
The corner of Chen Yueye's mouth twitched, so why are they enemies?

"Can I ask what he did?"

Is it robbing your soil of fertilizers? ?
"Don't ask what you shouldn't, just kill it!" Guan Twelve was extremely indifferent!She is one word!kill it!

Guan Twelve's straightforward and decisive character deeply attracted Chen Yueye, this cold, clean killing of the enemy was just like him, making his blood boil!

Order!My master.

Chen Yueye raised the corners of her lips, and the blood all over her body was agitated!But he also clearly knew his current strength, so he took out a fire bag and threw it out without hesitation!
This move shocked everyone!
Even Guan Twelve's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that this guy's way of killing others was so simple and concise!
Xu Liuqin looked at the peach blossom tree that was on fire, swallowed in disbelief, then turned around and was about to say something to Chen Yueye, when the peach blossom tree suddenly moved!
Even the ground began to tremble!
The members of the Zhao family trembled in fright and took a few steps back!
Even Zhao Zihong retreated subconsciously. He tightly protected his mother!
And Zhao Ziruo looked at Chen Yueye, she screamed in fright, but Chen Yueye didn't care about her at all, so she walked over cautiously, stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

This caught Chen Yueye's attention. When Chen Yueye looked at her, Zhao Ziruo trembled all over, and his little face turned pale with fright!

"Then...well, master, can you...can you protect me?"

Guan Twelve took a look at the little girl, she was quite lovely in appearance, she was a beauty, she never thought that such a peach blossom would come to Chen Yueye just because she didn't watch her all night.

"You have so many peach blossoms." Thinking of this, Guan Twelve couldn't help but tease.

"Peach blossom? It's just rotten peach blossom." Chen Yueye sneered, then suddenly thought of something, and asked with a smile: "Are you jealous, little butterfly?"

"...Don't let that impossible fart go?"

Guan Twelve turned back blankly!

Chen Yueye: ...his little butterfly has such an explosive temper...

"Master..." Seeing that Chen Yueye had been ignoring him, Zhao Ziruo just stared at the butterfly in the middle, pursed his lips, feeling very unhappy in his heart!What a sight to see with that butterfly!

But a butterfly!How can I not see it!
Why do you keep giving it so many eyes!
"You're so annoying, can you stay away from me?" It should be said or not, people like Chen Yueye have stayed with Guan Twelve for a long time, and it is easy to infect this unreasonable and straightforward personality!

Zhao Ziruo is a great beauty anyway, and is also sought after by people in the town. How can he be treated like this by a man? !

Immediately felt wronged!
Tears flowed out all at once, she shed tears, and stubbornly opened her eyes wide, looking at Chen Yueye, her eyes seemed to say that I would never admit defeat, but you think I'm cute to coax me!
Chen Yueye: ...fucking crazy!
Chen Yueye is getting more and more annoyed by this character now!

There is no way, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of well ropes!
Chen Yueye really dare not like this type now, and even hates it very much!
So Chen Yueye still didn't have a good face, and directly threw Zhao Ziruo away with one sleeve!
Zhao Ziruo was taken aback, and couldn't help crying out!The whole person fell to the ground!
Xu Liuqin, a gentleman, couldn't bear it and hurried to help him.

"Are you okay?" Xu Liuqin asked softly.

"Master Wuwu..." Zhao Ziruo's voice was soft and aggrieved.

Xu Liuqin couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body!

What the hell is going on, I really want to throw this thing in my hand? ?
"It's dangerous here, step back and leave it to us." Xu Liuqin resisted the urge to throw her out, and then said to her.

(End of this chapter)

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