The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 304 Fairy Demon

A carriage was driving slowly on the forest path, and the horse pulling it was a white phantom beast horse, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this phantom beast was not an ordinary phantom beast, it was transformed from a spirit butterfly!
And inside the carriage, Chen Yueye leisurely crossed his legs and hummed a song!
Occasionally, she even teases the little butterfly on her fingertips!

He was suddenly awakened by someone during the rest of Officer Twelve!She looked at the culprit who disturbed her dream with a blank face!

"What are you doing?" Guan Twelve asked expressionlessly.

"It's okay." Chen Yueye replied with a smile.

Officer Twelve: Fucking crazy!

Seeing the little butterfly turning over and ignoring herself, the corners of Chen Yueye's lips couldn't stop rising!

He hasn't seen such an interesting guy in a long time!
She is said to be kind, but she doesn't change her face when she kills and sets fire. When she says that she will be killed, it is as normal as saying that the weather is today!
But she is cruel and she is not addicted to killing, and her temper is not bad, even her actions and words are very gentle, I feel that she has no temper!easy-going
So he was very curious, what kind of character is Guan Twelve!

"Where are we going?" After resting, Guan Twelve flapped his wings twice, and finally asked that question.

"We've already walked halfway, is it too late for you to ask now?" Chen Yueye was taken aback for a moment, then smiled "puhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"You can't kill me." Guan Twelve replied indifferently!

Chen Yueye's current strength is nothing compared to Guan Twelve!It is not a threat at all, and besides the master-servant contract signed by the two of them now, if Chen Yueye has any bad thoughts towards her, she can feel it!
So afraid of chicken feathers? !

Chen Yueye couldn't refute, so she could only smile.

Then he told Guan Twelve about the destination this time: "There is a spiritual spring in the endless desert. The spiritual spring nourishes a thousand-year-old lotus. When the lotus blooms, a panacea will appear. This panacea contains thousands of years of water. Reiki, if you eat it, you might turn into a human form..."

As soon as Chen Yueye finished speaking, he saw that little butterfly was very excited!Because her wings are plopping and flying fast!
You can tell it's exciting just by looking at it!
Of course Guan Twelve was excited!This can be turned into a human form!She wants to become a human even in her dreams, now!
The figure of the female player had a huge impact on Guan Twelve!

She is sour!It's really sour!She really wanted to become a human! !

"Is what you said true?"

Guan Twelve still couldn't believe it and asked.

"I heard it's true. No matter what, this is the fastest way for you to become a human so far."

Chen Yueye looked at her little butterfly, flying around excitedly!

She really wants to change human form!

And he is also very curious, what will the little butterfly look like when it becomes a human!
Chen Yueye thought of that spider turning into a human... Well, it shouldn't be too bad!

Because the destination is the desert, Chen Yueye bought a lot of dry food and water on the way!The scenery on both sides has also slowly changed from prosperity to barrenness!Soon to the barren land!

This is called the boundary, the boundary between the endless desert and the normal environment, and here, there is an inn called the Endless Inn!

Today, the occupancy rate of Endless Inn is surprisingly high!
The purpose of all the guests here is for the legendary panacea!

When Chen Yueye came, he bought the last upper room, and now, he sat by the window of the room and looked down at the boss downstairs, telling the new traveler that there is no holiday now, and he can only live in the Majiaohou if he wants to live. The two chose to live in the Majiao.

Or you have to say Lingbao is attractive!I would rather live in a horse cellar and go in.

Chen Yueye sighed deeply, thanking herself for coming early.

The horse runs fast!

But what makes him more concerned is...

Chen Yueye looked at the disciples of the three sects sitting at the tables below!

One of them belonged to his old acquaintance Sheng Xianmen, and the other wore red clothes, which should belong to Wan Jianzong. Qingmen!
These three sects are currently the most famous in the world of cultivating immortals. Chen Yueye felt a little tricky looking at them!
Fortunately, those elders did not come
Just as Chen Yueye thought about it, she saw two people walking in from the door. Those two were handsome men and beautiful women. The man was dressed in a white robe, holy and cool, with picturesque features, and looked like a fairy who wanted nothing. The woman wore a pink peach blossom gradient skirt. , with a slender figure, full of vitality, looks as pink and tender as a peach blossom!Standing together, these two people are like a married couple, perfectly matched!

Chen Yueye looked at the two people but subconsciously closed the window, the movement attracted the man's attention, he looked up at the closed window.

"Master, what are you looking at?" The girl's lively and lovely voice drew back the man's sight, and the man looked at the girl with tender eyes, and he said, "It's nothing."

"My lord!" Xu Liuqin got up immediately when he saw the people coming, and the other disciples of the Shengxianmen also got up. The others were taken aback when they saw these two people, and then widened their eyes, completely in disbelief!

"Hey, he won't be that one."

"That temperament, you can't go wrong."

"Sure enough, he is the one in the legend"

Chen Yueye leaned against the closed window to look at Guan Twelve, and said with a wry smile: "It's over, that guy is here too."

"Who?" Guan Twelve was a little confused. Is there anyone in this world who can scare him?
"The only Supreme Master of the Shengxian Sect!"

"The one who defeated the Black Shadow Demon Venerable."

"The White Jade Supreme!!"

There was a lot of noise downstairs!
And upstairs.
"That's Baiyulou!" Chen Yueye quietly opened the window and pointed it out to Guan Twelve!

Guan Twelve looked over, so he couldn't help but blind himself!So... so white!
That man is so white!The whole body is white!It's all spiritual power!This man is surrounded by spiritual power! !

Guan Twelve was about to cry! !

He really deserves to be the legendary White Jade Supreme Master!Although he didn't release spiritual power, Lingdie is very sensitive to spiritual power, this man!Must have the cultivation base of the transformation stage!

That's all edible!
Guan Twelve said that he was going to cry!
"You like him very much?"

Chen Yueye looked at her little butterfly and saw the wings fluttering fast behind Bai Yulou!Excited!

"Yes, I like it." Guan Twelve nodded almost without hesitation!

"It's useless if you like it. That man only has his little apprentice in his heart. You are a fairy who has turned into a butterfly. He is such an "upright" man, he will not like you." Chen Yueye sneered, annoyed The rancor!

Officer Twelve: ...What nonsense are you talking about?

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