The End of Infinity Stream

Chapter 307 Fairy Demon

Chapter 307 Fairy Demon (19)

Early the next morning, Chen Yueye opened her eyes and found that her little butterfly hadn't come back, her expression turned cold all of a sudden.

Although he had no objection to Guan Twelve's leaving, it must have been too long!

Chen Yueye found that his desire to control Little Butterfly was getting stronger and stronger. He had no choice but to regard Little Butterfly as his own property.

And he has a strong desire to control!
By the way!He is also very patient!
Thinking that her own strength can't beat Guan Twelve at all, Chen Yueye can only swallow this breath, and the best way right now is to let Guan Twelve eat the elixir and become a human!

After the phantom beast turns into a human, no matter how high its cultivation level is, it will be cleared in an instant, and it will return to before liberation overnight!

As long as Guan Twelve is cleared!He also has a way to reverse the master-servant contract!

By the time.
Unknown emotions flashed in Chen Yueye's eyes, and now, he took out a cloak and wore it on his body, and put on a hat to cover his face!

If Bai Yulou is here, he will definitely recognize him. Right now, he still has to hide his identity to avoid causing trouble to himself!

Chen Yueye opened the door after making sure that she didn't have any aura of magic cultivator on her body, but just as she opened the door, a figure bumped into her!
Hao Xuan didn't knock off Chen Yueye's cloak, Chen Yueye quickly reached out and grabbed the brim of the hat, and then looked at the daredevil in front of him!
"I'm sorry, I'm just too anxious, are you okay?" The girl's innocent and lovely voice reached Chen Yueye's ears, she was always so cute!

If it was before, he would definitely put his arms around this girl's waist, but now...

Chen Yueye backed away blankly, then turned and left, but Zhao Linglong didn't intend to let him go!He grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Wait! I think you are very familiar. Have we met somewhere?"

Where have you seen it?

Chen Yueye sneered in her heart, as expected, he still couldn't let go of this woman!Now he really wants to kill this woman in front of him!
Chen Yueye turned around and was about to reach out her hand when Bai Yulou appeared, Chen Yueye abruptly withdrew her action!

It's so dangerous... He almost lost control!
"Linglong, what are you doing? Hurry up and let go!" Bai Yulou saw his little apprentice grab someone's sleeve as soon as he arrived, such an intimate gesture made him frown!
Looks like it's time to teach her the rules.

"Master, I just think he looks familiar, so I..." Zhao Linglong saw Bai Yulou's expression was wrong!Quickly let go of Chen Yueye, ran over and grabbed Bai Yulou's hand and explained coquettishly.


Bai Yulou looked at the well-behaved Zhao Linglong beside him, his eyebrows relaxed, and then he looked up at Chen Yueye, who was so tightly covered by the man's cloak that he couldn't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.

familiar? ?
Bai Yulou also vaguely sensed a familiar aura.

Like that... that should have died...

While Bai Yulou was observing, a butterfly flew past his eyes!The eyes of Bai Yulou and Zhao Linglong were drawn to each other in an instant!
They watched as the little white butterfly that was originally on top of Baiyulou slowly flew towards the mysterious man in the cloak!
Chen Yueye didn't expect that Guan Twelve would fly towards him at this time, but he stretched out his hand subconsciously, and saw the little butterfly gently land on Chen Yueye's fingertips.

And Zhao Linglong and the others watched, and the originally indifferent person suddenly exuded a gentle aura, yes it was gentle, although he couldn't see his face and expression, but the aura around him was true!

He really cares about this butterfly!

"Is this your spirit butterfly?" Zhao Linglong couldn't help asking when she saw this.

Chen Yueye ignored Zhao Linglong, looking at the little butterfly on his fingertips, he was in a great mood!

Guan Twelve flew from Baiyulou to his side at this time. Does this mean that she is showing her attitude and she is on his side?
Just thinking about it, Chen Yueye couldn't help feeling better!

Even looking at Bai Yulou feels pleasing to the eye... well, sorry, it's still not pleasing to the eye!
And Chen Yueye also guessed well, why Guan Twelve flew over from Baiyu Tower, one is to show his attitude to Chen Yueye, although she doesn't know why Chen Yueye is also a majestic Demon Lord and why he is so unconfident, but The child she chooses to raise needs to be pampered even on her knees!

The second is...she is so fucking scared!

The current Chen Yueye is as weak as a rookie, if Bai Yulou finds out his true colors!Will definitely be killed!She can't defeat Bai Yulou now, but at least she can save this rookie so that the two of them won't be together at that time!
"Let's go." Guan Twelve was really afraid that these two people would do it together!

Tell Chen Yueye to run away!
Chen Yueye doesn't plan to fight Bai Yulou and the others either!
So he turned around and left. Before he could take two more steps, Zhao Linglong grabbed the corner of his clothes again. Zhao Linglong blinked in confusion: "Why are you ignoring people?!"

Chenyue Ye: ...

Officer Twelve: ...

"I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to ask if this spirit butterfly is yours? Why didn't you answer me?" Zhao Linglong couldn't understand it!
More and more people came out at this time, and some people have begun to notice the situation here. After all, Zhao Linglong and Bai Yulou are very famous!

And Xu Liuqin also came out at this time. He saw his superior standing there, and walked over, only to find that his so-called senior sister actually grabbed a person's sleeve and wouldn't let go!
Immediately frowning!
As an immortal cultivator and the Shengxian sect known for its rules, Xu Liuqin takes the rules very seriously, and Zhao Linglong's behavior is already considered disrespectful!
What a disrespect!
But now that the master Bai Yulou is here, Xu Liuqin can't cross the line to remind him. He can only swallow his words, greet the two of them, and then ask Zhao Linglong what he is doing.

"I just asked him if that little butterfly belonged to him, but he ignored me at all!" Zhao Linglong was very wronged when she said this!

Xu Liuqin: ...What are you wronging? ?

Xu Liuqin really didn't understand Zhao Linglong's thoughts!He knew that his senior sister had been spoiled by the Master!Lawless, but they are all inside the sect, and they are all their own family members, so they are all used to her. Now it is impossible to go outside, so everything goes according to her will!

Those people from the Immortal Sect will be more or less obedient to Zhao Linglong because of Bai Yulou's relationship, but that doesn't mean everyone is.

Just like the one in front of her, if she doesn't talk to her, she just doesn't talk to her, why do you hold him back?
She is not a top elixir, not everyone likes it, and that top elixir is not liked by everyone!

Isn't it normal for someone to follow you and someone to ignore you?

Xu Liuqin really didn't understand, and was greatly shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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