The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 306 Fairy Demon

Chapter 306 Fairy Demon (18)

Bai Yulou looked at the spirit butterfly flying towards him. When such a creature appeared in this place, Bai Yulou immediately became vigilant!

Release the spiritual pressure to pressure Guan Twelve!

Under pressure, Guan Twelve couldn't fly over!There seemed to be a gust of wind in front of her, blocking her progress!

what is this?
Guan Twelve tried hard, but found that he couldn't fly over!
Officer Twelve: ... so fucking angry!

The player silently took a few steps back and then rushed over with the released spiritual power!Bai Yulou's pupils shrank, and just as he was about to stretch out his hand, he suddenly found a gap in the spiritual pressure in front of him!Then the spirit butterfly flew towards him directly!
Bai Yulou was just about to take out the accessories!It turned out that the spirit butterfly landed on top of his head, and then stopped moving...

Bai Yulou withdrew his saber, it seemed harmless...

Bai Yulou was silent for a while and was about to reach out to take down Guan Twelve when a cheerful female voice came with footsteps: "Master! Where have you been?"

Guan Twelve looked over and saw that it was the girl who was with Bai Yulou, she was a disciple of Bai Yulou, the only closed disciple, Zhao Linglong.

Zhao Linglong ran over, like a cheerful little butterfly, and stopped in front of Baiyulou!She raised her head slightly to look at Bai Yulou, the little deer's eyes are so cute!

"Linglong, I just went out for a while, so why are you still outside?"

Bai Yulou's tone was cold, his words were as cold as others, but the tenderness in his eyes was real.

He treats his apprentice differently!
Zhao Linglong said "hmph", then stepped forward and hugged Bai Yulou's right arm, swaying affectionately and coquettishly:
"Master~ People are just worried about you~ Don't be angry, okay~"

That voice is soft and cute!Even Guan Twelve, a woman, couldn't bear it, let alone Bai Yulou.

Sure enough, Bai Yulou's eyes were a little dazed, then he pursed his lips and touched Zhao Linglong's head with the other hand, and said lightly:

"I'm not angry, go back, it's cold."

"Well, good master!"

Zhao Linglong smiled like a flower. At this time, she suddenly saw the butterfly above Bai Yulou's head, her eyes lit up, and she pointed at the player and asked, "Master, what is this butterfly? It's so beautiful!"

Seeing that his little apprentice was interested in Lingdie, Bai Yulou stretched out his hand to take him down, but before he touched him, Guan Twelve flew up and flew in front of Zhao Linglong!
Looking at the butterfly in front of me, which is only the size of a fingernail, exuding aura, the whole body glows beautifully!

Zhao Linglong was stunned, and subconsciously stretched out her hand.

Guan Twelve looked at the girl in front of him. Although her spiritual power was not high, she was very clean. To put it bluntly, she was the kind of innocence that didn't care about worldly affairs!
Lingdie likes all beautiful things, and simplicity is one of them!
But simple... I like it, but it's useless.

Guan Twelve glanced at it and ignored it, turned around and continued to fly to the top of Baiyulou and landed.

Zhao Linglong paused for a moment with her outstretched fingertips, then she pursed her lips, returned her hand with some frustration, and said with a wry smile:

"It doesn't look like it likes me."

"No one will be liked by everyone, Linglong." Bai Yulou watched his little apprentice lose his mind, he was silent for a while and then said softly.

Bai Yulou, who has been on the road of cultivation all his life without any desire or desire, doesn't value these things!He lives very transparently.

But he found that his apprentice didn't have the same realm as him. Thinking about it, she was just a teenage girl.

And what he has to do is to teach her.

"Linglong knows, she just... envies Master, why does Master always like these cute little things?"

Zhao Linglong pursed her lips and sighed, and said.

Bai Yulou rubbed her head and didn't say anything.

The two of them went back upstairs, Bai Yulou reserved two rooms, now it is rumored that he has an improper relationship with his little apprentice, he should also pay attention!
But Zhao Linglong is used to living with Bai Yulou, and now she is not used to living alone, mainly because she hates being alone!When she was a mortal, she lived alone, but now Bai Yulou is the only person she can rely on, so she is very close to Bai Yulou!

Zhao Linglong was brought up by Bai Yulou back to Shengxianmen when she was very young. When she was in Shengxianmen, she slept with Baiyulou until now, although Baiyulou refused to follow her when she was older. She slept in the same bed, but she couldn't stand her soft-heartedness, so she followed her!

Let her sleep separately from her master now!She is scared!Especially with the strong wind blowing outside!The blowing windows are rustling!
So in the middle of the night, Zhao Linglong quietly walked to Baiyulou's room, gently opened the door, and then looked at the person lying on the bed like a jade carving!
Zhao Linglong was a little dazed, this is her master who looks like a fairy!
He has always been so pure and pure...

Zhao Linglong pursed her lips to suppress the throbbing in her heart, then climbed onto Bai Yulou's bed with hands and feet, curled up in his arms, closed her eyes and smiled happily, and soon fell asleep!
The moment she fell asleep, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes!He looked down at the girl in his arms slightly!She sleeps very honestly and likes to curl up into a ball, just like a kitten!
Her personality is also like a kitten!

Bai Yulou stared at Zhao Linglong's fat baby face for a while, then closed his eyes and fell asleep!
And Guan Twelve, who witnessed all this: ...

This pair of masters and apprentices is really annoying!
Guan Twelve ignored these two people and sat on top of Baiyulou to practice!
Bai Yulou really deserves to be the strongest cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals!

The speed of cultivation by his side is directly increased by three times!
Ah, it would be great if I met Bai Yulou back then.
Guan Twelve looked at Bai Yulou, only to find that this girl's experience was secretly hugging Zhao Linglong!
Officer Twelve: It's better not to.

The types of NPCs that players are most afraid of binding are as follows: love and loyalty, loyalty, a white moonlight in my heart, and dog licking!
Among them, dog licking ranks first for a long time!

The dog licking NPC is so annoying!
This kind of NPC is really desperate to lick it!

The story of an NPC who directly killed the player in order to lick the goddess became popular in the game forum!
A wake-up call to the players!

The dog licking NPC can't have it!Absolutely not!
But now it seems that although Bai Yulou has not reached the level of licking Zhao Linglong, his love for her is already outrageous. According to the description of the effective script, in the future, it will be either be or he. !

In short, there is no good result for the players!

So. Daba! !
Guan Twelve directly denied Bai Yulou. In comparison, her talkative Chen Yueye, who had no ability to contradict her, would look much cuter.

(End of this chapter)

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