The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 305 Fairy Demon

The player looked at the Mozun who was clearly in a bad mood, and was speechless.

"Are you jealous?" Guan Twelve couldn't help asking!
Chen Yueye subconsciously wanted to refute, but then he suddenly wondered how Guan Twelve would react if he answered yes, so he nodded and said:
"Yes, I'm jealous, what should you do?"

"What should I do? What does your jealousy have to do with me?"

The player's tone was very speechless, even disgusting.

This girl is sick!

"... What you said really makes people sad." Chen Yueye took a deep breath, and almost didn't come up in one breath. He, a little butterfly, is really too straightforward!
"If you like him, then cancel the contract with me and make a contract with him. You should be able to do so. The master wants to cancel it, but it's just a matter of hands." Chen Yueye went to the bed and lay down, put her hands on the back of her head, He swayed with Erlang's legs crossed, as if he didn't care.

But it doesn't matter if it's true or not, only he knows it!
"I won't form a bond with him, you are the only one who will form a bond with me." Guan Twelve reluctantly looked at Bai Yulou outside, just as Chen Yueye said, Bai Yulou's eyes followed the girl beside him all the time body, never left!

Guan Twelve, who had seen enough, closed the window, then turned around and flew to Chen Yueye. When Chen Yueye heard it, his dangling legs paused, and then he slowly got up and looked at the little butterfly in front of him, with scrutiny in his eyes:
"Why? As a spiritual butterfly, don't you like this kind of person with spiritual power the most?"

"Now the highest immortal cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals is in front of you, why don't you follow him instead rely on me, a demon cultivator like me?"

Chen Yueye's tone was very bad!It can even be said to be impatient and impatient!
He had never talked to Guan Twelve like this before, and it was also the first time he talked to her like this!
He was unwilling, afraid, and tempting!

During this period of getting along, Chen Yueye knew that Guan Twelve already had a place in his heart, and he also accepted Guan Twelve as his little butterfly!

Moreover, Guan Twelve's personality is very similar to him, and sometimes he is a little cute.

Let Chen Yueye like it tightly.

Maybe he likes this little butterfly in his heart.

But Guan Twelve is too erratic!
She is lukewarm to herself, the contract between two people is the only bond between two people, but this bond is very fragile, if Guan Twelve needs it, she can release it at any time!And with his current strength, he couldn't do anything to Guan Twelve.

He can't beat Guan Twelve. This is a fact that Chen Yueye has to admit now. Although he has an inextinguishable fire, he only has an inextinguishable fire. Lingdie's powerful illusion ability makes them few opponents, and even more so. Not to mention the Spirit Butterfly King who can summon tens of thousands of spirit butterflies!

Chen Yueye needs Guan Twelve's ability and her strength, and hopefully she will always be by his side!

But... he has no attraction to Guan Twelve, and he even said that Guan Twelve doesn't like himself at all, and he is of no benefit to others. He cultivates demons, and Guan Twelve can't practice together with him. If he As the official twelfth, he will definitely choose the one that is beneficial to him.

It's definitely not someone like him who doesn't have any help and whose cultivation level is not as high as his own!

So Chen Yueye was very worried!I'm really worried!
Guan Twelve didn't know what Chen Yueye was thinking, she was very helpless, she wanted to curse and thought about it but felt very speechless!

"Are you a demon?"

Chen Yueye had a meal, and her thoughts were interrupted.

"Does the Demon Lord think as much about what you say?"

"What?" Guan Twelve's words were so sudden that Chen Yueye didn't turn his head around for a while!

"...I won't go with anyone else. I chose you, and I can only be you in this life. Unless you die, I won't change people, you know?" Guan Twelve suddenly felt very tired. She took a deep breath and let it out, then helplessly explained to Chen Yueye!
Of course, the latter sentence "I'll die if you die" was not uttered!
After hearing Guan Twelve's words, Chen Yueye still didn't feel relieved, but his heart was not so sad, or he felt much more comfortable, he looked at the little butterfly in front of him!

He knew that his little butterfly was upright and would not lie, so what she said must be true.

But it's true that Chen Yueye is unsteady!

It seems that the matter of finding a way to change the identities of both parties to the contract is about to be put on the agenda!

The arrival of Baiyulou made the atmosphere of the entire inn depressed!

Although the people here are all cultivating immortals, it is obvious that their goal is the same!That is the Millennium Panacea!
This also means that they are enemies!
Now there is an existence as strong as a bug in the enemy team!Then these ordinary players are still playing ass? ? !
The thoughts of those people downstairs, those upstairs don’t know, now that there are so many cultivators downstairs, and there is Baiyulou, Chen Yueye dare not practice, can only lie down, but can’t sleep, so I chat with Guan Twelve !
Talk about something!

"Twelve, do you think you will be beautiful if you become a human?"

"Twelve, how old are you?"

"Twelve, have you not had a male spirit butterfly like you for so long?"

"Why is it necessary for me to be twelve? Is there any reason why it is difficult to fight?"



Chen Yueye was beeping so much that he was going to annoy Guan Twelve to death.

No, I'm tired of official Twelve already.

The annoying Guan Twelve flapped his wings and flew out!

This room is so noisy!

Guan Twelve flew out along the window regardless of Chen Yueye, but just after flying out of the inn, he saw a man with a white jade figure stepping on the moon!

Officer Twelve: It's the luminous body! !
Guan Twelve watched the Baiyulou slowly fall to the ground, his face was white, cold and arrogant, his thin lips were colorless, he looked like a fairy who had no desires or desires!

He and Chen Yueye are completely the opposite type!

Chen Yueye is proud and arrogant, and she has that ruthless and arrogant look all over her body!The arrogance and arrogance in the bones!

She looks evil, and her temperament is also evil!

Like a peony, yes, I am a peony that is killed by flowers after it blooms!
And Baiyulou is more like snow lotus!On the snow mountain, the snow lotus who doesn't care about the world, doesn't smell the fireworks, is cold and arrogant!

They are all beauties!
Guan Twelve sighed in his heart.

Here the player is looking at the NPC, and the NPC is also looking at the player!

Bai Yulou saw the butterfly in front of him as soon as he landed.

The little butterfly in front of him exudes a white light in the dark desert!It is pure and clean all over!Full of spirit!
Such a creature, Bai Yulou can easily guess, this is the legendary spirit butterfly!

It stands to reason that the spirit butterfly should be in the forest or Tianchi, why did it appear in this barren desert?
Bai Yulou felt confused.

And Guan Twelve had already flown over slowly.

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